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What Have You Bought This Christmas?


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This year I want to try really, really hard at not getting any dvds, cds or books for anyone. Anyone. To punish myself further, I've basically only got a couple of days to get everything - and those days are likely to be jet-lagged nightmares. I went to a shopping centre here and I was just so, so disorientated by everyone everywhere all the time people people [ize=8]people!![/size]


... I managed to buy one gift;



for a friend.


I got home and sat down to write the names of people I want to get things for;


mum, sister, bro-in-law, neice, dad, step-mum, gf, gf's family x3, hombres x3, x2, x3, cousins x2, uncle...




╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻


I have a few gift ideas i.e. some wine for my wine fiend father, ideally something that isn't shipped outside Australia. There may be some re-gifting options, and looking at the ridiculous number of books I've bought myself, I could easily give a couple to --- No! No jayseven. NO BOOKS... argle!


Going to have to drop a facebook plea to Brightonians to see if they are willing to go mid-week... fat chance!

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Should have got a Villans one. trolololololooololol





I want to get a blu-ray movie each for my mates (there's four so they get a movie each). I've gone for the classics/stuff they like so I got:






...I just need to get two more and that's my mates sorted. All I need then is a box of chocolates for my aunt and cousins and that's everything! :D

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Now, after finishing the order I got a wee bit worried; I left the 'state' field blank on the shipping address (since we don't have states in Denmark), and on the order it showed up as "default". Does anyone know if that could screw up the delivery? I ordered from eBay, by the way.


Still hasn't arrived now almost a month after it was marked as shipped. I know stuff from the US can take a pretty long time getting to Denmark, but I'm starting to worry it's been lost in the mail.

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Are DVD popular things to buy people? I don't think I've ever bought anyone a DVD as a present before?


God I've bought so much, long post is long.



Shhhh....it's a secret.


A bit daft, but I think he'll like it:



Because he's obsessed with this game.



The one on the right.



Game of thrones pin.



Portal 2 Bookends:



Portal 2 posters


Munchkin expansion



Moleskin notepad.



I'm buying him a record tomorrow. Hoping to get a bit of Springfield or Neil Young.



Dark chocolates from the chocolate shop I mentioned earlier.


Graphic novel.






From Hong Kong



From Debenhams




From Hong Kong



Dan's Dad:



Dan's Mum:



Dan's Brother's Fiance

A fingerprint art set with fun little stickers, wish I had a photo.


Dan's other Brother and Fiance:

A Yorkshire food hamper.


My Best friend:

A stamp which stamps his name in Chinese and English. The head of the stamp is his Chinese animal year thing too.



My teaching assistant:

A Chinese tea flower



My secret santa (the deputy head!) at work:

Chocolates from a local chocolate shop http://www.cocoawonderland.co.uk/about








They told me not to buy them anything, but I still bought them some egg roll biscuits from Hong Kong


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Figures that it shows up the next day. :p


Speaking as someone who works for a company that sells online, late items almost always arrive moments after someone complains about not getting it. Everyone is so apologetic when that happens.

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I went into a bookshop for a random browse and, unfortunately for me, they had loads and loads of those awesome 'unusual' things dotted about the place. I purchased a book of idioms for an octogenarian whom invites me round for lunch on occasion (we have recently started an obsession with guessing origins for known phrases). I also purchased a bunch of things that, truthfully, I haven't a specified recipent for... yet.


A compass, a wee 3D globe jigsaw, two mint plants in a can, two kite things, 365 joke memo organiser thing... a snowman THAT MELTS (alien concept, I know)... and I'm sure other stuff. I also discovered a £20 waterstones giftcard that I'll either re-gift or use to buy a couple of books to spread the joy... Organised a big shopping day on wednesday at 9am -- which is a !!! considering I'm arriving home at 6am tuesday and I have no idea how good/bad the travelling will do me.


I'll be glad when it's over.


@Emma Dan will be pleased with those gifts! If he's not then send them my way. Putting them RIGHT THERE TO SEE is such a cruel, cruel thing to do. High five!


I'm doing xmas cash-in-hand which is painful. Combined with travelling a few days before xmas, weight limit on baggage and an aversion to shopping due to shitty eyes that only get worse when it's dark = NIGHTMAAARE SEASON...


Christmas is not a time nor a season, but a state of mind. To cherish peace and goodwill, to be plenteous in mercy, is to have the real spirit of Christmas. So i rather prefer "The Peace of Mind" during these holidays...


Cheer & Thanks

Cheers & Thanks to you, too...!

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Speaking as someone who works for a company that sells online, late items almost always arrive moments after someone complains about not getting it. Everyone is so apologetic when that happens.


Oh, but I never sent a complaint or anything. I merely voiced my worry in here, and bingo, today it arrived. If it had disappeared, it'd've been in transit, so complaing to the seller would be pointless and thus just mean.

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I just bought a bonsai tree for my sister.


I have no idea what to get my other sister, my brother-in-law, my nephew (I'm thinking a Superman action figure...but only because he's more colourful than Batman. Batman next year.) or my mum...who doesn't like anything.

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Cleared the list minus 1 present left to get.


Bought a Kindle voucher (£40) and a toblerone for my Dad, M+S voucher (£40) + Thornton chocs for Mum, Pyjamas and socks for my Nan. Just my sister to go, and i got no idea what to get her.


As for myself, i picked up the new Hitman for £20 and gave it to my parents to give to me. It would seem they got no idea what to get me either.

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