Hero-of-Time Posted September 18, 2014 Posted September 18, 2014 drahkon said: Sorry @Sheikah but my mate and I were owning the Crucible and some Strikes.I really need to do stuff with you guys, soon. It's fine. We will just shun you when it comes to getting a team together for some raids. Sheikah said: Oh lord. Just found out the first group to complete the vault of glass were this seriously pro clan, yet it took them 10 hours and their team had 1605 deaths. Yup. The trophy for doing a raid without anyone on your team dying seems like an impossible task at this point. Absolutely crazy. Shame about us not getting the weekly mission done. We were so close as well. A big problem is that the spawns are random, so its hard to prepare for what comes when. It's just them wizards, man. Them freaking wizards! Needless to say I got sod all in terms of drops last night. I've just accepted the fact that i'm just gonna have to buy my legendary armour. Screw you, Bungie and your shoddy drop/conversation rates.
Ganepark32 Posted September 18, 2014 Posted September 18, 2014 Had a little session on this last night trying out a different grind spot to see if that would yield any more blue, purple or better engrams for gear and while I managed to get a few blues, it's just greens that keep dropping. I've seen people posting images elsewhere of their successes in some of these grind areas resetting spawns and what not and honestly don't understand how they're managing to get so many blues and purples, even a couple of exotics, when all I seem to be getting are ammo drops and greens with the occasional blue It's made worse by the fact that I've got blue gear in all but my Helmet slot (although most of it needs changed as I don't need Discipline points but rather Strength given I'm a Striker Titan build, so the equivalent of tank, and Strength seems more applicable to my character) and every helmet that's dropped from enemies is a green and worse than what I've got! Actually already sick of the crappy drop system. Need that blue helmet to push me up to level 22 as I'm so close! Gonna put in some more time tonight, finish a few bounties and possibly finish up the story and hope I get something for my troubles and then tomorrow afternoon grinding out the extra currencies needed for legendaries/exotics.
James Posted September 18, 2014 Posted September 18, 2014 Magnus said: It feels so presumptuous to ask strangers to join your fire team, so I just played most of the campaign on my own. Sometimes I'd run into people who were around my level and appeared to be playing the same mission as me, and I'd be, like, "yay, friends", but then we'd go through a door and they'd dissipate into thin air for no apparent reason. I think people disappear when you enter a no revive zone, so no more than three of you end up taking on one boss, it is a bit poo though. I just invite them to my fire team if they look like they are doing the same mission.
Hero-of-Time Posted September 18, 2014 Posted September 18, 2014 Ganepark32 said: Had a little session on this last night trying out a different grind spot to see if that would yield any more blue, purple or better engrams for gear and while I managed to get a few blues, it's just greens that keep dropping. I've seen people posting images elsewhere of their successes in some of these grind areas resetting spawns and what not and honestly don't understand how they're managing to get so many blues and purples, even a couple of exotics, when all I seem to be getting are ammo drops and greens with the occasional blue I feel ya, buddy. All the vids i've watched have had people claiming this is the best spot from drops but at the end of the day it's all random. Sure, the more mobs you kill the better but it just depends if the RNG is feeling generous. It's crazy just how much good luck is need though. Firstly you need to get a blue or purple drop, then you need to hope it actually turns into a rare/legendary, THEN you need to hope it's actually for the class you are using. It's nuts.
Agent Gibbs Posted September 18, 2014 Posted September 18, 2014 Who's a Warlock? i've just hit lvl 15 (how do you guys level so fast?) and i'm not sure about Sunslinger VS my Voidwalker Looking over the stats/abilities they all seem the same, only real difference seems to be the energy draining vs pyro abilities for melee attacks What are people's thoughts experiences with sunslinger?
Daft Posted September 18, 2014 Posted September 18, 2014 Apart from the class thing (you should be able to trade one item a month, I reckon), I quite like the rarity. I've nabbed one Legendary weapon, got an Exotic Bounty 50% done! got plenty of Strange Coins and Light Motes for Zûr. I think I'll be pretty well kitted out in a week or two. I got two purple engrams this morning from the cave farming place in Russia. You know, neither of them decrypted to anything worthwhile, but they all contribute so much to levelling up the Cryptarch that I'm not too bothered. I did get 3 Strange Coin from one, though. I'll take that. HoT, you do seem especially unlucky, though. :\ Agent Gibbs said: Who's a Warlock? i've just hit lvl 15 (how do you guys level so fast?) and i'm not sure about Sunslinger VS my VoidwalkerLooking over the stats/abilities they all seem the same, only real difference seems to be the energy draining vs pyro abilities for melee attacks What are people's thoughts experiences with sunslinger? The way I reckon, Sunslinger is a team class. If you're going to be doing a lot of hard Strikes and Raids, that's what you want. Void Walker is more aggressive. It requires less teamwork and is what I go with most the time because most of this game isn't too hard. I think it's the same with the Titan. Main class is relatively solo, sub-class, Defender, is all about the team. Personally, I've maxed out my Void Walker and now I'm working on the Sunslinger sub-class.
