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Pikmin 3


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But you're not multitasking. When you're plotting routes the game is paused, it could quite easily be on the TV.




Except I'm not using the GamePad all that much so it's wasteful. You don't leave your TV on when you're not using it...



Actually I do... My TV is literally on if I'm in the house, being used or not! lol

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But you're not multitasking. When you're plotting routes the game is paused, it could quite easily be on the TV.



Well, yes and no. Yes because the game does pause, and no because it's much easier to plot the courses on the touch-screen as you tap where you want them to go. Also, importantly, the map keeps updating on the touchscreen, meaning that you know where your team are. So, if I sent one Koppai off to point B and another off to point C whilst I was at point A, I can still keep track of how they're doing and whether they're close or not, then switch between the two/three to accomplish that task.


I'd say it is multitasking because your looking at the map to see how far along your team are whilst also looking at the tv and doing whatever you're doing there. You are potentially doing more than 3 things at once, since there are 3 Koppai there.

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Gotta ask a spoilerish question. Please try to answer in the least spoilerish way. I'm just on the level with the lily pads and water etc.


how soon after getting the pink pikmin should i be getting blue pikmin? I've played a few leisurely days since I think, not sure if I should be aimed to pursue blues yet though...saw a few things that looked particularly blue accessible. Not fought any bosses I can recall on this level yet.


Edited by Rummy
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Gotta ask a spoilerish question. Please try to answer in the least spoilerish way. I'm just on the level with the lily pads and water etc.


how soon after getting the pink pikmin should i be getting blue pikmin? I've played a few leisurely days since I think, not sure if I should be aimed to pursue blues yet though...saw a few things that looked particularly blue accessible. Not fought any bosses I can recall on this level yet.


After you beat the boss in that area. Just did it myself over the weekend.



Hopefully wasn't too spoiler-y.

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Finally finished this last night (been taking my time with it). The last boss battle was fairly messy but a good way to finish. Am I the only one who thought the ending was fairly poor? It felt so short and rushed.


Also I was expecting a bit more of a 'thanks for everything' speech to the Pikmin or something, not just taking off after having taken all their fruit and killed hundreds of their kind.


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Just completed it.


Absolutely brilliant game and the graphics were beautiful. I found the final boss a bit easy though and was underwhelmed by the ending. The credits were cool though.


Ive not even tried mission mode and dont think I will for a while. Ive got too many games that i need to start/finish.

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Just completed it.


Absolutely brilliant game and the graphics were beautiful. I found the final boss a bit easy though and was underwhelmed by the ending. The credits were cool though.


Ive not even tried mission mode and dont think I will for a while. Ive got too many games that i need to start/finish.


Saw your Miiverse post last night with all your stats on final completion. I compared it to mine, I'm basically three hours slower than you, but took 12 less days. I thought... What could this possibly be down to?


Then I realised.... 3D fruit analysing must have taken up more time than I thought haha!

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Having seen a couple of people Pik this up from Blockbuster recently for a great price (and not having a Blockbuster here for me to raid :indeed:) I was kinda wondering if anyone would possibly be kind enough to buy the game for me and send it over*..? :love:


I'd obviously pay for the game and the postage (and perhaps a little extra for your generosity :heh:) and would be extremely grateful :smile: I noticed @Cube managed to obtain it for £15 so if it was possibel to get it for a similar price, that would be amazing :hehe:


*NEW and SEALED, if possible!

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Started playing it today, just finished the second day, although it was very close. I had most my Pikmin outside the Onion area when the countdown was on "1", luckily they all got there just in time.


Except for one poor guy that I missed in a rush to make it there.




RIP Lone Red Pikmin :(


Brilliant game so far.

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Just finished day 14. Got the second communications upgrade. I had one devastating day where I thought it was a good idea to take some bombs to a boss fight, only for the boss to step on one, causing 40 Pikmin deaths at once. I do have a healthy supply of fruit - 18 jars at the moment. Also, a couple of boss fights have lasted me a couple of days.


Also, I now realised that the close call I mentioned before wasn't a close call as I didn't realise that the Pikmin could be anywhere as long as they're in a squad. The map is also very handy, although I need to learn how to utilise it fully to take full advangate of all the characters.

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The Gamepad and the "Go here" function is very powerful if you use it right and veeery useful in mission mode. The map is great for looking for fruit and locating any stray Pikmin. Splitting your group up can increase productivity a whole bunch but you run the risk of stretching your team too thin.


I really like the Gamepad usage in this game, it might seem lazy ("oh it's just a map") but it makes things a whole load easier and can make multitasking so much easier. It's pretty essential in mission mode if your going for Platinum.


If you enjoy the game I recommend checking out mission mode, it's a lot of fun. And if you enjoy mission mode, grab the DLC!

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The map is great. I use it to plan the entire day before starting it! I was able to get most, if not all of my objectives done and still have time to get all my Pikmin back to base.


Also, I now realised that the close call I mentioned before wasn't a close call as I didn't realise that the Pikmin could be anywhere as long as they're in a squad. The map is also very handy, although I need to learn how to utilise it fully to take full advangate of all the characters.


I only found that out about halfway through the game.


Also, this is one of the few games where I enjoyed back-tracking. When you get more Pikmin types you can visit areas that you couldn't before.

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