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Weird shit people do


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Why we try along things we think we do thatay be slightly weird to people? I'll start.


I'm very symmetrical, such as when I knock my right knee, sometimes I will hit my left knee (but only lightly with my hand) otherwise it sort of feels weird / left out to me. I think this may seem quite strange.

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Why we try along things we think we do thatay be slightly weird to people? I'll start.


I'm very symmetrical, such as when I knock my right knee, sometimes I will hit my left knee (but only lightly with my hand) otherwise it sort of feels weird / left out to me. I think this may seem quite strange.


You are a Bulbasaur. I find that strange already.

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Parents (or in this case grandparents) definitely seem to feel the need to share every inane thing their child does. Don't get me wrong, I love kids (not in the ReZ way), but I don't want to go on facebook and see multiple posts of "look at my little boy's first turd" or "OMG my six month old ate loads of sweets and then threw up. He's so cute!"


Yes it really annoys me REALLY annoys me!


A friend of mine constantly talks about her family on facebook and has pictures of her two sons, which is alright nothing wrong with that as such, but she also puts pictures up of her Kids (i'll get into that soon). Well about a month or two ago she posts a news story about some pedo ring using facebook pictures of children etc, saying she's removing all mention of her kids from facebook etc blah blah blah, and loads of others i knew commented saying they would do the same.

A few days before she posted pictures of her second borns first bath!!!!

I just don't get this shit, "oh no pedo's could use pics of my kids to wank over" but then posts pictures of them naked...


a week later new pictures - First bath with big brother......


Facebook isn't a place for children thats quite obvious, and every time i see posts about them on facebook i'm reminded of that scene on Family guy where the guy says "look at my kids" (randomly) then opens his wallet to reveal several pics of the kids and proceeds to hit people in the face with them!


you wouldn't go out in public showing everyone pictures of your children but its ok online, on the internet, the global internet, where anyone could be.....




other things


People who wear fake glasses, i have an intense urge to partially blind them to give them cause for real glasses! why wear them?


There is a wierd bloke at work who washes his hands before he uses a toilet... Not so wierd? he scrubs them until they are bright red, then after the same again

He also does it in the kitchen before making a drink.



give me an hour i could watch half my work and get enough for 10 pages, i work for a council and its like they purposefully hire the odd balls, the drunks, the strange



Actually can i ask a question


how would you say Suraya? (as a name)

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Why we try along things we think we do thatay be slightly weird to people? I'll start.


I'm very symmetrical, such as when I knock my right knee, sometimes I will hit my left knee (but only lightly with my hand) otherwise it sort of feels weird / left out to me. I think this may seem quite strange.


Yeah, that's weird.

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I here some people going mental in the middle of supermarket and shout:




and proceed to mash his mums food on the conveyor belt whilst going Bellllllelglellgelghhhh really loudly.


...or maybe that's me. :p


Yes @MagnusDon't worry, I've taken my meds. :heh:

Edited by Coolness Bears
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Why we try along things we think we do thatay be slightly weird to people? I'll start.


I'm very symmetrical, such as when I knock my right knee, sometimes I will hit my left knee (but only lightly with my hand) otherwise it sort of feels weird / left out to me. I think this may seem quite strange.


I do that sometimes =\

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Why we try along things we think we do thatay be slightly weird to people? I'll start.


I'm very symmetrical, such as when I knock my right knee, sometimes I will hit my left knee (but only lightly with my hand) otherwise it sort of feels weird / left out to me. I think this may seem quite strange.


That's the start of an OC behaviour. :)


I watched a documentary on Channel 4(?) all about OCD, with one of the team leaders from 8/10 Cats. Lots of people do the kind of thing that you were talking about - avoiding cracks in the pavement, touching the doorframe in a certain place as you walk through it, making sure a certain foot hits a certain stairstep, etc.


The Obsessive Compulsive part was fine for most people but when it started impacting on their life it became a disorder, and therefore OCD. There was an NHS unit where people were treated and part of the treatment was to go to the toilet in the unit and rub your hands all over the seat, and then all over your face and clothes. It was horrid. The woman demonstrating even licked her hands. She was wrong, but I guess OCD peeps needed it.


See here, from 30 secs: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3p1BsIiKNKc


The programme visited a few people in more sever stages of OCD and their lives were ruined. Stuff like using a baby wipe to wipe everything that had come from the supermarket, never leaving the house, having a clean room in the flat, not letting people in their house, neverending list writing. It was just scary.

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People who wear fake glasses, i have an intense urge to partially blind them to give them cause for real glasses! why wear them?


I actually don't understand the hatred for fake glasses. I don't wear them myself (I need real glasses...), but why not? I guess some people like how they look with glasses on, but don't actually need them?

