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The world of EEVILAND was one of wonder, excitement and...wonder, where many lived in peace and those who were seen as the most evil (Not EEVIL) were sent away to the wretched hide of scum and vilany - France. Many characters fictional, real and those inbetween resided there and anyone who was anyone wanted to live in EEVILAND.


The Ruler of EEVILAND, Cell was not just anybody. He was everybody. Having enjoyed the way mafia games were proceeding decided to shake things up. Remixing the idea of conventional DIY mafia he would assign participants cells from his own body and they would indulge in what he would call the first of many – The Cell Games.


As the volunteers lined themselves up, he willed several syringes into his body and they absorbed certain cells. Cell held his hand forward and the syringes flew into the group, as each batch of cells was injected into each person they began changing. The Games had begun…


Submit yourselves!

1. Jimbob

2. Sheikah

3. Peeps

4. Cube

5. Nintendohnut

6. Jonnas

7. mr-paul

8. Rummy

9. Jon Dedede

10. Magnus Peterson

11. DuD

  Jonnas said:
So, we send you a character, anyway, right?


And as long as we can target who we want, I'm in.


No no no... I looked around my room and chose a number of things I found which people will be. But you will choose your targets.

DIH = Done It Himself. :-P


Would play buyt can't really play properly. Stuff to do andd PC won't do internet properrly for some reason so on phone for now but will keeep an eye on here.


Sorry Eevil, i'm sure your game will be fantastic, but i'm not sure the Mafia games are really for me. The sooner i get murdered in the other one the better i think.

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