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Nintendo Conference (5.00pm - 5th June)


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I definitely had a more upright back whilst watching Ubisoft’s presentation. My spine was quite uncurved during EA’s presentation, too. While I’d commend Sony for standing their ground to a fair extent, I’d murmur that my eyes were drowsed during Microsoft’s presentation.


Nintendo. Haha. At first, I was like many of you were – “Why is Reggie repeating Iwata’s Sunday talk?” “Just why the hell are they dedicating a ‘little’ 3DS time when they’ll have an entire hour next time and stated that Nintendo’s E3 2012 Press Conference will be entirely Wiiu focused?” “Why isn’t there no juicy talk in regards to Nintendo’s online capabilities, Miiverse and Wiiu functionalities and services?” And perhaps “Why are Nintendo’s titles looking so unenthusiastic for a console which is more powerful than the Xbox 360 and Sony Playstation 3?” (I’m mainly looking at PIKMIN 3, though now I’m aware it is a Wii > Wiiu game like how Twilight Princess was a Gamecube > Wii game.)


But then I woke up to the realisation that it may be an obvious scenario that online and visual capabilities for Nintendo’s Wiiu will be on par with – if not better than – current consoles of this generation. Just look at Ubisofts Ghost Recon: Online and other multiplatform games that are – or will inevitably be – coming to Wiiu.

Third party games such as Batman Arkham City Armored Adition is, for me, a very well demonstrated example of how the Wiiu will make gameplay a more deeper and wider experience, thanks to the uPad. By the way, I have this particular game on the 360 and I for one was thoroughly impressed by how a the uPad added so much depth and possibility to an already existing game, making it more enjoyable and ‘fun’.


Though titles like New Super Mario Bro’s U, Nintendo Land and perhaps Wii Fit U didn’t look as visually stunning as surely is capable, I think that a simple addition of some kind of online multiplayer could make these titles more attractive, especially with Nintendo Land – I have quite highish hopes for this interesting amusement park. Probably wouldn’t buy it as a full retail game, but possibly if it’s a downloadable thing (won’t it be integral kind of like the 3DS’s Augmented Reality app things?)

When I first saw the trailer for ZOMBI U I thought that it may have some cool ideas in the game but it won’t be for me. But after seeing more on it, I’ll think twice!.. Not that it’s a game of a century or anything.


Generally, although I would’ve like to maybe have gotten a teeny SSBU (to show Sony how smashers brawl) and/or Zelda U tease; although I would’ve liked to be spoiled rotten with a Mario Kart U and/or F ZiirU; and although I dreamed to be blown up by a Super MariU, Metroid U (to show Microsoft how a true Metroid is done) or maybe a surprising Star Fox game, I don’t see why Nintendo should play most of their big cards now when Sony and Microsoft’s conferences sucked harder than their companies sucked Nintendo’s dick. Perhaps Nintendo could save those big guns for when Sony & MS try to drop their new console bomb.

And regarding lack of severe third party support for the Wiiu so far, I think that attention will be paid to that when Nintendo give more/full details on their online/Miiverse functionalities. I hope, at least.


But I have one more thing to propose!!

The Wiimote and Nunchuck is clearly the ultimiate controller, since it IS a traditional controller just that the controller is broke in half and given greater gameplay potential. Though admittedly, it does need refining with a more accuracy/precision in regards to motion tracking and IR Pointing and what have you, and also added analogue stick on the mote with an extra Z button (Z2?) and more face buttons. The nunchuck could be motion+ too. The cord linking the two should be removed which could enable charge and play.

But I truly reckon that the screen on the uPad adds a beautiful amount of depth to gameplay, too. So what do you guys think about the possibility of having the Wii U GamePad ripped into two, making it into that refined Wiimote and Nunchuck, and the ‘tablet’ only being the size of the ‘screen’ – which intelligently has the Wiimote melted into?

Do you guys think that with ZOMBI U and other FPS’s we will sort of see this by having that Wii U Zapper making one control method both those controllers? Can that be an answer for supporting both methods? Just a thought that popped into my mind. Something like Zelda, maybe you’ll use the uPad as a secondary controller while the Wiimote and Nunchuk will be the primary? Thoughts, guys…

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Whoever asked that last question as part of the round table Q&A can get fucked. "How do you manage to have enough ideas for so many Mario games"? It's fucking New Super Mario Bros with a TWEEEEST, it's nothing new!


