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N-Europe's Top 50 Wii Games: The Results [NUMBERS 10-1!!]


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I find these days that the consensus view of what constitutes 'quality' isn't always a good indicator for whether I'll enjoy it or not, let alone love it. Of course it's very handy to read a good, detailed account of the games strengths, flaws etc, but I really find review scores a bit of a quaint idea. Film reviews are even more suspect


Got to agree with you on this man, very well said.


Games like Deadly Creatures, Opoona and Eledees have a sort of mystery surrounding them which no review can take away. I want to play them regardless and thus they are still on my ever growing backlog.

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Thing is, you are not promoting discussion, like in previous threads you've been forcing your opinion over and over. The previous posting of Metacritic scores shows you have no regard for other peoples opinion that they enjoyed the game. You are not trying to debate the results you are trying so enforce your opinion that a game is bad.


How many times do I have to say "this is not a debate".


If people want to discuss the results it would be along the lines of "X amount of my top 10 ranked X, Y, Z" - "Good to see game X ranked where it did" - "Surprised game Y got that high"


Not "game Z is muck and stinks up the thread, person 1,2,3 voted for it, it belongs on the top 50 worst games list and is shite" - that is not debate or discussion that is the start of an argument. And you might not have done it directly but my going to teh trouble of finding and naming those who voted for the game you disagree with does make it personal.


Just because some people might not like it and some people on this site may be perfectly happy to have Nintendo repeatedly kick them in the face and say "Please Sir, may I have some more?", well I'm not one of them.


This statement has no relevence at all to this thread and again just makes you appear to be trying to start an argument.

Edited by Mokong
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Thing is, you are not promoting discussion, like in previous threads you've been forcing your opinion over and over. The previous posting of Metacritic scores shows you have no regard for other peoples opinion that they enjoyed the game.


How many times do I have to say "this is not a debate".


If people want to discuss the results it would be along the lines of "X amount of my top 10 ranked X, Y, Z" - "Good to see game X ranked where it did" - "Surprised game Y got that high"


Not "game Z is muck and stinks up the thread, person 1,2,3 voted for it, it belongs on the top 50 worst games list and is shite" - that is not debate or discussion that is the start of an argument. And you might not have done it directly but my going to teh trouble of finding and naming those who voted for the game you disagree with does make it personal.




This statement has no relevence at all to this thread and again just makes you appear to be trying to start an argument.


The last statement is not about this thread but about how Nintendo have gone about their business recently.


As far as quoting the 3 people, their voting ranking and the games ranking was just to in part highlight, I wasn't lying, how easy it was to get a game up the chart and I think I did that. 3 votes, 3rd, 6th and 8th = 33rd place.

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As far as quoting the 3 people, their voting ranking and the games ranking was just to in part highlight, I wasn't lying, how easy it was to get a game up the chart and I think I did that. 3 votes, 3rd, 6th and 8th = 33rd place.


They already explained why they did it that way. 3 mild votes are worth more than a single No.1 place, and they felt it was more important to bump up games that were enjoyed by many than those who were adored by one.


Also, I have to agree when people say: Your posts come off as aggressive and disrespectful ("I think one of your favourite Wii games was a miscarriage of a game. It should get the hate it rightfully deserves.")

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@Wii please note


If you wish to contest an infraction send a PM to an admin with a reference to the post in question and an explanation why you think the infraction is not justified. By publicly complaining about an infraction in any way (starting with something like "I've been given an infraction for blah blah blah ..."), you forfeit your right to an appeal and the infraction will be permanent, without exception.

That's taken from the rules. I will send you a PM shortly.

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I take all the points about Wii, but this IS a forum, it IS for discussion. What is this place for, if not debate? Wii does push it but manages to stay above being personal; I've seen people do worse and I don't think it's fair to threaten him with infractions for this. I don't approve of trying to do that behind closed doors either, such as jayseven has quoted(though it seems to be in the rules, so I guess that's the rules). If it isn't a debate, Mokong, what is it? What IS this thread here for?

Edited by Rummy
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The problem isn't that he's disagreeing with the list. It's the tone of his posts, they are too aggressive. People come to this forum for friendly discussion and debate, which can get heated and intense at times, but usually maintain a level of respect. His posts in this thread are very provocative, and are causing arguments, not discussion. Just would be nice to see a bit of respect for other's opinions, even if you personally disagree with them.


