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I loved the film overall but the last half hour felt incredibly rushed, and when compared to A New Hope (which the film is clearly based on), totally lacking in any sort of dramatic tension, apart from the part on the walk-way. The way they hatch the mission plan within 45 seconds, the shaky-cam battle that was all a bit meh and forgettable. Dunno, I think they could have improved the final Act quite a bit. Compare it to the Death Star trench run where you were on the edge of your seat throughout.

What are the chances we'll get those extra 20 minutes when it's released on DVD/Blu-ray?


Hopefully they won't just be deleted scenes.


I'm just hoping for a special edition re release in 10 years or so with extra CGI.


Oh, and more talk about trade federations and the senate.

Posted (edited)
Or it must have been one hell of a wank.

Surely you'd just lie back and use the Force.



Completely agree with this article: http://motherboard.vice.com/read/the-force-awakens-is-the-least-interesting-star-wars-yet


And some of these are interesting, although I think he's missed the point of a couple of them: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/seth-abramson/40-unforgivable-plot-holes-in-star-wars-the-force-awakens_b_8850324.html


The last we saw it, the skin got damaged and he wore a glove to cover up his robot hand.


It's probably to do with honouring his father and deciding not to hide that part of him.



Makes me laugh, I seriously doubt any Star Wars film will ever be universally liked. The fan base is too entrenched into their idea of what 'Star Wars' is.


Too much politics, trade embargos!

Too much action!

Not like the originals!

Too much like the originals!

Etc, etc,!

I'm just hoping for a special edition re release in 10 years or so with extra CGI.


Oh, and more talk about trade federations and the senate.


Well in this case it might be interesting to see Leia arguing with senate that they're not doing anything - or enough - to help stop the rise of the First Order.


Things like that shouldn't consume the plot, but it would be interesting to see the New Republic, at least a little bit.


Huh, the flacon was flying low to avoid being picked up, went through trees hit SNOW (not ice), I really don't get the issue. And yeah, the hyperspace bit, they started inside, but there was a hatch open...


As for Lukes hand... tricky one, if the technology was that good in Empire then you'd think they'd keep doing it, though I suppose if he's in hiding for all that time then it may not be easy for him to go somewhere to get it sorted. Another reason is he stops giving a fuck how it looks? My mate got an amazing fake leg, after a while he just used to wear a metal stick instead, he stopped giving a fuck and just did what was easiest.


Just came back from seeing it and I think it did a near-perfect job of rectifying the sour taste the most recent trilogy left.


My two main points;


The 'flashbacks' that touching Luke's sabre produced all seemed to make sense as if they were from luke's perspective, however the scene where young rey stands and watches her family (we presume) leave on a spaceship is 'filmed' from the ground perspective. This is the only doubt I have about whether Luke is her father or not, because surely his perspective is on the spaceship?


The other thing; Ren. I think they did a brilliant job. At first fearsome and reminiscent of Vader... then he takes the mask off and appears to be an almost laughable teenager... but then it makes other things slip into place - like how he is treated by the general yet the general gets away with his life, and how he throws a tantrum with his sabre, and the fact that he never finished his training - and he walked with such an odd swagger prior to that reveal that I really started paying creedance to the jar-jar theory(!!!).


Obv. he was heavily injured prior to the end fight but that served to give finn a nice "hey he's improved" scene, and to give a closer match to Rey (who is clearly a student of the Jedi history, knowing all the myth and lore and techniques but not fully being able to grasp things until she learns to focus a bit) before both go off to their dagobah-like swamps for some levelling up.


I'm interested to see what Ren's going to do to 'finish his training' and I imagine the 2nd film will be slower (with a snow level :P).


I know that this film had a LOT of fan-service, predictability and deus ex machina... but they combine to make this movie feel more genuine. The whole point of the force is that there's a level of deus ex machina throughout the movies - even with the splitting of the earth to leave rey and ren apart escalates this to being about fate rather than chance. They are destined to go and retrain and raise the relevant sides of the force up again so that, I'd guess, Luke can return and commit to properly spreading the jedi again.



So, I saw this last night - and I think I probably liked/enjoyed it more than I thought I would.

I should add I've never been big on Star Wars, and only really properly saw them all the year that Episode III came out - by which time I think the ground they originally broke had been re-trodden by so many other pieces of media that I wasn't as blown away as people may originally have been. I think I am somewhat looking forward to the next one though.

