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N-E Awards 2012


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So is there going to be a sub forum or threads per category, or do we just copy pasta all categories and vote in this thread?


However Magnus wants to do it.


When I did it, I did find it easier having separate threads but that could just be me.


@Magnus let me know how you want to set it up :)

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It's easier for the user, but not for the poor sod who has to compile it (in my experience anyway). When it's all separate, you can do a bit at a time. When it's all together, it's more overwhelming (even if just one person has voted since you checked that can be 20+ 'ticks' that you need to tally. Furthermore, separated out is easier to keep track when people change their mind.

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If people kept all their 'mind changes' to their original posts, one could lock the thread and simply go through tallying all the votes for each award.


Anyway, i don't really mind how it is done, i just think you might get more votes if you keep it in one thread. Either way is fine by me though!

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I was thinking of doing separate voting threads, but now Bob has made me doubt myself. Though I think Ashley made an excellent point when he said that separate threads would be easier for me, which I think is what matters most. :p

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If i start now, I can search through every post made in 2012 and count up which one got the most. Then my post proclaiming which one got the most thanks will get more thanks and you can give the award to me.


Hahaha! Theres a flaw in your masterplan...your post would be in 2013 so therefore ineligible

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Not eligible; legally or officially unable to be considered for a position or benefit.


unfit - unsuitable - unqualified


Precisely. Ineligible for the position of Best Post and ineligible for the benefit of kudos/praise it would elicit.

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