Some one should have followed up their "wider audience claim" and asked why they refrained from exhibiting a first party title with a core audience emphasis. I guess it was too much to ask for another Game Trailers moment, Reggie got completely served by Geoff's question regarding Arkham City.

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Okay. So the roundtable finished and NOT ONE NEW BIT OF INFORMATION.


Considering they have "So many games" and "so much to reveal" I wonder when they're going to get fucking started.


We still don't full know what miiverse is.

We don't know anything about their online plans.


To be honest, I just feel Nintendo have made a huge misstep, they've lost me a little bit today.

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I'm just hoping the 'Friday' rumour as I call it turns out to be true.


Supposedly, two trailers were cut from the conference and one swapped. Colonial Marines was swapped with Arkham City, a trailer from Nintendo EAD of a game in very early alpha was deemed too far off to reasonably show and apparently a trailer from Retro studies was supposed to show but will instead be shown at some point on Friday.

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That roundtable discussion was a joke. More disappointment. Talked about 2 games, Nintendoland and NSMB Wii U. Thanks Nintendo. I stayed up for that horror show. Knackered now, going to sleep. Terrible day!

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Before everyone goes beserk and kills themselves over a lack of info. I remember a similar thing with the Wii, then less than two months before release and literally it was an avalanche of media, announcements, previews etc.


Maybe there's a strategy here. I'm sure COD will be on WiiU, it's practically confirmed. As for more THQ games, that publisher is on life support as it is.


For EA, I honestly don't give two shits for their support. Activision are the new kings of third party and COD is more likely to make or break a system. I'm sure we'll get FIFA and Madden anyway.


I'm more puzzled at the lack of CAPCOM, SE, Konami and Japanese support in general, afterall.

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Before everyone goes beserk and kills themselves over a lack of info. I remember a similar thing with the Wii, then less than two months before release and literally it was an avalanche of media, announcements, previews etc.


And we all know how the Wii has faired once the gimmick wore off. The worlds best dust catcher.

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Before everyone goes beserk and kills themselves over a lack of info. I remember a similar thing with the Wii, then less than two months before release and literally it was an avalanche of media, announcements, previews etc.


Maybe there's a strategy here. I'm sure COD will be on WiiU, it's practically confirmed. As for more THQ games, that publisher is on life support as it is.


For EA, I honestly don't give two shits for their support. Activision are the new kings of third party and COD is more likely to make or break a system. I'm sure we'll get FIFA and Madden anyway.


I'm more puzzled at the lack of CAPCOM, SE, Konami and Japanese support in general, afterall.

Are you joking?

I'm super-happy that ME3 is coming for the Wii U and hope that we'll get ME2 as well.

And I'll rather get Battlefield 3 than Call of an 90+year old main character.

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And we all know how the Wii has faired once the gimmick wore off. The worlds best dust catcher.


Well after 95 million+ Wii's sold, did you think they'd all be in use? How many people got a PS3 as a cheap Bluray player or have a 360 sat in their closet that has a RROD? The Wii's software sales have been phenomenal, we're talking some non-pack in games selling well in excess of 20 million units - some over 30 million. These are figures Sony or MS would kill for!


Are you joking?

I'm super-happy that ME3 is coming for the Wii U and hope that we'll get ME2 as well.

And I'll rather get Battlefield 3 than Call of an 90+year old main character.


I'm happy ME3 is coming to WiiU! I'm not saying COD is better than BF3, just saying that it's the modern third party juggernaut that drives system sales. If a system doesn't have a COD game it would be like a kiss of death. I'm just saying, EA doesn't have the power it once did as a third party.

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So, it's the day after, and there are numerous positive impressions coming from E3 of NintendoLand and the various other Wii U games on show.


Has your opinion changed from the slightly disappointing conference?