On the whole, I found it enjoyable - I preferred certain characters over others, found some spots mildly irksome, but yeah...it seemed good!


I did however just read this article, and I think I may kinda identify with it somewhat(obvs total spoilers warning for it);

Star Wars The Force Awakens Is the Least Interesting Star Wars Yet?


Oops, my bad! Only read a few of the posts on the page! I don't feel so bad not being a big Star Wars fan this time round though, almost as if all the hype and presence of the new film is enough to satiate people from losing their shit flipping out at me for not being all that fussed. I don't hate it at all btw, but I almost feel like people would usually react as if I do!


I saw this today with @Eenuh's family. Finally! Will be seeing it again next week with my friend for her birthday.


I was about 95% or so focused on the film, whilst the remaining 5% was tempted to hit the stranger sat next to me, who was breathing as loud as Darth Vader himself and wouldn't shut the fuck up talking to his girlfriend throughout. I think that stopped me being as fully into it as I would have liked. Hopefully the second time can rectify that.


Overall, I enjoyed it!



- This looked amazing and sounded great, too. I loved how it wasn't completely (or didn't feel) CGIed to shit. Everything felt like it belonged in the same world as the original trilogy, not some computer simulation like the prequels.


- It felt like a continuation of the original films. The old characters were there and looked and sounded like them too, but there were a healthy amount of new characters who gave new life to the series.


- The lightsabre fight was excellent. It matched the style in the original films. None of this jumping around and taking a million swipes, fancy movements and overdoing it just to look cool. I've always thought of the lightsabre battles as a medieval swordfight between a prince and an intruder, or something of that type. I thought that they mimicked that well there.


- Kylo Ren was a good villain. Young, petulant and inexperienced. I thought the lightsabre battle did a good bit of storytelling in itself. Kylo was injured, but perhaps didn't fully believe in himself. Rey treated the lightsabre in a similar way to her previous staff weapon and Finn...just got lucky. Like he did with the shooting in the tie fighter and the falcon, he managed a lucky blow against Kylo Ren. I'm curious to see what they do with Kylo's character next because it seems as if he's still got tooooons more to learn and isn't a Darth Vader type of villain yet. He's similar to Darth Maul, perhaps less experience than that, too.


- The music was fantastic. I loved how they didn't just rely on old tunes but provided some new ones. Particularly the one that played whilst Rey went to search for Luke. Beautiful.




- I don't think it felt as "fun" or as "magical" as the original films. Watching A New Hope recently, every line that Han Solo gets is gold. He carries that film. I didn't feel as if the script was written to give another character that chance to do a similar sort of thing. It was written well enough, but the film doesn't have that fun factor as a result of it.


- Not sure how I felt about Harrison Ford/Han Solo in this. He looks very weary and I guess that it's understandable all things considering (his son in this being a twat, for example) but it sorta carries on my continuation of what I said above, that it leads to the film being slightly less fun because he was a big part of what made the originals funny to watch.


- The Maz character...not sure if I liked her design. Will need to see it again to confirm. She looked like a walking tangerine.


- Needs moar Poe. They introduced what seemed like a fun character and then got rid of him for the majority of the film. Also, HOW?



Overall, I thought it was good and I'm looking forward to seeing it again. Judging films on just one viewing never really tells you enough. You never really know where you stand with a film until you've seen it at least twice, imo.

Posted (edited)

Where was force ghost Grandfather Anakin to slap Kylo Ren around the face, tell him that he'd seen sense in the end and to stop being a weener.

Edited by Retro_Link


As for Lukes hand... tricky one, if the technology was that good in Empire then you'd think they'd keep doing it, though I suppose if he's in hiding for all that time then it may not be easy for him to go somewhere to get it sorted. Another reason is he stops giving a fuck how it looks? My mate got an amazing fake leg, after a while he just used to wear a metal stick instead, he stopped giving a fuck and just did what was easiest.


Surely the point of showing Lukes hand was just so you know it's him. A human hand could have been anybody. It's a bit like the unlock me and leave a gun scene, it doesn't make much sense on it's own, but was clearly a nod to the older fans.

Surely the point of showing Lukes hand was just so you know it's him. A human hand could have been anybody. It's a bit like the unlock me and leave a gun scene, it doesn't make much sense on it's own, but was clearly a nod to the older fans.


