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I'm not at work tomorrow @Deathjam but I'll be awaiting the delivery of my TV from 7am onwards!


As for the Legend of You things, I got:



  • 4x Bulletproof
  • 2x Flawless
  • Best Crucible score: 6,580 (Top 5%)



  • 2x Flawless
  • Longest enemy kill distance - 2,004M (top 1%)
  • Crucible K/D Ratio of 1.14 (top 7%)



  • Most lethal exotic - IceBreaker
  • Longest Crucible kill - 121M
  • Longest enemy kill - 1,428M (Top 4%)


I'm reasonably pleased with those!

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Thought I'd post some footage of some of the fun we had in Mayhem Clash at the weekend. Apologies in advance, I went full-on shotgun wanker in this match.



Checking Destiny Tracker, apparently I am now in the Top 2000 for Best Game Score!


Manage to wrangle "working from home" tomorrow, so should be online in the afternoon for some Taken King story missions.

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Kind of wish I'd taken the day off...but also want to go to the gym which I wouldn't have done if I had. I'll see if I can get out of work a little early but I doubt I'll be home before 6. Still, got Friday off and can't wait for later!


And I promised myself I would try and not rush through absolutely everything.

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I doubt it'll be big, they said some things would be fixed 15/09 so I'm guessing some hotfixes. Left my PS4 in Rest Mode whilst at work, anyway!


I said the same @Daft, I'm sticking with that, too! I didn't even complete a single subclass quest, only started the Gunslinger one, so I have 8½ of those to do and gonna take my time.

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That pricing was literally announced three months ago today :indeed:


I'm sure the game content itself isn't worth that price tag (although it does look promising). However playing new content with the clan is worth it. If you'd ever turned your mic on and joined a raid, you might've had a different opinion.

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That pricing was literally announced three months ago today :indeed:


I'm sure the game content itself isn't worth that price tag (although it does look promising). However playing new content with the clan is worth it. If you'd ever turned your mic on and joined a raid, you might've had a different opinion.


I haven't followed Destiny news, though. So I missed that. :indeed:


Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed my playtime with Destiny. Even without doing any raids.


Just don't want to pay 40€ for the DLC.

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Sorry, just seen this.


Do you have a full fire team?


Sorry dude, got home and was a bit out of it. Woke up with a fecking cold, so that explains that. I'll probably get caffeinated before I get on tonight and power on through.


I said the same @Daft, I'm sticking with that, too! I didn't even complete a single subclass quest, only started the Gunslinger one, so I have 8½ of those to do and gonna take my time.


I got quasi-bullied into doing the Voidwalker one but yeah, not in a rush to do the others. Same with the Gunsmith rep, I did the three guns I enjoyed using and weren't a chore and thought sod the others. I tried the sniper in Crucible but that was a little frustrating so scrapped it after two kills with it. Previously I would have grinded the sniper and the fusion rifle out until I was frustrated and hated the game.



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Doing the sniper in crucible was actually kinda fun! Taking you out of your comfort zone a bit, but the gun looked cool and handled like Praedyth's Revenge. I wouldn't recommend it on Mayhem though....


I think since I literally on found my groove this week with snipers in PvP, I went from Praedyth – where I was like YAAAAY – to the Omolon – where I felt like I'd regressed to being shit again.


Although you could just be right about Mayhem. PR is beastly on Mayhem. I was having too much fun to change and it was already a new play style for me.


Praedyth was actually the reason why I never got round to using the fusion rifle either. Ha!

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Had a quick go this morning of the TTK content before heading to work. Have completed the first mission and a couple of quests/bounties I had sitting waiting for the content to drop and got myself up to lvl 36 but stopped it there as had work and, like others, going to take it slow with the content so that it lasts as long as possible.


Still, that opening cutscene was great and the first mission was decent enough. Not sure I'm all that keen on the scanning stuff that they included but it wasn't too intrusive or over the top so hopefully that's how it'll stay.


Have been getting a few green armour drops that are slightly better than my current gear but as is always the case, the roll on the upgrades doesn't sit with my load out (getting increases to HC speed when I main a Scout) so think it'll be a little bit longer before I replace some of my gear or weapons as the same seems to have occurred there.


Won't get another chance to play until the weekend but looking forward to it and nice to see more of a story taking centre stage so far.


Edit: Oh and my Destiny Legend of You video gave me the title Surgeon Ganepark32, The Unstoppable. Apparently collected 3427 kills with my MIDA but was saddened to see they didn't include my highest crucible score (IIRC, it was 7000 something points).

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I don't think I can do working from home tomorrow, but I'm going to get an early start and be home around 4ish hopefully! Up for doing the story co-op from then if anyone wants.


I'd be up for that, I've started it with my Warlock but can jump on an alt.


My dedication to Dead Orbit is more than shader-deep.


The Hanged Man shader has kept me content...until Revenant drops some day.


I got revenant straight away today, now on to New Monarchy for that beautiful ship :heh:

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As a newbie its been a good experience so far. I am not grinding infact i am ahead level wise so far when it comes to content. Last time round I was too scared of the lack of content.


Enjoying it! Change of pace from the other shooters. Very much a nicer Borderlands with more popular arena mode and small raiding is the best way to describe the game :)

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Finally started up again, was invited to do some Crucible and Strikes practically as soon as i arrived at the Tower. Managed to reach Level 37 without doing a lot, and it is weird getting rid of the older gear (well, not all of it as of yet) and getting new stuff to replace it. Not got a new Primary yet, still using my older ones for now.


I can tell this will be a lot of fun over the coming weeks and months.


Also did that The Legend of You thingy, apparantly i'm in the top 6% of Hive Ogre kills and the top 9% for grenade kills. And my nickname is (according to Bungie on that video) The Surgeon.

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