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I've said this before, you're best going to a review aggregator site like Gamerankings then read the best review, read the worst and see the spread of scores. That way you can draw a consensus. Otherwise you can end up picking a single review that literally says the opposite to all the rest.


For example, I take issue with Gamespot's review of the last Zelda game, it just seemed off and wasn't in line with everyone elses.


This score does seem very low though, I mean a 4.5 is for a game that's virtually broken. Now I've played ZombiU and it wasn't broken when I played it. But it certainly wasn't L4D or COD Zombies, it was survival horror, like old school Resident Evil. I think sometimes reviewers have an idea of what they want a game to be like and when the game isn't like that they mark it down, rather than reviewing it as the game it is. Almost like reviewing Mario Kart as if it was a simulation rather than a fantasy karting game.

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EDGE have given it 7/10. I'll get the link shortly.


It'll probably take a bit of time for the review to hit the site. 9.2 + 4.5 + 7 = 6.9 so far.

We have ourselves a Metroid: Other M title it seems for the Wii U already with opinions wildly varying.

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because if it gets average reviews across the board then I am not gonna spend money on it.


I am not someone who will just buy games cause I like the look of it. Reviews are important to me!


I...don't understand this. Personally, if I like the look of a game and if it appeals to me, I buy it. I love survival horror, this looks more like it in a traditional George A. Romero sense. So, I'd be tempted to get it.


Why give a shit what Gamespot think? If you're really in doubt, I'd wait for someone on here to give some impressions before getting it, then.


Also, the problem with reviews is that (like it has been pointed out), there's bias and subjectivity to take into account. You won't truly know if it's worth playing or not until you've played it for yourself anyway. :p

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I...don't understand this. Personally, if I like the look of a game and if it appeals to me, I buy it. I love survival horror, this looks more like it in a traditional George A. Romero sense. So, I'd be tempted to get it.


Why give a shit what Gamespot think? If you're really in doubt, I'd wait for someone on here to give some impressions before getting it, then.


Also, the problem with reviews is that (like it has been pointed out), there's bias and subjectivity to take into account. You won't truly know if it's worth playing or not until you've played it for yourself anyway. :p

Exactly. The guy who reviewed it seems to specialise in games that are incredibly fast paced which could explain why he didn't like it. He went in thinking it's run through and shoot

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Exactly. The guy who reviewed it seems to specialise in games that are incredibly fast paced which could explain why he didn't like it. He went in thinking it's run through and shoot


Yeah, I noticed the run-and-gun comment about the multiplayer. It's clearly not that type of game in singleplayer, so it's a bit daft to expect an all-out action frenzy when it's not like that at all.


Part of the problem could be that it's an FPS in one sense, so people pick it up expecting it to play like your average shooter, when it's not entirely like that.

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I'd wait for a lot more reviews to come before forming an opinion. Gamespot, like they've never ever been at the centre of controversy regarding reviewing games on Nintendo platforms. They just love generating the hits. Skyward Sword anyone?

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I just read the ONM review in full.


It would appear that they were a little confused with how to rate the game too.

They even said it themselves that its a hard game to slap a score onto.


From my understanding, the game really is all about survival horror. So rather than stand and shoot and kill everything around you to move on, you just shove and RUN. Run bitch... Ruuuuuun! Haha. Hence survival horror.


Therefore I can kind of understand how some reviewers may be surprised to find that this isn't a game like the COD / Left 4 Dead's of the world. However, it shouldn't stop it scoring badly if its not a broken game as Zech's says.


I guess a game like this is just going to be all about personal preference. If you like the idea of being immersed in a game by its atmosphere and playing style then you will probably have a lot of fun. But if you expect a game that lets you run and gun everything and battle of hoards of zombies with your weapons then you're may not enjoy this.


This game looks to be all about fine detail into the survival horror genre. Using the game pad to scan the area you're in whilst at the same time listening out for any oncoming undead threats sounds a blast to me. But where the problem may lie is that the game does appear to be an out and out shooter with zombies... And those reviewing it may not like that it isn't really that at all.


Either way I'm getting it. I think it's right up my street and sounds like its a very refreshing take on this genre. :)

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I...don't understand this. Personally, if I like the look of a game and if it appeals to me, I buy it. I love survival horror, this looks more like it in a traditional George A. Romero sense. So, I'd be tempted to get it.


Why give a shit what Gamespot think? If you're really in doubt, I'd wait for someone on here to give some impressions before getting it, then.


Also, the problem with reviews is that (like it has been pointed out), there's bias and subjectivity to take into account. You won't truly know if it's worth playing or not until you've played it for yourself anyway. :p


its not just gamespot. I said if it gets average reviews across the board then I will cancel my pre-order.

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Oh boy, the reviews are coming in thick and fast and sure enough there's a screwball!


Guys, seriously, don't pay two shits to any review. No matter what fucking outlet it's from, the only thing you can trust is each others views on the game. All the big outlets have blatant biases and shouldn't be trusted and unfortunately, this is now true for a lot of the underdog bloggers too. A lot of their reviews are based on the relationship with the publisher and the conditions and implications of each review and of course, the money coughed up.


