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I for one think it's definitely an improvement over the original 3DS. As with the DSi XL, some game really do benefit from a bigger screen, like MK7, Pilotwings, Ridge Racer, MGS, even Street Fighter IMO. I've only played it for two days now, and when I go back to the original, the screens feel really... small.


That said, as with the DSi XL, the individual pixels are more noticable. It also feels slightly less sturdy in general.


For me, the positive definitely outweigh the negative, but if you don't feel like you need bigger screens, there's little incentive to invest in the XL.


Since I'm a scratch-freak, I think I'm going to look for some touchscreen-protection tomorrow.

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Nintendo still didn't fix the problem with the lower screen's outer trim scratching the upper screen. Had my system a day and the top screen is already permanently scratched along the same lines the original 3DS was. This really isn't good enough.


Got one on Friday and had a closer look at how the upper lit and the bottom unit close together, knowing there are issues with the original model. Simply put: This shouldn't happen with the XL under normal conditions and if it does, you should think about returning it.


The two little rubber feet at the top of the upper screen on mine rest exactly on the rim of the bottom screen when the unit is closed. They keep the top lit about a millimeter from the bottom part. It's still possibly to have the lit and bottom connect, if I apply enough pressure. That's not in the realm of what I would call "normal conditions" though.

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Yeah, forget about the bigger screen. No region locking - now that would be a selling point. :hehe:


For the vocal communities on gaming sites and thus for a negligible fraction of the gaming population... :heh: Not that I would complain about a region free console.

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I only see the yellow tinge when it's a time of a transitional screen. When it's actually trying to do white, it's white with no tinge.


I think the fact that its there would bother me. Having been able to compare pre-price cut and post-price cut there's a massive difference in the "warmer" screen, knowing that I had a sub-standard part would upset me greatly.

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Well, I think I was too grumpy about the XL yesterday, because I played it last night (Star Fox 64) and had a blast. I felt I was in space! It's not too much of an exaggeration to say the 3DS XL has renewed my penchant for 3D.


Realistically, I am not going to want to play any new games on the older, smaller 3DS. Yes, the yellow-tinge on the bottom screen is a real issue, but the colours on the top screen are accurate enough. For the sake of my sanity, I am just going to load everthing onto my XL and forget about the older two handhelds, because the bigger screen really is impressive enough to make up for the fact that it's not quite so classy overall.

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...and the bottom screen marks the top screen.


How does it do that? It doesn't even touch the top screen on my unit and it seems to be the same with Ike's. Have you got a bad pair of rubber feet on the top lit or is the whole device so contorted that the screens touch?


Serious question, because the former would be fixable and the latter would be a reason to return it.

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How does it do that? It doesn't even touch the top screen on my unit and it seems to be the same with Ike's. Have you got a bad pair of rubber feet on the top lit or is the whole device so contorted that the screens touch?


Serious question, because the former would be fixable and the latter would be a reason to return it.


I dunno how it does it, I just know it does it.


The Official Neogaf Fix is to stick the rubber feet from the 360 or original 3DS cradle onto the inside of the top half. Works well!

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I see the 3DS XL sold 193,000 in 2 days in Japan. That's insane!


That makes up for the recent sales slowdown and then some!


Destroys the DS Lite debut (DSL - 68,438), but of course the real test is what it'll end up stabilising at... (as well as the original 3DS model, which should still sell nicely alongside its larger counterpart)

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Having had a good play with the 3DS XL I'm torn by it. I feel my previous thoughts rang true, its a crying shame it does not include the second circle pad, the Start Home and Select buttons are equally as frustrating as the original, despite hype that its got a better battery it is only an extra 30 minutes to most people, top screen is too big (even with my gammy eyes) you can clearly see image is affected quite badly by such an increase. All are super GRRR.


However, the 3D effect is crazy impressive - how deep does that image look?! Played Mario Kart and I felt it was like playing the 3DS for the first time. Hopefully, that's carried over to the next iteration where they include the fixes we're asking for.

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Japan sold a lot, we sell a few.


Chart-Track doesn't give out hardware numbers, but I understand XL shifted a figure a little shy of five figures, outselling the original 3DS (whose total is based on seven days' data) by a factor of just over 2:1. At the same time, old 3DS was down slightly on its previous week.
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Japan sold a lot, we sell a few.


Just for reference, DS Lite did 30,000 in its first week (2 days tracked compared to 1 day for the 3DSxl), so it's not that bad; especially given the dire state that the UK market is in right now.


Mainland Europe will be more telling though.


BTW, I like how we're both nicking info from the same GAF thread @Hero\-of\-Time! :D

Edited by Dcubed
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This is good though. 3DS is now at a profit, the 3DS XL is being sold at a small profit...Nintendo's losses should be severely reduced and they be back in the black by next year :)


Do note though that the 3DS XL happened to come out when the mindless masses were focused on the olympics.


What they should have done is monopolised on that and promoted it with Mario & Sonic at the olympics

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