Well his face was probably clearer evidence it was him.


In the flashback scene with R2, yeah, that'd be why his hand is lacking skin, so we know it's him.


I'm loving the music in this film. It's been put on Spotify, so I've had a listen here and there.


Rey's Theme is my favourite thing.





Can't wait to get back to the UK and play the new soundtrack on Spotify whilst playing Battlefront. :D

That is also my favourite piece of music from the soundtrack.


So.. who do we think Rey is?


She's Luke's child -

I think Luke had a wife/lover who was pregnant (which he either knew about or didn't)

Ben/Ren was at the time the star pupil at skywalker academy/temple and learned luke was to have a child and felt threatened, these dark feelings started his dark path and allowed PelagiusSnoke to whisper the dark side to him

Ben/Ren then had the known fit of rage and slaughtered all those at the academy and destroyed it, with Luke then fleeing in despair

I think if my theory is right, he had the additional pain of thinking he lost his lover (playing Homage to the Anakin/Padme relationship and mirroring the secret child scenario), when she survived, and had Rey. she was potentially pursued by the first order/Knights of Ren and thus abandoned Rey on the first 'safe' planet where she wouldn't be found and potentially never awaken to the force.


Thats my theory


There are others - others think she is some how a Kenobi since every other character returned or was played homage to in Awakens except him (that we knew of)

For this to work (given he died 34 years before) she would be his Grandchild or great niece, with Kenobi having an extended family never spoken of ever in the current Cannon.

Sure in the clone wars it was hinted he had a relationship with the Mandalorian ruler, but she died IIRC without any children we knew of, especially a secret love child of a Jedi Master

An off shoot is that She is the child of Kenobi's ancestor and Luke, which whilst a nice idea I think said theory is so ridiculous to be actually accurate




She's Luke's child -

I think Luke had a wife/lover who was pregnant (which he either knew about or didn't)

Ben/Ren was at the time the star pupil at skywalker academy/temple and learned luke was to have a child and felt threatened, these dark feelings started his dark path and allowed PelagiusSnoke to whisper the dark side to him

Ben/Ren then had the known fit of rage and slaughtered all those at the academy and destroyed it, with Luke then fleeing in despair

I think if my theory is right, he had the additional pain of thinking he lost his lover (playing Homage to the Anakin/Padme relationship and mirroring the secret child scenario), when she survived, and had Rey. she was potentially pursued by the first order/Knights of Ren and thus abandoned Rey on the first 'safe' planet where she wouldn't be found and potentially never awaken to the force.


Thats my theory


There are others - others think she is some how a Kenobi since every other character returned or was played homage to in Awakens except him (that we knew of)

For this to work (given he died 34 years before) she would be his Grandchild or great niece, with Kenobi having an extended family never spoken of ever in the current Cannon.

Sure in the clone wars it was hinted he had a relationship with the Mandalorian ruler, but she died IIRC without any children we knew of, especially a secret love child of a Jedi Master

An off shoot is that She is the child of Kenobi's ancestor and Luke, which whilst a nice idea I think said theory is so ridiculous to be actually accurate



I agree.


I reckon when things went south for Luke he hid Rey away on Jakku to protect her - possibly mind-wiping her or something so she wouldn't remember him and would be safe.


Part of me thinks Leia had strong feelings towards Rey - they had that overly long hug when they "first" met.


I half expected Luke to say "...Padme!?" at the end.


Posted (edited)

Having watched it for a second time I noticed something in the vision scene which I missed the first time around:




Crappy iPhone won't let me put spoilers in properly; beware if reading below! But you should have really seen it by now!





Rey was given to what looks suspiciously like the chap she sells parts for food to! Does this mean she can just go back to Jakku to ask him who gave her up? If not skywalker's kid?


Edited by Phube
Having watched it for a second time I noticed something in the vision scene which I missed the first time around:



Crappy iPhone won't let me put spoilers in properly; beware if reading below! But you should have really seen it by now!


Rey was given to what looks suspiciously like the chap she sells parts for food to! Does this mean she can just go back to Jakku to ask him who gave her up? If not skywalker's kid?


Yeah she was given to him, but she would have already known that, her being herself and all. It's possible he didn't know who dropped her off. Or his mind was Jedi-wiped.


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