Daft Posted February 5, 2013 Author Posted February 5, 2013 (edited) I though the gameplay was great. Then again, Uncharted can even work extremely well even when the gamepaly isn't great - look at Golden Abyss. Okay, now I know you are insane. GA I'd argue has the best gameplay of the whole series. U3 not only removes the sprint functionality that is introduced in multiplayer but it has horrendously aggressive AI that are only slightly more immune to bullets than 50 Cent. I remember more often than a billion times just hunkering down in a corner of a room trying to stay alive only for the spawn point to switch and getting a shotgun up my rectum, only to restart the checkpoint - and that wave of enemy - across the room in the position the game intended me to be. No, you crazy. Edited February 5, 2013 by Daft Typopopopopoes
Captain Falcon Posted February 5, 2013 Posted February 5, 2013 Those specs just fall in line with what everyone with even half a clue suspected from the moment they first saw the Wii U in operation. It reads pretty grim for people expecting some mythical 2-3x power increase from the 360/PS3 and it seems to have gotten some idiots worked up but it just shows a lack of maturity and knowledge on their part. For everyone else, it just backs up initial suspicions and matches up with the rest of the specs which do just enough to get by - it was never designed for super high quality 1080p60 graphics. It was designed to match the existing machines as cheaply as possible whilst offering backwards compatability to the Wii - anything more would be a happy accident.
Hero-of-Time Posted February 5, 2013 Posted February 5, 2013 I wouldn't say so. I didn't like the Crash Bandicoot games, I didn't like the Jak games, Uncharted 1 was mediocre, 3 was too much, the only game they really nailed was Uncharted 2... and I'm beginning to think it might've been a fluke. Here's hoping, though... To be fair I wasn't a fan of Jak 2 & 3, but everything else Naughty Gods has done has been fantastic, IMO.
Jimbob Posted February 5, 2013 Posted February 5, 2013 I'm still falling in the category of no WiiU. And to be honest, i don't see myself getting one in the forseeable future. Mainly due to the fact my Wii has been sitting there gathering dust since E3 last year. I'm mosly on the 360 (if i do any gaming on days) or the 3DS. There are still factors which havn't been filled which will want me to get a WiiU, and that is there don't seem to be many games (if any) i fancy getting for it. Except Mario, and thats it. Until Pikmin 3 and other titles come out, and finances allow it, i probably won't get a WiiU. Just going to save up funds for the new Xbox
Grazza Posted February 5, 2013 Posted February 5, 2013 I do find it a bit limiting that you measure a console's worth by their true-and-tried franchises, and nothing else. It pisses me off in general, this tendency to only look at big budget "AAA games", which are inevitably part of an "AAA series". You know, stuff like Assassin's Creed, Final Fantasy, the 3D Zeldas or Metroid Prime. To be fair, there are only a few series that we know Nintendo will put the money and effort into - 3D Mario, Metroid and Zelda, to name three. If even those still... It's like how supermarkets have "loss leaders" - ie. a product that will draw people into the shop, then they make their money back on other things. Nintendo knows they have to spend money on making a decent Zelda, because that will make a lot of people buy the console, even if the actual game doesn't turn out to be one of their most profitable. What I'm saying is that there's a limit to how many Zelda-like or Metroid-like games they are prepared to make. If I see a really good game where you can explore 3D worlds I promise I will give it just as much chance as a Zelda. I just hope we do see a lot of games like that...
Jon Posted February 5, 2013 Posted February 5, 2013 I was tempted to get a Wii U simply because I hadn't bought a new console in so long. Then I looked at the games line up. Oh dear.
Rowan Posted February 5, 2013 Posted February 5, 2013 The Nintendo Direct talked about redefining the Zelda series with potential ideas such as co-op or it being more open world. Tbh I felt that that would have been a good opportunity to create a new IP to try out these new ideas instead of revamping Zelda which will probably divide the fans. Early days I know but I badly want Nintendo to try new IPs.
dwarf Posted February 5, 2013 Posted February 5, 2013 It's sad that Nintendo feels it has to appease the fans. Why do the fans always want the same thing, and what makes them right? Fans prohibit the visions of the creative talent. Give the developers some leeway and let them make something that wouldn't otherwise be made. Leave Zelda for a while longer. Screw $$$. Blind idealism.
Retro_Link Posted February 5, 2013 Posted February 5, 2013 ^ Honestly it seems to be Nintendo who are forcing endless Mario's and Zelda's on us lately, they seem to have completely forgotten their other franchises exist. Pissing me off tbh.
dwarf Posted February 5, 2013 Posted February 5, 2013 They used to love making games. So much love went into the '64 Zeldas. Now the passion has gone and it's factory production, box ticking, nostalgia tickling banality. Modern Zeldas are so shallow when compared with other contemporary adventure games.