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Yes it really annoys me REALLY annoys me!


A friend of mine constantly talks about her family on facebook and has pictures of her two sons, which is alright nothing wrong with that as such, but she also puts pictures up of her Kids (i'll get into that soon). Well about a month or two ago she posts a news story about some pedo ring using facebook pictures of children etc, saying she's removing all mention of her kids from facebook etc blah blah blah, and loads of others i knew commented saying they would do the same.

A few days before she posted pictures of her second borns first bath!!!!

I just don't get this shit, "oh no pedo's could use pics of my kids to wank over" but then posts pictures of them naked...


a week later new pictures - First bath with big brother......


Facebook isn't a place for children thats quite obvious, and every time i see posts about them on facebook i'm reminded of that scene on Family guy where the guy says "look at my kids" (randomly) then opens his wallet to reveal several pics of the kids and proceeds to hit people in the face with them!


you wouldn't go out in public showing everyone pictures of your children but its ok online, on the internet, the global internet, where anyone could be.....





I agree with the facebook children thingy. Not because i don't want to look at them ( i just block that person), but the poor baby might in later life resent having his naked baby pictures broadcast online. When i have children i think i'll probably restrict their presense online until they are old enough to decide for themselves if they want it.


People who wear fake glasses, i have an intense urge to partially blind them to give them cause for real glasses! why wear them?


This really pisses me off for some reason too. People wearing a disability aid as a fashion accessory. I think it's good that glasses are less of a stigma now, since some people have to option but to wear them. People with perfectly good eyesight can fuck off though.


They'll be wearing fashion hearing aids, and rolling around in wheelchairs next.

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how would you say Suraya? (as a name)


Ser-rye-ah (I find it hard to type phonetically).


Also I hate the fake glasses things as well. One of the many idiotic hipster "nobodydoesthisbutme" trends.


Why we try along things we think we do thatay be slightly weird to people? I'll start.


I have no idea what is going on here.

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This really pisses me off for some reason too. People wearing a disability aid as a fashion accessory. I think it's good that glasses are less of a stigma now, since some people have to option but to wear them. People with perfectly good eyesight can fuck off though.


They'll be wearing fashion hearing aids, and rolling around in wheelchairs next.


yeah thats my stance on it too really, its nice its less of stigma but god its to improve peoples eyesight not a fashion accessory, i do wonder where it could go next too.




I've got another

We were discussing an accident that happened in Cross Gates a month ago,

An elderly woman got run over by a lorry, partially crushing her leg (lorry stopped but the wheel pushed up to her leg nipping the skin and causing it to split like a sausage on the other side - not too serious apparently)

Terrible right?


well the weird thing? she crossed the road less than 10m from a crossing, a well used crossing that was apparently in use as she was hit, the lorry was highly visible and pedestrians warned her (shouting watch out) and even the lorry blurted his horn, from what the police report said, apparently she saw the lorry but thought she had enough time while traffic was stopping to cross.


So really my problem is people who cross near a crossing, how hard is it to walk that extra little bit for safety?


I think its doubly weird/annoying because when people are run over like this the community calls for more crossings and they get put in or speed limits lowered because of effectively stupidity and nobody has the spine to say that's all it is. a prime example is in Leeds city centre we have two crossings side by side (separated by a 3 car length) due to similar problems, yet year on year we have people cross between them or in front who get run over, and then they want more crossings :nono:

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People who wear fake glasses, i have an intense urge to partially blind them to give them cause for real glasses! why wear them?

YES! Especially if they are (and 99% of the time they actually are) those awful looking thick emo glasses. Just in case you didn't notice them the first time around. Every time I see someone with thick framed glasses I instantly think they're wearing them for the sake of it.

Actually can i ask a question


how would you say Suraya? (as a name)


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Ser-rye-ah (I find it hard to type phonetically).


Also I hate the fake glasses things as well. One of the many idiotic hipster "nobodydoesthisbutme" trends.




I have no idea what is going on here.


I was writing on my phone and it wrongfully corrected things / I didn't check before I posted. I was suggesting we talk about things we do ourselves that may seem slightly weird.

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Also I hate the fake glasses things as well. One of the many idiotic hipster "nobodydoesthisbutme" trends.


The hipster "culture" is just a joke now. It started out doing stuff because they're not "mainstream" (although Apple products have always been an exception) except that so many people now do the stuff that you can consider the whole hipster craze itself to be "mainstream".

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I asked about the name Suraya because i saw someone on facebook who's named her daughter this go mad about its pronunciation apparently it's Su-RAY-ya (as in the name Ray), not sur-aya (the more common name).


