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Posted (edited)

@ReZourceman will you be able to play longer than 10 minutes this time? ;)




I'm up for raiding this week.


@Blade @Agent Gibbs


How you guys looking in terms of lvl and guns? It's not a massive issue at the start but by half way, you definitely need a good sniper and heavy machine gun (but mainly sniper).


As a rough guide, from the second half of the raid you need to be 290 and for the final boss, 295+.

Edited by Daft
It's not a massive issue at the start but by half way, you definitely need a good sniper and heavy machine gun (but mainly sniper).


As a rough guide, from the second half of the raid you need to be 290 and for the final boss, 295+.


Hm, I need to get better gear then...still only at 292 without a good sniper/machine gun. :blank:


Shame I missed Xur this weekend so I didn't get a chance to buy Three of Coins :(


Well, I'll do a couple of Strikes today, see what'll come up.

Hm, I need to get better gear then...still only at 292 without a good sniper/machine gun. :blank:


Shame I missed Xur this weekend so I didn't get a chance to buy Three of Coins :(


Well, I'll do a couple of Strikes today, see what'll come up.


Without spoiling anything, there are roles for people without good snipers and machine guns...until the last boss, I would say it was pretty necessary then. Although maybe doable, don't really want to say it can't be done.


One of the quests gives you the option for a sniper called 1000-Yard stare. It's amazing.

One of the quests gives you the option for a sniper called 1000-Yard stare. It's amazing.


I really should focus on some quests :laughing:


Most of the time I've done strikes as I love the new ones. Think I'll do quests again when I've maxed the Stormcaller subclass and switch to Voidwalker.


Playtime: 1d 2h 55m. Haven't even had my PS4 a month. Whoever told me to get this game(believe it was the knowledgeable @Shorty?) is a genius. Also big props to my mate for playing with me and keeping it fun. Was on for pretty much all of yesterday(12/1ish til...12/1ish!) and we rinsed out The Taken King story iirc. There's still some gaps on the maps that we haven't done, but yeah...this game. Good game. Not sure where we're gonna be going next, though.


Anyway - me and he are both like 240ish light level Titans atm - if anyone's after people to do stuff online and that's a light level that suits do give me a mention! We're gonna try and get Marcamillian involved too but I don't think he'll be as dedicated/wasteman as us. Would be pretty good if we had another regular 3rd man that fits in with us, but alas I don't think anyone else is as unemployed/superflexitime.

Would be pretty good if we had another regular 3rd man that fits in with us, but alas I don't think anyone else is as unemployed/superflexitime.


If you see me online and want to do the Level 36 strike playlist, just invite me. During the day I mostly play Destiny with Spotify on, so I won't use a mic. If that's fine with you, send me an invite : peace:


If I drop out without properly saying goodbye, don't be mad. It's probably because I meet up with friends/my girlfriend.


Was playing the Vanguard strike playlist at the weekend there and dear god, some of the people jumping in are pretty awful. And from the looks of their Grimoire scores, they've been playing for quite some time. This one guy, who stayed in the fireteam through 4 strikes was just ridiculously bad, getting downed left, right and centre. It was so bad that I actually stopped bothering rezzing him because it wasn't worth the hassle.


I get that some people may still be getting to grips with the new strikes brought in with TTK but seriously, some people do need to learn to stop fighting and take flight for cover. I know I'm running a Defender Titan build, and my Ward of Dawn is at Tier 3 but the cool down is still 4mins and I can only do so much carrying in the strikes.


Think in that entire run, I was the only player to not get downed once across all strikes despite the extra weight :blank: Has made me weary of playing the playlist when that's the type of player I'll get matched with but gonna have to keep going if I want weapons and such.


Slowly creeping my light level up. Up to 233 but finding it a little hard to get that up any higher as weapon drops are hard to come by and the best Scout Rifle available from vendors happens to be with Dead Orbit and I levelled up New Monarchy instead. Slow progress on getting that ranked up so I can get it but from the sounds of it, it'll be worth it as it packs a bit of a punch.

Was playing the Vanguard strike playlist at the weekend there and dear god, some of the people jumping in are pretty awful. And from the looks of their Grimoire scores, they've been playing for quite some time. This one guy, who stayed in the fireteam through 4 strikes was just ridiculously bad, getting downed left, right and centre. It was so bad that I actually stopped bothering rezzing him because it wasn't worth the hassle.


