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From first looks, it just seems to be "just another space shooter", which is a bit sad. I was saying to a friend before the reveal that I really hope it isn't one. There's some interesting teases that could make it stand out, and I hope it does


Fun fact, in the source code of the Destiny site, it DOES have a Platform handler




Wouldn't take it as a guarantee though


That's standard for all Activision pages supposedly, so I wouldn't read anything into it...

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The genre is, yes. But, you have to admit, there's nothing that shouts "new and original' from that trailer. Actually, I got nothing from it, at all. What is known exactly about this game?


I thought the iPhone (assume it'll cover Android/Windows Phone) integration looked interesting, don't know of any games currently doing that. Although the video didn't really tell you at all what it was about/how it worked.

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I thought the iPhone (assume it'll cover Android/Windows Phone) integration looked interesting, don't know of any games currently doing that. Although the video didn't really tell you at all what it was about/how it worked.


Yeah, I was assuming we'd get more info on how that worked in the video. It'll come later, no doubt. But, it would've been nice to have that info now. Or, at least, to have something substantial.

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Watching the video again, everything also looks kind of generic and boring at this stage... from the logo, to the 'main characters'... these guardians of the city, that look like very secondary characters you'd find in a Star Wars or Mass Effect game; they don't have the same coolness/presence of Master Chief at this stage.


Also regarding the city... have they learnt nothing from Majora's Mask! :p

also wouldn't it always be in partial shade.


With the Space Ship, I guess the first game in this series is very Earth based, and then towards the end... once this Orb 'wakes up' as I assume it will, you'll venture out into space (Halo 4 has an orb thing too :p), where the other games will be largely based. There's that solar system style image @ 0:15.


Voice over narrative guy is terrible.

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Its not a MMO in their words. but kind of like an MMO. Judging by the game footage its small scale too. More akin to Diablo or PSO perhaps. It looks interesting and could be a real winner for Activision. A full blown fps MMO might be too much for mainstream success. COD itself wasn't exactly innovative.


Dust 514 I almost have no clue about. They describe it as a MMO game but I only ever noticed 32 players max at any time. Unless I am missing something. Lots of games call themselves MMO's but lack the player count.

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Little bit risky for Bungie no? I never think of it as being a hugely popular genre on consoles. I guess they have their name behind the project, but not sure it'll be anywhere near as popular (at least immediately) as Halo was, and it looks like they're putting a lot into developing it.

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Little bit risky for Bungie no? I never think of it as being a hugely popular genre on consoles. I guess they have their name behind the project, but not sure it'll be anywhere near as popular (at least immediately) as Halo was, and it looks like they're putting a lot into developing it.


It should be a success. Its different from most fps.

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Looks like Halo, Skyrim and Boarderlands mixed together which can only mean good things.


Yep I am excited.


I am kind of tired of normal boxed fps games always reseting your progress for sequels every year or two years. This game will combine competitive and mission/world/story stuff together which is also interesting. I am hoping its at least using a MMO lite structure.


We need more games in this direction.

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