This is why a lot of leading franchises from the two juggernauts, Activision and EA, unconditionally get high scores despite the fact not a lot of those games are pushing the envelope like they demand from other, less popular games. You give it a harsh review or break the embargo? Good fucking luck getting an invite to the next killer event or early release copies, costing you thousands of dollars of hype train marketing.


Only trust other gamers like yourself. You're the real reviewers. You're the ones who put money down for your games and can judge whether that was money well spent or not, these guys don't have to worry about that.


And to be honest, it can't be that bad if Nintendo allowed a god damn console bundle with the game!

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You're the ones who put money down for your games and can judge whether that was money well spent or not, these guys don't have to worry about that.


User reviews are even more worthless in many cases, just go to Metacritic to see that!


Games regularly score either zero out of ten from people with an axe to grind who want to troll or ten out of ten from people trying to justify their purchase or defend their favourite platform!

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User reviews are even more worthless in many cases, just go to Metacritic to see that!


Games regularly score either zero out of ten from people with an axe to grind who want to troll or ten out of ten from people trying to justify their purchase or defend their favourite platform!


Metacritic is the big fucking exception in this case because it's full of trolls making terrible things look good and good things looking bad.


Source: I'm one of the lovely bastards who gave reviews of 999999 out of 10 which for some reason, instead of displaying the game as FUCKING AMAZING in the aggregate, displayed it as an absolute abomination instead. Many laughs were had.


I'm talking about you guys, on a decent sized forum like this. Not the giants like Neogaf, there's a shit ton of paid posters on there. I still remember the PSP Go size comparison where they lifted the GBA micro towards the camera to make the Go look around the same size. The Go was tiny enough as it was, there was no need.

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Gametrailers reviews are always great in my opinion, so I definately always like to see what they have to say.


They have a very strong relationship with their users, have openly spoken about websites being paid for review scores, and most importantly they will wait and won't post a review until they are allowed to film their own footage of the game for that review so that it reflects and showcases what they are saying.

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I don't think i've ever disagreed with an Edge review, they always hit the nail on the head for me, so the 7 they've given to ZombiU eases my mind a little. I've never had very high hopes for ZombiU anyway, so news that Edge think it's worthy of a 7 is great news for me.


How do you think that review reflects on the game? What do you think a 7 means from Edge? They're usually pretty harsh markers aren't they?

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How do you think that review reflects on the game? What do you think a 7 means from Edge? They're usually pretty harsh markers aren't they?


That's the impression I get from Edge. For this to get a 7, it would mean that the game is good/possibly even great.


For it to get an 8 or a 9, it would have had to be exceptional, imo. Which is a bit much to ask from a launch title, imo. 10 is out of the question.


If it had got a 5 or below, I would have been worried.

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Seems GameSpot have taken down their review of ZombiU?


I only just getting online and seeing the talk of their review here for the first time, I went to their site to read the review and when I click in the Review link in the ZombiU section it says they haven't reviewed it yet?


Wonder what that means?

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Seems GameSpot have taken down their review of ZombiU?


I only just getting online and seeing the talk of their review here for the first time, I went to their site to read the review and when I click in the Review link in the ZombiU section it says they haven't reviewed it yet?


Wonder what that means?


Very interesting. They pulled their review of Natural Selection 2 the other day because it was so littered with factual errors and out right bullshit that it was obviously written by someone who barely tried the game!

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Seems GameSpot have taken down their review of ZombiU?


I only just getting online and seeing the talk of their review here for the first time, I went to their site to read the review and when I click in the Review link in the ZombiU section it says they haven't reviewed it yet?


Wonder what that means?


Havent they broken the embargo on it?

I thought that Gametrailers said they weren't allowed to say ANYTHING until Sunday midday or something?


Fuckem I say. Ubisoft probably didn't pay Gamespot enough money to get a good review score.

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This is definitely reminding me of the Red Steel Wii situation all over again!


I mean, that was the one Wii launch game that looked like it was going to appeal to the 'hardcore' gamers, and offered an interesting take on how to use the Wii remote to its full potential (at the time).


Zombi U comes along and looks to be doing the same thing. It is taking the unique element of the console (game pad) and giving you an experience through it.


I remember Red Steel dividing opinions too, with ONM and other places giving it gold awards and then major websites not being quite so keen.


On one hand, I salute Ubisoft for being the company who try. I mean like really try. They have clearly spent a lot of time with the hardware and set on a clear plan of action for this game - just like they did with Red Steel.


What concerns me though, is that those who rated Red Steel highly - ONM my example here - went on to say a year or so after the launch, that if there was one game they could re-review, it'd be Red Steel as they felt it was marked much too highly and didn't compare on a number of elements to other games in their 'Gold' list.


I just hope the same isn't happening here, as I'd like that the game does warrant the decent scores we've seen so far - particularly the higher more favourable ones ha. I do think though, that the ONM review is probably going to be the most praise worthy and no other publication / website will be quite so glowing.


Doesn't matter to me however as my mind is made up. :). My preorder is staying as I'm a sucker for Zombiness and I liked Red Steel - so I'm gonna keep my faith in Ubisoft! For now... ha.

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