I get that some people may still be getting to grips with the new strikes brought in with TTK but seriously, some people do need to learn to stop fighting and take flight for cover. I know I'm running a Defender Titan build, and my Ward of Dawn is at Tier 3 but the cool down is still 4mins and I can only do so much carrying in the strikes.


Think in that entire run, I was the only player to not get downed once across all strikes despite the extra weight :blank: Has made me weary of playing the playlist when that's the type of player I'll get matched with but gonna have to keep going if I want weapons and such.


Slowly creeping my light level up. Up to 233 but finding it a little hard to get that up any higher as weapon drops are hard to come by and the best Scout Rifle available from vendors happens to be with Dead Orbit and I levelled up New Monarchy instead. Slow progress on getting that ranked up so I can get it but from the sounds of it, it'll be worth it as it packs a bit of a punch.


But I don't remember playing with you?


I jest. Though seriously I am probably the weak link in deaths(despite trying to cover). I'm usually first to die, then others follow, but I revive a lot when I can too.


I never joined a faction btw - was this a terribly terrible idea? I just couldn't choose so never did. I probably should. Will likely do so with my other characters if/when I level them.


I'm away on Friday and Saturday, but willing to support any other days this week if you need a sub.


Also willing to help out in a 2nd Raid group for those who haven't done it before. I realise some of you want to do it blind however, so if you choose to have me I can keep quiet and not spoil anything.

I'm away on Friday and Saturday, but willing to support any other days this week if you need a sub.


Also willing to help out in a 2nd Raid group for those who haven't done it before. I realise some of you want to do it blind however, so if you choose to have me I can keep quiet and not spoil anything.

If anyone wants to do another one Sunday day 8PM with possible conclusion on Monday 8PM I'd put myself down for that.

OK so team is all in. How are we for times? I'm free whenever and would like to start early in the week so: Tuesday at 20:00?


Tuesday is good for me, I could start any time after 6:30.


Yesterday I managed to progress my sword quest to the bit where Shaxx is waiting for materials. Then it's the Sunless Cell strike? Probably going to need help doing that. Looking forward to my exotic flaming sword.

Yesterday I managed to progress my sword quest to the bit where Shaxx is waiting for materials. Then it's the Sunless Cell strike? Probably going to need help doing that. Looking forward to my exotic flaming sword.


Good luck with the ten materials/500 solar ability kills, horrible, horrible step!


@Zell, @Sheikah and I were farming the materials for close to a couple of hours the other day. Zell and I were lucky and found all ten in that time but Sheikah only managed (I think) five.

Posted (edited)

Already did that step. Took an hour for the materials (I was messaging @DriftKaiser as I did it, got five within 15 minutes and then the next five took 45 – and I ran a VIP patrol mission while doing it) on the moon and then about five strikes to finish off the solar kills. Wasn't that bad at all. Radiance, HotPF, Viking Funeral and Monte Carlo; it's easy when you know how to synergise.


So it took about two hours in total. Was actually super easy. The moon just isn't very interesting, though. Hence me doing a patrol mission in the middle of it.

Edited by Daft
Getting my timings right.
Posted (edited)


@Blade @Agent Gibbs


How you guys looking in terms of lvl and guns? It's not a massive issue at the start but by half way, you definitely need a good sniper and heavy machine gun (but mainly sniper).


As a rough guide, from the second half of the raid you need to be 290 and for the final boss, 295+.


I'm between 291 and 292 depending on which primary i'm trying to level up

I'll log in and update


EDIT tell a lie 291 even with my lowest legendary primary


Primary Weapons


Exotic Auto Rifle Suros Regime 290 atk


Legendary Scout Rifle - Treads Upon Stars 296 atk - Fully leveled with firefly

Legendary Hand Cannon - Byronic Hero 294 atk

Legendary Pulse Rifle - Apple of Discord 290 atk

Legendary Auto Rifle - Does Not Bow 288 atk (looks like the Fallen Shotgun, bit underwhelming tho)