Anyway... time to move on now? : peace:

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All right, I'll move on. I'm just saying I've seen people be far ruder and more disrespectful, resorting to calling him names or being aggressive to him, and nobody was publicly threatened with infractions in those cases. I think tension's building up towards him on the Wii forums, and it's affecting judgement. His own manner hasn't been directly confrontational, but I see where you and others are coming from.


There are some surprising games which also just missed out or got no votes whatsoever.
Actually, I'm talking about full retail games that are pretty well known.


But we'll get to those once it's over.


I'm still interested to hear about these!

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To end any further debate, I've worked out how the results would have fallen if they had been worked out differently. Here's the top 25 worked out with every number one place being given 10 points and every number ten being given 1 point.


I also placed Metorid Prime Trilogy and Corruption as one, so a votes for them were combined.


1. Super Mario Galaxy

2. The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword

3. Super Mario Galaxy 2

4. Xenoblade Chronicles

5. The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess

6. Metroid Prime Trilogy (includes votes for both the Trilogy and Corruption)

7. Super Smash Bros. Brawl

8. Monster Hunter Tri

9. Wii Sports

10. Donkey Kong Country Returns

11. Little Kings Story

12. Mario Kart Wii

13. Okami

14. Resident Evil 4

15. Metroid: Other M

16. Excite Truck

17. Call of Duty: Black Ops

18. Tatsunoko vs Capcom

19. GoldenEye

20. Muramasa The Demon Blade

21. Silent Hill: Shattered Memories

22. No More Heroes

23. New Super Mario Bros. Wii

24. Wii Sports Resorts

25. Zack & Wiki: Quest for Barbaros' Treasure


Please note, I haven't done this to piss on anyone's chips or annoy anyone. I did this as the votes came in and kept a database of them in an Excel sheet because I enjoyed the voting so much I wanted to know how it was developing day by day.


Please note, in BOTH ways of calculating the scores, the top ten are very similar and the top 4 are exactly the same!

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@Wii please note


If you wish to contest an infraction send a PM to an admin with a reference to the post in question and an explanation why you think the infraction is not justified. By publicly complaining about an infraction in any way (starting with something like "I've been given an infraction for blah blah blah ...")' date=' you forfeit your right to an appeal and the infraction will be permanent, without exception.[/quote']


That's taken from the rules. I will send you a PM shortly.


I put up a response on Thursday, then took it down but I'm putting it back up again well because you are wrong in your response.


Infractions? For what? I'm not being personal. It's just my opinion and it's promoting discussion. Seriously. Just because some people might not like it and some people on this site may be perfectly happy to have Nintendo repeatedly kick them in the face and say "Please Sir, may I have some more?", well I'm not one of them.


You are referring to this. I said this at 1.50p.m. but the infraction was only given 2.08p.m. I was questioning why I should get an infraction before I got one so I didn't break any rule. Oh I've read your PM and trust me you'll be getting a PM back.


I take all the points about Wii, but this IS a forum, it IS for discussion. What is this place for, if not debate? Wii does push it but manages to stay above being personal; I've seen people do worse and I don't think it's fair to threaten him with infractions for this. I don't approve of trying to do that behind closed doors either, such as jayseven has quoted(though it seems to be in the rules, so I guess that's the rules). If it isn't a debate, Mokong, what is it? What IS this thread here for?


All right, I'll move on. I'm just saying I've seen people be far ruder and more disrespectful, resorting to calling him names or being aggressive to him, and nobody was publicly threatened with infractions in those cases. I think tension's building up towards him on the Wii forums, and it's affecting judgement. His own manner hasn't been directly confrontational, but I see where you and others are coming from.


Thanks for the support Rummy and I agree, I don't approve of trying to do things behind closed doors either. It smacks of cloaks and daggers. You are right, people have been far more disrespectful towards me, called me names and been just as aggressive. I know the mods have seen this and turned a blind eye. It's alright for them to do so but where is the consistency? It's double standards, that's what it is. I haven't made personal attacks. It was directed at the game. If people on this forum were to get infraction warnings for bad language, they'd be handed out left, right and centre. I don't care about the names, it just bounces off me and I will stand my ground.


@Zechs Merquise Thanks for that list. I don't know why but that list looks better. I know it helps lumping MP3 with Trilogy. This list had problems caused by changing it from top 25 to top 50 halfway through the process and yet keeping it at 10 votes each. I think it let weaker games sneak in.

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I don't really understand how anyone can be offended by anything on the internet.


If someone uses stark words and whatnot against you, can't one just rise above that?


