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Shame on you, Dazz! Both for not knowing who Jonathan Coulton is and for not acknowledging that his version of Baby Got Back is the superior one.


I suggest listening to:


Code Monkey

Big Bad World One

Re: Your Brains

Tom Cruise Crazy

The Future Soon

Skullcrusher Mountain


And probably some others I'm forgetting.



Getting god damn ridiculous though, will be juggling this, Season 7 of Dexter, Season 2 of Game of thrones, Finishing Arrow, Boardwalk Empire and Walking dead is back soon.

Oh, man - six TV shows! However will you cope? :p


Regarding season 1 of Breaking Bad, it was cut short by the writer's strike, so that's why it's so short and also why it ends rather abruptly.

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Shame on you, Dazz! Both for not knowing who Jonathan Coulton is and for not acknowledging that his version of Baby Got Back is the superior one.


I suggest listening to:


Code Monkey

Big Bad World One

Re: Your Brains

Tom Cruise Crazy

The Future Soon

Skullcrusher Mountain


And probably some others I'm forgetting.




Oh, man - six TV shows! However will you cope? :p


Regarding season 1 of Breaking Bad, it was cut short by the writer's strike, so that's why it's so short and also why it ends rather abruptly.




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I was bored on Netflix a few weeks ago and stumbled upon a show called Freaks & Geeks. I reluctantly gave it a chance... fast forward to right now and my god...




One of my favourite tv shows in a very long time, so it's a tragedy that it only lasted for one season. Check it out if you've got the time! (It's far better than the title would have you believe)



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Of course Sam and Naomi were going to end up together. I can't believe I didn't see that coming! And of course it was the main focus of the episode. Because yeah, let's focus on the most boring character on television and a character who left the show two years ago.


But apparently Shonda loved Sam and Naomi together and what Shonda wants, Shonda gets. I bet she masturbated while watching the episode.


I can't believe how unprofessional these people are. Naomi's having some sort of important (I'd assume) medical meeting with a bunch of professionals, and Sam just walks in and tells them to leave because he just has to confess his love right then and there! That's really more obnoxious than romantic.


Meanwhile, that poor woman from Six Feet Under gets thrown under the bus.


At the end of the episode, Naomi has apparently decided to start working at the practice again, even though she moved to be closer to her daughter and the focus of Sam's episode this season was how he felt he needed a change in his life. Marrying your ex-wife is not a change!


Charlotte and Cooper don't really get to do much other than decide to get a nanny, because Shonda focused so much on the Sam and Naomi love story that nobody cared about that a bunch of scenes had to be cut.


Violet finishes her second book and nobody cares because she hasn't been interesting since she had her stomach cut open. "I'm thinking of calling it Private Practice." Oh, how meta! Shonda at the table read: "and then the fans will laugh as the characters discuss what an awful/great title it is!"


Addison got to help Sam and Naomi get back together, and that was the extent of her storyline this episode. But it's okay, because it's not like this was the finale of her own show or anything. At least she got to marry Jake, which I liked, if only because it meant she didn't end up with the total snoozefest that was Sam.


Shonda must hate Sheldon. First she gives him cancer (and we never find out if it's in remission or not), and then she has him fall in love with a dying woman. Then he abruptly quits his job so he can spend whatever time his girlfriend has left with her on a beach somewhere. Which I guess is supposed to be romantic, but all I could think about was how unprofessional it was of a psychiatrist to just up and leave his patients like that. Sorry, suicidal guy! I'm sure you'll be fine. Your husband died suddenly? Well, now I'm leaving too!


Amelia... had about three lines this episode (and she got to sit around looking happy in a couple of scenes). Which I guess is fitting, since, other than the episode that focused on her, she'd only had about three lines this season up to this point. I wouldn't be surprised if Shonda was so busy writing Sam and Naomi fanfiction that she forgot that Amelia existed.


Apparently it's okay that the series finale was so boring and most of the characters didn't get to do anything, though, because Shonda considers the whole final season the finale. :indeed:


Mostly I'm just glad the show is over and I'm finally free. This has been one of the preachiest and most boring shows I've watched in a while and the fans are awful people for thinking this is acceptable television.


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Cobie Smulders could still pop up on S.H.I.E.L.D., even though HIMYM is going on for another year:


"The commitments to [How I Met Your Mother] don’t affect it," Smulders said. "And I can’t really say but there are definite talks about it."



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It's a superhero/Joss Whedon combo. She'd be back soon enough :heh:

Like Tara. If only she'd been a superhero. :cry:


And I actually meant that they'd kill her off on How I Met Your Mother so she could appear in this. "And kids, that's the story of how your aunt Robin got hit by a bus and I got her brains splattered all over my new shirt." :p


Edit: The episode will revolve around Ted buying a white shirt and when he visits Lily and Marshall, they'll be like, "there's no way you'll make it through the day without getting a stain on that shirt that you'll never be able to get out." So the whole episode, he'll narrowly avoid getting his shirt dirty, until right at the end when Robin gets hit by a bus and blood splatters on his shirt. And he'll look down at it and make a really annoyed face.


The tag will be Robin's funeral, where Barney will make a hilarious speech about how she was his "bro for life" and "legen... wait for it... dary".

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Just finished watching the first 3 seasons of RTÉ's Love/Hate


Great show.


Normally when I get a boxset I'd wait till the show was fully finished to get a complete boxset of all seasons. So this was weird that I got the 3 season set when a season 4 has been confirmed.


But by the end of season 3 I think this boxset will sit nicely on its own, given the characters that died (NNNOOOOOO :cry:) it did feel like a bit of a full circle and a closing. Like an arc has finished.

Season 4 will prolly feel very different and be the start of a new story arc.



I know not many here will have seen it or be aware of it as it is a Irish show, but I would recommend it if like a good gangland drama.

You can get the 3 season DVD boxset (it not on BluRay :()on Amazon if anyone thinks they might be interested


The show follows characters who are involved in a Dublin drugs gang and by season 3 the gang gets on the wrong side of the IRA.


Here's a trailer for season 2 (couldn't find a season 1 trailer)


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I finished watching the second season of American Horror Story the other day. It's pretty trashy and often tries way too hard to be shocking, but at the same time it's really addictive and I can't stop watching. :p



Edit: Oh man, they're making an NCIS: Los Angeles spinoff! A spinoff of a spinoff of a spinoff! That's pretty impressive.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Finished Season 4 of Breaking Bad last night.



Bloody awesome finale.


Loved how Walt finally managed to kill Gus.

And how he died was EPIC!


When the door blew open and he walks out and adjusts his tie I was like "WTF" how did he escape the blast?

Then teh camera pans around and half his head is missing and he falls.





Can't wait to start watching season 5. Might hold off so that by the time I reach ep 8 the mid season break is over and new eps start coming

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What little I've watched of Cheers has been very, erm, '80s sitcom-y. So, watchable but pretty bland I don't end up laughing all that much.



Wait, NCIS was a spin-off to begin with?

NCIS started as a backdoor pilot in season eight of JAG.

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What little I've watched of Cheers has been very, erm, '80s sitcom-y. So, watchable but pretty bland I don't end up laughing all that much.




NCIS started as a backdoor pilot in season eight of JAG.


Dianne is amazing though. And by that I of course mean she is similar to me.

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