Hero-of-Time Posted September 18, 2014 Posted September 18, 2014 @Daft that spot is great, isn't it? I spent a bit of time yesterday doing it and it goes much smoother if others are there helping. The only issue I had was that people who were in the area doing a quest kept stopping the respawning by going around the cave.
Jimbob Posted September 18, 2014 Posted September 18, 2014 I'm playing a Warlock class, which i'm very much enjoying. Reached Level 16 last night after doing many Crucible matches and a few Patrol missions, clearing a few bounties. Did one of them weekly Crucible 3v3 matches, which playing with 2 randoms isn't good. I can see why playing with friends on this mode is beneficial, as the opposition was in formation and taking us all out. Had a few randoms send me messages of praise for being a good team player from some of the matches i had, helping them out with reviving them and taking out some of the opposition whom they were struggling against. And i had a few messages from helping out in a public match (i was the highest leveled player doing it)
Ganepark32 Posted September 18, 2014 Posted September 18, 2014 The cave in the Skywatch in Old Russia is the one I've tried the most. It's great as it's where I've got the most blues but as you say, @Hero\-of\-Time, if someone runs over the top area it just resets the spawning and I even had a level 12 camp out behind me and start taking kills and then run in when I started shooting to reset everything The one on Venus, in the Ishtar Commons, is ok but seems the busiest place out of them all and can just be too chaotic for anything to drop (particularly when the Fallen and Vex march on each other then it's just unmanageable I've found) unless you're hitting precision kills. Had a few blues here as well but they've more or less all been greens when they were decrypted. Other than those two, the only other one I've tried was doing The Dark Beyond mission on the Moon on a lower level and doing the die-respawn/reload at the bit where the gate opens but that gave sod all apart from greens. Really does come down to luck, which is fair enough but as the gear/drops scale with your level surely it should recognise that greens aren't useful if you've got all blues, purples, etc. and drop better than that. But yeah, hopefully tonight will yield something better when I'm on (probably stick with the cave in Old Russia or if I can be bothered keep doing the gate) and I can finally get that Blue helmet, or better, quickly.
Daft Posted September 18, 2014 Posted September 18, 2014 Hero-of-Time said: @Daft that spot is great, isn't it? I spent a bit of time yesterday doing it and it goes much smoother if others are there helping. The only issue I had was that people who were in the area doing a quest kept stopping the respawning by going around the cave. Yeah, it's got to be the best spot to farm. I've handed in so many purple engrams and the only Legendary thing I got was a useless Future War faction armband. You can by those easily!! I have got 19 Strange Coins now, though. Anyone going to be around this afternoon for the Weekly Strike? I massively need help with that.
Sheikah Posted September 18, 2014 Posted September 18, 2014 (edited) I tried the weekly strike yesterday, I'm L24, Hero is L24 and SCG was L22. The boss room is really hard when the wizards spawn when the boss is under half health. Might be doable with full team of L24s but in the end we quit after maybe 8 deaths on the boss room. Hopefully we'll get some exotic/legendary shiz tomorrow, then I'll see if I'm more effective and able to help. :p [tweet]511782633131753472[/tweet] [tweet]512135824792891392[/tweet] [tweet]511822020942630912[/tweet] Edited September 18, 2014 by Sheikah
drahkon Posted September 18, 2014 Posted September 18, 2014 That weekly strike isn't too difficult. There is a spot where the big guy can't hit you. Just when you enter that big area go to the far left side. There's a rock you can hide behind. The abomination won't be able to attack you when you crouch behind it. If you take out all the enemies before setting him free you will only have to watch out for the 4 Wizards that spawn when Phogoth is close to die (the enemies spawning before aren't such a big deal). Reached level 27. Hoping that Xur has a nice Exotic armor for my Titan tomorrow : peace:
Hero-of-Time Posted September 18, 2014 Posted September 18, 2014 drahkon said: That weekly strike isn't too difficult. There is a spot where the big guy can't hit you. Just when you enter that big area go to the far left side. There's a rock you can hide behind.The abomination won't be able to attack you when you crouch behind it. If you take out all the enemies before setting him free you will only have to watch out for the 4 Wizards that spawn when Phogoth is close to die (the enemies spawning before aren't such a big deal). Reached level 27. Hoping that Xur has a nice Exotic armor for my Titan tomorrow : peace: Yeah, but we are just lowly level 24s. Also, the spawning of the wizards was random for us. One time they were at the end, another time we they attacked mid way. It was hard to get a decent strategy. The rank needed to do the weekly strike isn't a fair representation of the actual difficulty IMO.