I mean, who the fuck cares what anybody thinks of things you enjoy.

Just let people utter their opinions and laugh a little and think: 'ohohoho, oh you. You're funny :laughing:'


From that point on, you can either provoke the person a bit to get a few more extra laughs out of it (and I must say, this forum makes for some great reading and humour), or you could just ignore it.


Please don't ban Wii from the site. All he is, is a passionate gamer whose passionate words pass on his passion for games.

Edited by Fused King
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I don't really understand how anyone can be offended by anything on the internet.


If someone uses stark words and whatnot against you, can't one just rise above that?


I mean, who the fuck cares what anybody thinks of things you enjoy.

Just let people utter their opinions and laugh a little and think: 'ohohoho, oh you. You're funny :laughing:'


From that point on, you can either provoke the person a bit to get a few more extra laughs out of it (and I must say, this forum makes for some great reading and humour), or you could just ignore it.


Please don't ban Wii from the site. All he is, is a passionate gamer whose passionate words pass on his passion for games.


Exactly. I don't care what somebody says about me. I'm not getting a ban but part of my warning was about using bad language. Now if the rules were taken literally you could be looking forward to a warning Fused King for your bad language in your post. That would be stupid though. My argument is you can't be cherry picking the rules just because you don't like my point of view.

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Wii Sports at 9 but Wii Sports Resort at 24??


More people have played it, it had a greater impact on society and some people are miffed about the existence of the Motionplus accessory (and may subconsciously blame WSR for its existence)


Either that or they just liked Tennis the best :heh:

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The sword-fighting was fun from what I remember. It's a bit more of a forgettable experience when compared to the original.


I played it at my Mum's house before I re-bought a Wii, I simply haven't had much desire to play it on my own.

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Either that or they just liked Tennis the best :heh:


I love Wii Sports Tennis and feel that it had much more depth and skill than a lot of people gave it credit for :hehe: Having said that, playing a faster game of Table Tennis in Wii Sports Resort, by holding down the 2 button after the character selection screen as you enter the match, is awesome and made me crave a proper tennis game on Wii from Nintendo.. which never came :hmm:


I would have to say that I prefer Wii Sports to Wii Sports Resort but both games are great fun :grin:


The sword-fighting was fun from what I remember. It's a bit more of a forgettable experience when compared to the original.


I remember lots of people thinking the sword fighting was amazing but I actually didn't find it to be anywhere near as fun as others, sadly ::shrug: I much prefer Table Tennis and also get plenty of joy out of Frisbee Dog and Archery :smile:

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Thanks for the support Rummy and I agree, I don't approve of trying to do things behind closed doors either. It smacks of cloaks and daggers. You are right, people have been far more disrespectful towards me, called me names and been just as aggressive. I know the mods have seen this and turned a blind eye. It's alright for them to do so but where is the consistency? It's double standards, that's what it is. I haven't made personal attacks. It was directed at the game. If people on this forum were to get infraction warnings for bad language, they'd be handed out left, right and centre. I don't care about the names, it just bounces off me and I will stand my ground.


Don't thank me for the support, as it isn't support. My interest is in the forums and the community, and I'm just calling it like I see it - it's still my own personal opinion and has no intentional bias for or against anyone. I do however agree with Fused's statements. If you want to talk to me more about it, feel free to PM me or write a visitor message - but in the interest of moving on, let's not continue anymore of this discussion here. I have no right to tell you what to do or expect you'll do it, but I'll ask kindly that you leave it here, save getting this thread hung up on a separate issue.


Probably due to the impact that Wii Sports had, in comparison to Resort. Makes sense. Anyone could pick up a Wiimote and could play in Wii Sports. Don't think Resort was quite as accessible, but still enjoyable.


Seconding this, and it also comes back into the whole MP argument - there's much greater exposure to Wii Sports than to Wii Sports resort. Wii Sports broke more ground, Resort just kinda...broke a little bit more but not as much, it was a showcase for the motionplus - but really that wasn't enough of a change as the original wii remote was. In my opinion it's an example of why motionplus should have been there from the beginning, but I can see exactly why it didn't manage to be etc. I personally never bought resort/saw major appeal to warrant purchase; but I did play it and kinda like Flink the most memorable/fun aspect was the swordfighting. Like Wii boxing all over again!


I don't think I've even used my Wii Sports Resort disc.


Why do you have it? Just for the motionplus? Suddenly made me think of WiiPlay, only got that cos it was a cheapish way for a second wiimote early on!

Edited by Rummy
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