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Harmo Knight (eShop)


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I haven't used my 3DS all that much this year yet, but with HarmoKnight, Luigi's Mansion and Animal Crossing on the way, that's gonna change very soon. :hehe:




Not to mention all the other releases for both the Wii U & 3DS in this month.


Manic March.

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Just a tad too easy!!
Even in "Speed Mode"? :hmm:

How would you rate the difficulty compared to the Rhythm Tengoku games?


I'm not that bothered if HarmoKnight is on the easy side anyway, it just looks and sounds like so much fun. :smile:


BTW, is there Character Customisation, an Endless Mode and Online Leaderboards in the game?

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Even in "Speed Mode"? :hmm:

How would you rate the difficulty compared to the Rhythm Tengoku games?


I'm not that bothered if HarmoKnight is on the easy side anyway, it just looks and sounds like so much fun. :smile:


BTW, is there Character Customisation, an Endless Mode and Online Leaderboards in the game?


speed mode? Fcuk i never knew there was a faster mode.


just tried first 5 level on speed mode and not really any more difficult for me. This are the 1st levels though so will have to play some more and get back to you on that.


Story mode which is played on default level hardly offers any challenge..


Rhythm Tengoku gives more of a challenge as you progress on no doubt.


no customization, I have not seen an endless mode and no online leaderboards.

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Awesome piece of artwork by the creator of HarmoKnight:






It looks so.. 90s.. and, therefore, awesome :grin: I can just picture it on the front of some Kellogg's Harmo Knight cereal :yay:


I may already have ambassadir games and a couple of Game Boy games downloaded but Harmo Knight is likely to be my first 'proper' eShop purchase :hehe:


I've been playing Rhythm Thief recently and have to admit to being a little disappointed in it so far so hopefully this will scratch that rhythm itch a little better :heh:

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Can't believe Nintendo didn't get this game out today. :nono:

So now it's clashing with MH3U, Luigi's Mansion 2, Lego City etc... :indeed:


What makes it worse is that the game is blatantly ready, it's just a case of them uploading it to the eShop, but instead they're choosing to release it alongside major retail titles. :blank:


Now, I'm buying HarmoKnight no matter what, but I'm willing to bet there are a lot of people that would've been getting it (had it released today) that now wont be.

Not sure why Nintendo think it's a good idea to reduce the sales of this game, but that's exactly what they've gone and done with this terrible release schedule.

It's beyond stupid. ::shrug:


Seriously, if there's 1 thing that annoys me most about Nintendo at the moment, above everything else, it's their scheduling. :mad:

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#HarmoKnight is coming to Nintendo 3DS eShop on March 28 - and a week earlier there'll be a demo! ow.ly/iYs3S


You may have just about beat me to it, but I had the better post :p


I was one week too soon with my predicted release schedule, but not too bad all in all :)


Shame that it's gonna have to share time with LM2 (and of course MH3U). Feels good to finally have a full schedule for 3DS :D

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Seriously, this mad rush before the end of March is an absolute joke. We've had next to nothing since the start of the year and now we have a massive rush on our hands. :(


Nintendo were waiting for our wallets to fatten up...



So that now they are ready to be butchered...


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Played the demo and what a joy this game is! So cutesy and whimsical. There are little touches I wasn't quite expecting that I won't wreck so to speak even though they may have been shown in the gameplay footage we've seen. Love the overworld map it's awesome looking. One word of warning the demo only allows for 10 plays not the usual 30 we see from demos.

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Why is the HarmoKnight Demo not up for me on the eShop!? :mad:


I can see people playing it on my Friends List, but I've gone into the eShop twice now and it's nowhere to be seen!!!! :weep:


Been checking my eshop since 2pm at work, not updated for me yet either, so hopefully no reason to panic!! :)

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Been checking my eshop since 2pm at work, not updated for me yet either, so hopefully no reason to panic!! :)
It seems like the eShop has been updated though, there's some new stuff up and that message about 18+ content. :hmm:

eShop always updates at 2pm. ::shrug:


Why must you torture me, Nintendo!! :heh:



It's appeared!

Phew. :)

Edited by RedShell
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Do you, RedShell, take this game to be your lawfully wedded wife? "I do".

HarmoKnight, do you take this nerd to be your lawfully wedded husband?... "I do".

I now pronounce you... Mentally ill. :heh:


Seriously though... this game is something else, just like I knew it would be. :love:


I'd better get as much Monster hunting in as possible before next Thursday, 'cos once the full version of HarmoKnight hits, I ain't gonna be playing anything else. :D

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Do you, RedShell, take this game to be your lawfully wedded wife? "I do".

HarmoKnight, do you take this nerd to be your lawfully wedded husband?... "I do".

I now pronounce you... Mentally ill. :heh:


Seriously though... this game is something else, just like I knew it would be. :love:


I'd better get as much Monster hunting in as possible before next Thursday, 'cos once the full version of HarmoKnight hits, I ain't gonna be playing anything else. :D


Wow! Poor Luigi's Mansion 2!


I'm not playing this demo till later on. MH3U is all consuming right now :D

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Do you, RedShell, take this game to be your lawfully wedded wife? "I do".

HarmoKnight, do you take this nerd to be your lawfully wedded husband?... "I do".

I now pronounce you... Mentally ill. :heh:


Ooooh RedShell, RedShell, RedShell... I've just been discharged to the local hospital because I've laughed my ribs into a pretzel.



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