Apparently the name is an arabic name (she isn't arabic) but from what i can see the arabic name is [ syll. su-ra-ya, sur-aya ] from the Iranian Soraya

I just find it wierd how people choose obscure names for their children, then get angry when people pronounce it wrong, or like the more common version

Or they themselves spell the name wrong to the intended one, some of the spellings of names lately are terrible,double letters misused, Y's used instead of I's, i'm surprised we haven't got names like Bethannie for Bethany yet (just googled it oh god we already do)



Does anyone else think its Weird how its now fashionable to wear trucker style baseball hats....and leave the stickers on the peak? why?

Zach Braff had a rant about it on twitter, before hand i'd not noticed it but now its all i can see and i just don't get it, surely when they go in a clothes shop it looks like they are stealing the hat

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Does anyone else think its Weird how its now fashionable to wear trucker style baseball hats....and leave the stickers on the peak? why?


Because it's proof that the hat is worth something and isn't a fake.


Because, as everyone knows, it's much harder to fake a sticker than it is a hat.

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Apparently the name is an arabic name (she isn't arabic) but from what i can see the arabic name is [ syll. su-ra-ya, sur-aya ] from the Iranian Soraya

I just find it wierd how people choose obscure names for their children, then get angry when people pronounce it wrong, or like the more common version

Or they themselves spell the name wrong to the intended one, some of the spellings of names lately are terrible,double letters misused, Y's used instead of I's, i'm surprised we haven't got names like Bethannie for Bethany yet (just googled it oh god we already do)


Giving your kid an unusual name is just weird, and wrong.


I met a kid once who's first name was 'Steven-Gerrard'.

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Something else that confuses me: people in cars who slow down to let you cross the road when there are no cars behind them. It probably takes longer for the person waiting for cross (as they have to wait for the car to slow down and stop, rather than driving past) and takes longer for the person in the car as they have to stop.


Another car-related thing that's happened to me multiple times: people in cars stopping and waving to let you cross when there's a constant stream of cars going the other direction. One of them even look insulted that I didn't cross when he stopped for me.

Argh, yes, this is the same for actual drivers too. As in, someone lets you pull out when they could've just kept going, and you would've gotten out sooner than waiting and checking that they're actually giving you room. Same when you have narrow lanes/parked cars and oncoming traffic.


I once had a light-flashing contest because someone insisted on letting me go first, but I knew I wouldn't actually be able to get past them because there were too many cars behind them. It's not a fucking politeness war, it's common sense, read your damn highway code and go whenever you have right of way.

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Agreed with said drivers and people waiting for cars to move - +number.


I don't really think I do anything particularly weird, which means I probably do a lot of weird things. I know people find my thumbs a bit odd because I scratch the skin and bite it, rather than my nails. But I've recently found quite a few people do this at work too.


I also have to have even numbers on things, so for example, the amount of people I'm currently following on twitter is 59 and it's driving me mad, because although I want to have 60 as an even number, I won't just follow anyone, this is the same for my Tumblr. But luckily I rarely look at the numbers on Facebook because they don't show you them much.


Erm otherwise, I'm not really sure about other people, I try not to pay too much attention..

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Does anyone else think its Weird how its now fashionable to wear trucker style baseball hats....and leave the stickers on the peak? why?

Zach Braff had a rant about it on twitter, before hand i'd not noticed it but now its all i can see and i just don't get it, surely when they go in a clothes shop it looks like they are stealing the hat

I know several people who do this. And are really serious about it. If you take the sticker off it will somehow not make it look less retarded.

Credible source here: http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=59FIFTY


On Saturday I put the sticker I got from CEX (which was on the Demon's Souls game) onto the sticker on his hat, "Nononono!" was his cry when I applied it. I think he would've cried if it didn't peel off so easily.

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I don't really see whats wrong with it, the sticker looks kind of cool. I would have bought one already (I do quite like those hats) but I look like an absolute fool in one.


I quite like most trends people have actually, I've no qualms admitting it! Although this whole Apple product/fake glasses thing...whut is that?

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I don't really see whats wrong with it, the sticker looks kind of cool. I would have bought one already (I do quite like those hats) but I look like an absolute fool in one.

It looks stupid, like keeping the price tag on your clothes to show off. The thing that annoys me is that people don't "wear" them properly. They just seem to balance them on their heads. I think they're afraid that if they do wear them properly the brim will bend like a normal hat should.

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I guess it depends on opinion, if someone wants to wear a hat slightly to the side of their head because they think it makes them look good, I'm all for that.


I would even get behind fake glasses if they felt it was something they thought they looked good in, but it seems rather silly in my mind.

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