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I found a better picture too.




KKK/Black Bouncer story.


So I was dressed as Moon Knight. Already slightly KKKish. Anyway I staggering around just before we were going to leave, walked passed the bouncer, and he said "Hold on" and he was sniggering. Two friends joined him (also black in skin tone) and the boncer said, "Can you make that more pointy?" and I was like "........" and he grabber the top of my hood and made it pointy. Then He pushed the tip of it down to cover my face, and they all cracked up.


It was nerving/hilarious.


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Skip to 1:25

It kinda went downhill from 1:30.


Who were you meant to be? More images though, of the girls. Not you.


I also think it's a shame those with some facial masks didn't wear them. That Mz. Marvel and the Mutant Turtle being main examples. Full facial masks I could understand, but it's not as if you'd get too warm under Mz. Marvels' eye cover.


Big respect for you lot going out like that in the daytime. This sort of shizzle only seems to happen at night.

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