ReZourceman Posted February 5, 2013 Posted February 5, 2013 Yeah. Basically. I really want LEGO City Undercover, but then....yeah....no. I recite my initial reaction to the Wii U. To explain; I expected a balls to the wall, amazing console with a NORMAL FUCKING CONTROLLER. Not a shit gimmick, because that is what the screen is and that fact is undeniable unless you are deluded. In fact....on reflection, this is the moment that Nintendo officially "lost" me. Haha, just made the lolstake of skipping into the "normal" Wii U thread. Just comedy. Nintendo issued some news today that more unannounced games will come this year........ ....Errrrr....I fucking hope so. They have barely announced anything. It should worry people more than console them. Lol. Console.
Jonnas Posted February 5, 2013 Posted February 5, 2013 To be fair, there are only a few series that we know Nintendo will put the money and effort into - 3D Mario, Metroid and Zelda, to name three. If even those still... My point is that there is more to a console or company than whatever is listed as their "Top Games". I know this started due to a Wii U comment, but it's mainly about what happened on the Wii. Going by some folks, Mario, Zelda and Metroid was all the console had. It's like declaring that the PS3 only has God of War, Metal Gear Solid and Uncharted. It's nothing short of being deliberately obtuse.
Daft Posted February 5, 2013 Author Posted February 5, 2013 ...And Infamous and LittleBigPlanet and Motorstorm and Resistance and quite a few other big and newly introduced IPs this generation.
ReZourceman Posted February 5, 2013 Posted February 5, 2013 To be fair Daft.....Nintendo have introduced some excellent franchises just for Wii. Wii Sports (mediocore as fuck minigames) Wii Fit (not a game. Also no.) Wii Music (........?) Kid Icarus reboot (no sarcastic comment as its awesome) Third parties have done some cool stuff. I think.
Jonnas Posted February 6, 2013 Posted February 6, 2013 ...And Infamous and LittleBigPlanet and Motorstorm and Resistance and quite a few other big and newly introduced IPs this generation. Well yeah, that's my point. The Wii has plenty of worthwhile games on it that got very little attention. Stuff like Excitetruck, De Blob and, to a lesser extent, Xenoblade. Other franchises like Wario Land, Kirby and Donkey Kong (which were offering something different than usual) also got comparatively little attention. And yet there were still comments that there wasn't anything besides Mario, Metroid, Zelda and Smash Bros. And now the Wii U's around, whatever, it is what it is, if Nintendo Land and ZombiU don't call out to you, fair enough. The same can be said about the upcoming games that have been shown so far. But then I see posts like Rowan's where he's basically ignoring what we know the Wii U has, and instead starts talking about games nobody literally knows anything about, as if it was the gospel that those are "the good games that are coming". Because those are the AAA games. And I know this is a widespread view. (Also, as an aside, is Motorstorm the game that couldn't be played on local multiplayer?)
Rowan Posted February 6, 2013 Posted February 6, 2013 Well that's the thing, the games that we do know about don't interest me at all so I'm already having to clutch to and think about the ones we know very little about. The only one that might interest me right now is Wonderful 101 but even then we haven't seen much of it.
Oxigen_Waste Posted February 6, 2013 Posted February 6, 2013 To be fair I wasn't a fan of Jak 2 & 3, but everything else Naughty Gods has done has been fantastic, IMO. I completely and wholeheartedly disagree. The only truly great game they have produced was Uncharted 2, and even that one was marred by some awful blemishes like the most underwhelming and unnecessary boss fight in the history of videogames. Plus, the early chapters before Nepal were lame and the final chapters in Shambhala are also very sub par. Everything in between is pure gold, though, no doubt. Unch 3 nailed some things perfectly, but the vast majority of it was an over the top, uninteresting, repetitive over scripted mess. Golden Abyss (the few hours I played, at least) displays that classic Sony behaviour of taking a beloved and potentially great franchise and sequeling it into irrelevance... Uncharted is just like God of War, yeat another franchise I once loved and couldn't care less about as of now... But at least Naughty Dog seem adept at knowing when to jump ship, since they clearly have moved on from Unch. Here's hoping they never go back to it unless they intend to make it relevant again. The games that defined my PS3-exclusive experience were Demon's Souls and Journey, those 2 were my number 1 picks from the PS3 stuff.Followed closely by 3D Dot Game Heroes and Uncharted 2. LittleBigPlanet was partially awesome, because it's incredibly charming but also frustratingly bad, gameplay-wise... the floaty physics and the depth layers killed it, imo. MGS4 wasn't a game, but it was ok-ish. Infamous, Resistance, Killzone, God Of War, etc etc are all perfectly adequate, but that's pretty much it, and the reason I hate them. I had more fun with the first level of Flower than I did with all those combined. Gaming is supposed to be about exploring new boundaries, not constantly revisiting the same pivotal selling points. This is what's wrong with gaming, imo... It's infuriating to see that Hotline Miami had more personality in a single level than the entire catalog of 360 exclusives had over a myriad of games.