Sheikah Posted September 18, 2014 Posted September 18, 2014 (edited) Hero-of-Time said: Yeah, but we are just lowly level 24s. Also, the spawning of the wizards was random for us. One time they were at the end, another time we they attacked mid way. It was hard to get a decent strategy. The rank needed to do the weekly strike isn't a fair representation of the actual difficulty IMO. Yup, the difference a couple of levels grants is huge. Also SCG was 22 (or 21?) at the time. Same goes with the other way (if you're lower level than the enemy). Someone did a comprehensive YT video about this - if you're just one level below your enemy, your output is reduced by like 30% (without taking into account the extra stats you would have from being a level higher either). Get to two levels lower and it's like 40-50% lower. I imagine the damage you deal/take if you're levels higher scales similarly too, but in a positive way. I suspect some of the enemies on that strike aren't really L22 as if you select a L22 Vanguard mission, the difference is astronomical. Edited September 18, 2014 by Sheikah
drahkon Posted September 18, 2014 Posted September 18, 2014 Hero-of-Time said: Yeah, but we are just lowly level 24s. Also, the spawning of the wizards was random for us. One time they were at the end, another time we they attacked mid way. It was hard to get a decent strategy. Adapt and conquer, Guardian. :p I could help you sometime today (@Daft, too), don't have my headset, though, as a friend borrowed it for tonight. (Edit: you haven't been talking about the level 28 Nightfall Strike, have you?)
Hero-of-Time Posted September 18, 2014 Posted September 18, 2014 drahkon said: Adapt and conquer, Guardian. :p I could help you sometime today (@Daft, too), don't have my headset, though, as a friend borrowed it for tonight. (Edit: you haven't been talking about the level 28 Nightfall Strike, have you?) Nah. Just the weekly strike mission that's apparently for level 22s.
drahkon Posted September 18, 2014 Posted September 18, 2014 (edited) Hero-of-Time said: Nah. Just the weekly strike mission that's apparently for level 22s. Good, just invite me when you see me online (if you want to give it another go). But don't bother with inviting me to a party chat as I don't have my headset :p Edit: @Daft, well that could've worked out a bit better Didn't place my Ward of Dawn perfectly in the first few attempts -.- Oh and that Legendary Engram I found in the first 20 seconds...turned out to be this: And sorry I left so quickly, one of my roommates came back from vacation. Edited September 18, 2014 by drahkon
lostmario Posted September 18, 2014 Posted September 18, 2014 Did the daily mission yesterday with my brother. He decided it would be a good idea to do it at Level 28. Its alright for him, he's Level 27. I was getting one shotted repeatedly. We did it eventually. Still level 25, hoping to pick up some armour tomorrow in exchange for coins then use my vanguard points to purchase the other piece of armour I need. Should be Level 26 halfway to 27 tomorrow, fingers crossed.
drahkon Posted September 18, 2014 Posted September 18, 2014 (edited) @Sheikah great strike. Didn't even know about that weird spawn placement of Wizards. : peace: And the key to the final fight seems to be: Enter the room, stay on the left side and DO NOT SHOOT the enemies on the opposite end of the area. Just shoot that motherfucker down You lot need to reach level 26. I want to do the Raid :p @lostmario is level 26/almost 27, his mate? I am, too. Three more. Gogogo Edited September 18, 2014 by drahkon
Dog-amoto Posted September 18, 2014 Author Posted September 18, 2014 I know it's a completely different game and all, but I've also been playing the Metroid Prime Trilogy on Wii (currently on Corruption) in between rounds of this game and I've got to say that the game design, mission structure and level geometry and interactivity of a 12 year old game is light years ahead of anything I've seen in this. I'm in the middle of doing a "go here, shoot that, deploy ghost, defend position" mission, and all I can think of is going back to Metroid. I am enjoying playing this with friends (got no desire to go on it alone) but the boring missions, and dead worlds (yes, I know they're pretty but nothing entices me to explore) are just dull. I can see loads to enjoy here, but only if you're a fan of grinding the same stuff over and over.