I marked it down as a Day 1 purchase anyway, because I know I'll personally get a lot of use out of it. My family still play Wii Play after all. I'm interested to know what the other games are, pleased to see an F-Zero icon among the pack (I'm guessing it's there to show off using the GamePad as a steering wheel).

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Still day 1 for me.


3DS event can still potentially save E3 for me. We need some new games for August - October since most of the Mario games seems be out for Christmas.


Fire Emblem and Dragon Quest Monsters would be nice ;)

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The conference was disappointing, but I'm satisfied with the games announced.


If Starfox, F-Zero, Zelda, Metroid, 1080, Wave Race etc were all availiable at launch aswell, realistically who could even afford them all?


Pikmin 3 and Mario are a good enough start for me.

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It's still a day 1 purchase, assuming they are out on launch day pikmin, super mario world and zombiu will be my purchases

That alone will be expensive and entertain me for some time, not forgetting my Wii games will work on it.


After that Batman looks cool, p100 (if ita out), ME3 and a few others will take me to the end of the year, and that's just what's been announced! That's about three months worth of games, wish I'd had that many for my 3Ds in three months, don't think I had that many with my 360 (I can only remember getting Halo...)


I think it will do fine, depending on launch day price, date and further future game announcements

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So, it's the day after, and there are numerous positive impressions coming from E3 of NintendoLand and the various other Wii U games on show.


Has your opinion changed from the slightly disappointing conference?


Not in the slightest, in fact the more I reflect the more disastrous I feel it went. We always knew the games would be good fun, but that isn't enough. This is simply not a next gen console, in any way, it's current gen spec wise, but the games are Wii games. Mario is 2D mario in HD, Pikmin is blatantly made for Wii. NIntendoland is the Wii U tech demo.


All fun, but nothing special in any way. And there's nothing from 3rd parties, we mainly have very old ports. The only knew ones are Lego City, a kid friedly GTA, Zombi U - a time trial zombie game and Rayman - the ONLY great exclusive.


How anyone can think it is good just baffles me. Sure it'll be fun, I'll probably get one, but it's incredibly disappointing, and no great use of the tablet itself.


What exactly are NIntendo offering with the Wii U because I simply don't get it.


And I still don't understand their online strategy!


And it's NOTHING like the Wii. The Wii everyone got it, everyone wanted it, over time it began to sink and be unplayed. Wii U is exactly where the Wii is NOW. I genuinely believe Nintendo are in trouble. They're looking tone more of a 1st party, family console then they've ever been before.

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So, it's the day after, and there are numerous positive impressions coming from E3 of NintendoLand and the various other Wii U games on show.


Has your opinion changed from the slightly disappointing conference?


Not at all, in fact I think this is the first time I have not had any interest in buying a Nintendo console come day one, especially if the titles they showed me is the full release schedule.


I said well before E3 that Nintendo needed to impress me when it comes to online gaming and they simply haven't done this.

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Well, I am confident that, by launch, you guys will change your mind.


Though the Miiverse seems much better than any other online system. I was on Live earlier and was thinking how unintuitive it is compared to what we've seen and been told about Miiverse

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Though the Miiverse seems much better than any other online system. I was on Live earlier and was thinking how unintuitive it is compared to what we've seen and been told about Miiverse


If I can't talk to my mates with some kind of party chat then I couldn't give a toss how intuitive the Miiverse is. Nintendo want the Wii U to be a social machine? Then lets us TALK to people!


I may very well be blowing this out of proportion, as Nintendo may have this system in place, but until they come out and tell us about their online plans, i'm going to remain pessimistic.


This roundtable they had, did none of the press think to ask about Nintendo's online plans or infrastructure? Or are they only allowed to ask certain things?

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If I can't talk to my mates with some kind of party chat then I couldn't give a toss how intuitive the Miiverse is. Nintendo want the Wii U to be a social machine? Then lets us TALK to people!


I may very well be blowing this out of proportion, as Nintendo may have this system in place, but until they come out and tell us about their online plans, i'm going to remain pessimistic.


This roundtable they had, did none of the press think to ask about Nintendo's online plans or infrastructure? Or are they only allowed to ask certain things?

Pretty sure they mentioned about parties and that while explaining Miiverse on Sunday...

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