Legendary Sniper Rifle - 1000 Yard Stare (arc dmg) 296 atk

Legendary Shotgun - Burden of Proof XI (Void) 294 atk

Legendary Side Arm - Jabberhákke-D (Solar) 285 atk



Legendary Sword - Void Edge 294 atk

Legendary Machine Gun - Duilvian 10/4X (solar) 293 atk

Legendary Rocket Launcher - Choleric Dragon SRT-49 (solar) 288 atk

:cry: Exotic Rocket Launcehr - Gjallarhorn (solar) 170 atk



295 Helmet (Legendary)

294 Claws of Ahmkara (Exotic)

289 Bindcaster I (Legendary)

290 Samsara I (Legendary)

294 subterranean Bond (Legendary)

292 Oddly Colored cube (Legendary) (damn yank spellings!)



If a second team is going for a Raid i'd like a shot at it What are the remaining ungrouped peoples availability? and light Levels?


Edited by Agent Gibbs
I'm between 291 and 292 depending on which primary i'm trying to level up

I'll log in and update


EDIT tell a lie 291 even with my lowest legendary primary


Primary Weapons


Exotic Auto Rifle Suros Regime 290 atk


Legendary Scout Rifle - Treads Upon Stars 296 atk - Fully leveled with firefly

Legendary Hand Cannon - Byronic Hero 294 atk

Legendary Pulse Rifle - Apple of Discord 290 atk

Legendary Auto Rifle - Does Not Bow 288 atk (looks like the Fallen Shotgun, bit underwhelming tho)



Legendary Sniper Rifle - 1000 Yard Stare (arc dmg) 296 atk

Legendary Shotgun - Burden of Proof XI (Void) 294 atk

Legendary Side Arm - Jabberhákke-D (Solar) 285 atk



Legendary Sword - Void Edge 294 atk

Legendary Machine Gun - Duilvian 10/4X (solar) 293 atk

Legendary Rocket Launcher - Choleric Dragon SRT-49 (solar) 288 atk

:cry: Exotic Rocket Launcehr - Gjallarhorn (solar) 170 atk



295 Helmet (Legendary)

294 Claws of Ahmkara (Exotic)

289 Bindcaster I (Legendary)

290 Samsara I (Legendary)

294 subterranean Bond (Legendary)

292 Oddly Colored cube (Legendary) (damn yank spellings!)



If a second team is going for a Raid i'd like a shot at it What are the remaining ungrouped peoples availability? and light Levels?



I'm free this weekend or whenever people are wanting to start it. I can't do tomorrow night though...


I'm using my hunter which is currently at 294 light.


Yesterday I hit 301, so hopefully that'll make the raid a little easier (Although I'm 299 with my preferred load out). In two rounds of Court of Oryx I got four Legendary artifacts, including a lute.


A lute drop. Ha!



I'm between 291 and 292 depending on which primary i'm trying to level up

I'll log in and update


EDIT tell a lie 291 even with my lowest legendary primary


Primary Weapons


Exotic Auto Rifle Suros Regime 290 atk


Legendary Scout Rifle - Treads Upon Stars 296 atk - Fully leveled with firefly

Legendary Hand Cannon - Byronic Hero 294 atk

Legendary Pulse Rifle - Apple of Discord 290 atk

Legendary Auto Rifle - Does Not Bow 288 atk (looks like the Fallen Shotgun, bit underwhelming tho)



Legendary Sniper Rifle - 1000 Yard Stare (arc dmg) 296 atk

Legendary Shotgun - Burden of Proof XI (Void) 294 atk

Legendary Side Arm - Jabberhákke-D (Solar) 285 atk



Legendary Sword - Void Edge 294 atk

Legendary Machine Gun - Duilvian 10/4X (solar) 293 atk

Legendary Rocket Launcher - Choleric Dragon SRT-49 (solar) 288 atk

:cry: Exotic Rocket Launcehr - Gjallarhorn (solar) 170 atk



295 Helmet (Legendary)

294 Claws of Ahmkara (Exotic)

289 Bindcaster I (Legendary)

290 Samsara I (Legendary)

294 subterranean Bond (Legendary)

292 Oddly Colored cube (Legendary) (damn yank spellings!)



I thought you'd be much higher with that loadout. What levels are your Ghost and Artifact?

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