Fierce_LiNk Posted September 18, 2014 Posted September 18, 2014 Dog-amoto said: I know it's a completely different game and all, but I've also been playing the Metroid Prime Trilogy on Wii (currently on Corruption) in between rounds of this game and I've got to say that the game design, mission structure and level geometry and interactivity of a 12 year old game is light years ahead of anything I've seen in this. I'm in the middle of doing a "go here, shoot that, deploy ghost, defend position" mission, and all I can think of is going back to Metroid. I am enjoying playing this with friends (got no desire to go on it alone) but the boring missions, and dead worlds (yes, I know they're pretty but nothing entices me to explore) are just dull. I can see loads to enjoy here, but only if you're a fan of grinding the same stuff over and over. I'm confused. Why are you comparing The Metroid Prime Trilogy to Destiny? They're not even in the same genre. They're nothing alike except for having a first person viewpoint.
drahkon Posted September 18, 2014 Posted September 18, 2014 (edited) Dog-amoto said: I am enjoying playing this with friends (got no desire to go on it alone) but the boring missions, and dead worlds (yes, I know they're pretty but nothing entices me to explore) are just dull. Each to their own. Me personally...I had/am having such a blast with this game. Spent almost 60 hours with it already and I still don't get bored with doing the Strikes/PvP/Bounties/Patrol Missions over and over again. Today is the perfect example. Did the Moon strike with my mate, then with @Daft and just now with @Sheikah and it was completely different every time. It wasn't even about grinding the area. It was about overcoming the challenge and doing so was satisfying. You say the "dead worlds are just dull", I find them to be very lively with enemies running around and the beautiful art. What makes them really "alive" though is you, the player. And your fireteam. Everything you do is what makes this game awesome. I get a lot of the criticism and find certain things really annoying, but as far as I'm concerned: 60€ well spent. And Destiny has just begun. I - we at NE - have yet to do the raid and in December we'll get our first content addon. Cannot fucking wait Edit: [tweet]512391521815908352[/tweet] Edit²: Hilarious Edited September 18, 2014 by drahkon
Dog-amoto Posted September 18, 2014 Author Posted September 18, 2014 Fierce_LiNk said: I'm confused. Why are you comparing The Metroid Prime Trilogy to Destiny? They're not even in the same genre. They're nothing alike except for having a first person viewpoint. Dog-amoto said: I know it's a completely different game and all, but I've also been playing the Metroid Prime Trilogy on Wii Like I said, I already know that. As for your question of why am I comparing them, it's purely for the coincidental reason that I'm currently playing them both and I'm having much more fun and am much more immersed in the world of a game from two generations ago than I am in this one. Not because I think they are similar kinds of games. I would feel the same if I was currently playing GTA or Zelda. A game like this needs a world which is begging to be explored and do things that are not really part of the game. Remember how much fun it was to shoot the lights in Goldeneye and see the room go darker? How great it was to piss about in GTA IV's free mode with a few friends? This has nothing like that - there should be impromptu sparrow races, or challenging each other to duels a la Borderlands. I found a skeleton yesterday and thought it would be fun to shoot it to see it shatter. It did nothing other than put a scorch mark on it.
Daft Posted September 18, 2014 Posted September 18, 2014 drahkon said: Good, just invite me when you see me online (if you want to give it another go). But don't bother with inviting me to a party chat as I don't have my headset :p Edit: @Daft, well that could've worked out a bit better Didn't place my Ward of Dawn perfectly in the first few attempts -.- Oh and that Legendary Engram I found in the first 20 seconds...turned out to be this: And sorry I left so quickly, one of my roommates came back from vacation. Ha! Saw you get that and was excited for you! I got the Exotic Shotgun after doing that. Also realised I was a lvl 2 Vanguard so I now have a Legendary Vanguard helmet, too. Exciting. Not sure what to do next, though.
drahkon Posted September 18, 2014 Posted September 18, 2014 Daft said: I got the Exotic Shotgun after doing that. Also realised I was a lvl 2 Vanguard so I now have a Legendary Vanguard helmet, too. Exciting. Not sure what to do next, though. Awesome! Now reach the Crucible Rank 2 and buy some more gear Reach level 26 with light. And then we need only one more for the Raid :p
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