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SEGA 3D Classics


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I know that really... :p but I couldn't resist trying it once just to see, the option is turned off now, naturally. ;)


But oh my... words cannot describe how amazing this is to me, if you had told me when I was a kid that twenty-odd years in the future you will be playing this state-of-the-art Sega Megadrive game on a portable Nintendo console; I simply would have not believed you. :rolleyes:


Playing this sacred game from my childhood, Sonic the Hedgehog in 3D is something genuinely mind-blowing to me, even more than playing any number of recent 'next-gen' games that you would care to mention. :p


To put it simply... it's.. it's beautiful :cry: so you'll have to excuse me while I wipe the 'manly' tears of joy from my 3DS screen and continue to enjoy what is to me one of the best things ever created. :love:


This is the third portable Nintendo console that the game has been on (although the GBA port was terrible and the DS port was poor).


This is the only portable version of Sonic the Hedgehog that needs to exist... well one of a select few which I suppose should include the IOS version and playing the original game cartridge on a Sega Nomad.


This 3D version is so much better though. : peace:

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Just downloaded Sonic at last. As others have said - Dat 3d!! :D


Amazing. Looks so damn good! They need to release like all of the 2d sonic games and just be done with it!

Also, how good is it to have the spin dash available on Sonic 1?! It feels like they've modernised a game that's over 20 years old with just that one inclusion! Very impressive!


I can't wait to play through it all and get all of the emeralds! :)


Was gonna download Altered Beast (a childhood favourite!) but as I only ever played it with my cousin in co-op when I was a kid, the thought of playing it alone is not doing much for me! We never did manage to complete it! Always found it too tricky! Maybe this is my time to finally finish the game?! :heh:


All I need now is Batman and Robin, The Addams Family, Aladdin, Home Alone (which scared the living shite out of me as a kid! :heh: ) TMNT, Golden Axe, Streets of Rage and Castle of Ilusion and I'll be happy.

Not asking for too much now is it?! :D

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I'm certainly tempted to download Sonic and Streets of Rage, when it becomes available, as neither of those work through the component cable on my TV when I'm playing the Wii and it's far too inconvenient to switch to the composite lead when I want to have a quick blast of either :hmm:


Having both at my fingertips on the 3DS, and in 3D, could be awesome :hehe:

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Just to confirm... there isn't the slightest possibility that Sega will end up releasing all the 3D classics in physical form, on one collection is there?


The thought just suddenly occurred to me that at the rate they are churning them out, then this could be a possibility surely? :indeed:


Personally I don't mind if they stay digital but part of me could prefer it if they gave a discount during the launch week of each couple of classics allowing you to get a small discount, even though the price for them isn't that bad I suppose. :)

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I'm seriously excited to hear about Sonic the Hedgehog and Streets of Rage on the 3DS! Sounds amazing! I really need an SD card before I buy these! How big are the files?


I have Sonic and it's only 78 blocks, you should be able to fit these onto the default SD card.


Just to confirm... there isn't the slightest possibility that Sega will end up releasing all the 3D classics in physical form, on one collection is there?


The thought just suddenly occurred to me that at the rate they are churning them out, then this could be a possibility surely? :indeed:


Personally I don't mind if they stay digital but part of me could prefer it if they gave a discount during the launch week of each couple of classics allowing you to get a small discount, even though the price for them isn't that bad I suppose. :)


You might be onto something you know... Sega love their compilations and what better than a 3D Classics Collection? :D

Edited by f00had
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I'm seriously excited to hear about Sonic the Hedgehog and Streets of Rage on the 3DS! Sounds amazing! I really need an SD card before I buy these! How big are the files?


They're tiny. Take less than a minute to download - so you'll be good to go straight away with these! : peace:

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You might be onto something you know... Sega love their compilations and what better than a 3D Classics Collection? :D


The thing is though... if they were to do this then they obviously wouldn't say so straight away because it would impact on sales, because given the choice between buying let's say twenty 3D classics at £4.50 each which would come to £90 (maybe just under £80 if more are the same price as Sonic was £4.09) or a collection including ALL of them for £32.99 then it's obvious which one to choose especially if there wasn't very long to wait.


For now I think I'll just stick with buying Ecco the Dolphin and Galaxy Force II but I think as the weeks go by I'll probably end up caving in so that I buy more of them as they are fantastic. :D


But all I'm saying is, imagine that you bought them ALL and spent a huge amount on them only to find out that the more reasonably priced collection in physical form is just around the corner, I know I'd be pissed. :hmm:


Still though... 'Dat 3D Sega goodness!' images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS5qb9VDtWnK7fp36DylaKnUtYsjHVa760aU18OCN1RKja9FE60

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Loving how the arcade and 16-Bit SEGA games are finding love on the 3DS platform. Old-Skool SEGA games are always worth the adoration. Some classic third party games (Aladdin etc.) from the Genesis/Megadrive would destroy the VC too. :)





Still though... 'Dat 3D Sega goodness!' images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS5qb9VDtWnK7fp36DylaKnUtYsjHVa760aU18OCN1RKja9FE60



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The first game from the second volume of SEGA 3D Classics has been revealed...




It's Afterburner 2! (The arcade version!!!)








Good choice of game to start things off :)


Oh and because they haven't been posted here yet, here's all of the English translated M2 interviews so far...


Space Harrier 3D


Super Hang On


Sonic the Hedgehog 3D


Altered Beast 3D


Ecco the Dolphin 3D

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