Hero-of-Time Posted February 6, 2013 Posted February 6, 2013 I completely and wholeheartedly disagree. I guess we will have to agree to disagree then.
Daft Posted February 6, 2013 Author Posted February 6, 2013 (edited) Well yeah, that's my point. The Wii has plenty of worthwhile games on it that got very little attention. Stuff like Excitetruck, De Blob and, to a lesser extent, Xenoblade. Other franchises like Wario Land, Kirby and Donkey Kong (which were offering something different than usual) also got comparatively little attention. And yet there were still comments that there wasn't anything besides Mario, Metroid, Zelda and Smash Bros. And now the Wii U's around, whatever, it is what it is, if Nintendo Land and ZombiU don't call out to you, fair enough. The same can be said about the upcoming games that have been shown so far. But then I see posts like Rowan's where he's basically ignoring what we know the Wii U has, and instead starts talking about games nobody literally knows anything about, as if it was the gospel that those are "the good games that are coming". Because those are the AAA games. And I know this is a widespread view. (Also, as an aside, is Motorstorm the game that couldn't be played on local multiplayer?) All Motorstorms have full 4-player local multiplayer. I guess my point is that this generation Sony had their first party studios create a lot of brand new franchises (it's a much bigger list if you include one-off games like Heavenly Sword and Heavy Rain). These are games created by Sony Computer Entertainment Worldwide Studios. When it comes down to it I can expect Sony to constantly bring out new IPs and would be disappointed if they didn't. Big eff-off massive we are getting our biggest guns Naughty Dog/Sony Santa Monica to create THE NEXT BIG THING. If that didn't happen I'd be disappointed. (In the case of Microsoft I expect them to contract a few big studios) Whereas I expect no such thing from Nintendo and have no reason to and would be surprised if they did. I once loved the charm of Mario and Zelda and how I could always come back to them but now they have become vehicles for Nintendo to hide behind. That list you called out - Exictietruck is gash, seriously, I went round to Ashley's a couple weeks ago and it's just dire. de Blob I can grab on my iPhone and while I get Xenoblade is awesome for most people, personally (and I blame working at Square for this) I hate those kinds of JRPG (those kind of stupid spikey haired protagonists, with a sword bigger than a continent, with game menus that look like they were made for SD TVs - For the most part I dislike anime, which might explain a lot). But whatever, personal opinion, I guess. And then it's the same old Wario, Kirby and Donkey Kong. It doesn't matter that the mechanics are wildly different - if they have that much faith in some new game mechanics why do they play it safe an skin it with their same old tired, nay knackered, imagery. This is why I maintain that Nintendo are more happy to create virtual toys than really investing in the medium. Yah, NintendoLand and Zombi U are AAA games on the Wii U, but if it came out on the PS4/3 I would not bat an eyelid. it would be drowned in a see of vastly more interesting titles. Honestly, I have no idea why this is so hard to explain. I mean it is literally hard to explain. Maybe the example of The Last of Us and Beyond being released in the PS3's final year as the current gen console for Sony shows a commitment that Nintendo haven't shown in a very long time. Edited February 6, 2013 by Daft
Cube Posted February 6, 2013 Posted February 6, 2013 You could point out the This Generation's New Franchises list.
ReZourceman Posted February 6, 2013 Posted February 6, 2013 Daft.....you are gonna take that the fuck back about Excitetruck. RIGHT. FUCKING. NOW.
dwarf Posted February 6, 2013 Posted February 6, 2013 I remember S-Ranking every track on Excite Truck, it was a very addictive little racer. But it was released in 2006/2007. That's 6 years ago. Jonnas is scraping the deepest depths of the barrel. Sure it was fun, but it's like digging up the game Dirt ( ) to underline the quality of the 360/PS3 libraries. You just wouldn't do it. Excite Truck shouldn't be the gold-standard on any console, it should be expected. I actually chuckled a bit when you mentioned it.
Cube Posted February 6, 2013 Posted February 6, 2013 Daft.....you are gonna take that the fuck back about Excitetruck. RIGHT. FUCKING. NOW. It's so much more fun than Motorstorm. Although it's my favourite Wii game, I wouldn't say it's the highest quality - I gave it an 8/10 when it came out which I thought was a fair score (also, the local multiplayer was virtually non-existent).
Daft Posted February 6, 2013 Author Posted February 6, 2013 Bar Apocalypse, I'd agree. I think Apocalypse is a riot, though. Racing through a tornado is epic. Daft.....you are gonna take that the fuck back about Excitetruck. RIGHT. FUCKING. NOW. Seriously, when was the last time you played it? I played it last month and it looked like a bad iPhone game. Also, motion controls = vomit. It has not aged well at all.
Cube Posted February 6, 2013 Posted February 6, 2013 I should buy Apocalypse. Hang on...I have it (+). I should play Apocalypse.
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