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The Last Stand - He's Back


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Knoville's going to be the Jar-Jar Binks of this' date=' isn't he?[/quote']

Knoxville is the Jar-Jar Binks of EVERYTHING he's in including real life


And was that Emily "Bones" Deschanel? Nice to see the film appreciate the co-stars, eh? :P


And nope, not Bones

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Arnie's acting wasn't that bad*, it's just that he got typecast so many times whenever he played a different role (Let's say Jingle All The Way) it was so out of character it didn't look right.


Never understood the Chuck Norris fisting either.



*See Hercules In New York.

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I thought people liking Arnie's acting was just an internet meme, like that twat Norris.


Arnie's acting was genuinely brilliant in Terminator 2, especially in the deleted scene of the "brain operation".


What I like about most of Arnie's other films is that they know exactly what they are and don't try to be anything else. They don't take themselves too seriously, they know they're just over-the-top action films with silly one-liners.

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Arnie's acting was genuinely brilliant in Terminator 2, especially in the deleted scene of the "brain operation".


What I like about most of Arnie's other films is that they know exactly what they are and don't try to be anything else. They don't take themselves too seriously, they know they're just over-the-top action films with silly one-liners.


I'm not sure if it's Arnie being brilliant or T2 in general being brilliant, but I'll concede that film.

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A lot of actors don't want to be typecast - but those that allow it can get away with some great films -- think of Last Action Hero or Jingle All The Way - both take a new approach to a used idea, and both utilise Arnie's action past excellently - the archetype action hero idea is played with, and subverted, and just adds that gleaming layer. It's like Jim Carey when he did more serious films, like Truman Show and Eternal Sunshine - our perception of him as a funny guy helped add depth to the already thoughtful concepts.


I love how Jason Statham goes from Lock, Stock to a whole plethora of generic action movies (via Kelly Brook) to the extent that he gets recognised as a legit Expendable.


But the weirdest thing with Arnie is how films try to explain away his accent all the time...

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Arnie's acting was genuinely brilliant in Terminator 2, especially in the deleted scene of the "brain operation".


What I like about most of Arnie's other films is that they know exactly what they are and don't try to be anything else. They don't take themselves too seriously, they know they're just over-the-top action films with silly one-liners.


I'd actually argue that he was far better in the first Terminator film. Genuinely scared me as a kid (then Robert Patrick's T-1000 came along and was even scarier- arrghhh!).


The role of the Terminator was perfect for Arnie, but he had to play his part, too. The mannerisms and the acting with his eyes and robotic movements were fantastic. I've watched it over 20 times and each time I just nod at the end and think "he nailed it".


Jingle All The Way is hilarious. I cry every time. You can tell he had a lot of fun with that one. Yes, the majority of his films are over-the-top, but that also makes them extremely watchable. I watched Twins the other day and it's still as fun as when I was a kid and watching it then. :)

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I think Flinky makes a point - Twins was an excellent film. As long as it doesn't go too far from the ridiculous one-joke it has. He was genuinely watchable, likable and even funny in that film. I even dare to say that Kindergarten Cop was pretty good as well.

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I think Flinky makes a point - Twins was an excellent film. As long as it doesn't go too far from the ridiculous one-joke it has. He was genuinely watchable, likable and even funny in that film. I even dare to say that Kindergarten Cop was pretty good as well.


Twins and Junior are both similar in that they are based around one ridiculous idea. But, like you say, they don't stray too far from it and turn it into a farce. Both very likeable films. The chemistry and interaction between DeVito and Arnie is fantastic, I really wouldn't mind seeing them in more films together.


I want to see him play the villain again. I can't recall him playing a villain since the first Terminator film. (of course, not counting Batman & Robin, although he was the best thing in that)


I wonder if we'll ever see a remake of The Running Man at some point. It's quite ahead of its time with the themes within it. Reminds me of Madworld the game.

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I want to see him play the villain again. I can't recall him playing a villain since the first Terminator film. (of course, not counting Batman & Robin, although he was the best thing in that)


I wonder if we'll ever see a remake of The Running Man at some point. It's quite ahead of its time with the themes within it. Reminds me of Madworld the game.


Indeed he was. :D



The Hunger Games reminded me of The Running Man, well a kiddie version of it at least.

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I wonder if we'll ever see a remake of The Running Man at some point. It's quite ahead of its time with the themes within it. Reminds me of Madworld the game.


Well, they got Colin Farrell to do Total Recall so probably... Shia LaBoeuf for The Running Man? I mean how many other thoroughly unlikeable and untalented actors are there out there with the same pull?

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  • 2 months later...
Well, they got Colin Farrell to do Total Recall so probably... Shia LaBoeuf for The Running Man? I mean how many other thoroughly unlikeable and untalented actors are there out there with the same pull?


I wouldn't say Colin Farrell is untalented. Unlikeable yes, but not untalented.

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