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I watched Red Dwarf USA today.






Americans... *sigh*


My condolences. You poor thing :hug:


I don't feel they were at all....sure there were some stand out fantastic episodes that are up there with the best but I prefered the feel of the 1st few seasons as they allowed for much slower burn conversations such this one;


Yes I feel it drew more out of the writers in terms of the characters rather than relying on a new planet/location/alien each week. I do not think the characters we have grown to love would exist if it hadn't been for those formative years existing in the way they did.


Agreed. I think the static settings really did a lot to flesh out the characters for the first few series; but really, the two complement each other very well. Both types of setting brought a lot of variety in the types of laughs that the series gave us and I think that the series as a whole ended up better as a result of the shift in styles across the series. That's also much of the reason why I like series 8, with how it cycled back to the beginning of series 1 and shifted power relations around again (though of course it did mix in a bit of the series 5-6 style as well with the likes of Birdman), it was just the shakeup that the series needed (which with series 7 was getting seriously stale)

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My condolences. You poor thing :hug:




Agreed. I think the static settings really did a lot to flesh out the characters for the first few series; but really, the two complement each other very well. Both types of setting brought a lot of variety in the types of laughs that the series gave us and I think that the series as a whole ended up better as a result of the shift in styles across the series. That's also much of the reason why I like series 8, with how it cycled back to the beginning of series 1 and shifted power relations around again (though of course it did mix in a bit of the series 5-6 style as well with the likes of Birdman), it was just the shakeup that the series needed (which with series 7 was getting seriously stale)


Yes your right but the problem for me with 8 is that it was just flat out not funny enough for the return to that formula...


From what I've heard the new series mixes it up pretty well with a mix on insular episodes and more explorative out and about episodes.

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Well decided to start from the beginning again (or should I say the end) and really enjoying, still a fantastic series. They are all on netflix one thing the first series looks terrible...I even pressed select to bring up the little timer/quality thing just to check it wasn't that and nope it was high. Just shows what a great job they did in bringing them to DVD as the quality is noticeably different.

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Well decided to start from the beginning again (or should I say the end) and really enjoying, still a fantastic series. They are all on netflix one thing the first series looks terrible...I even pressed select to bring up the little timer/quality thing just to check it wasn't that and nope it was high. Just shows what a great job they did in bringing them to DVD as the quality is noticeably different.


I couldn't agree more (i did notice that little pun). For a show over 20 years old, the quality of the footage onto DVD is exceptionally great.


Even the extras on the DVD's look decent enough.

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I couldn't agree more (i did notice that little pun). For a show over 20 years old, the quality of the footage onto DVD is exceptionally great.


Even the extras on the DVD's look decent enough.


The extras on the DVD's are awesome...I love the one where they go through every single episode you really get a good sense of the changes they were making and why.

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  • 2 months later...
It looks like the good old days, and like the cast are having a ton of fun with it.


To me thats the best indicator it's going to be good or at least I'll enjoy watching it. Some of my favourite parts of the originals were when you could see that Kryters is trying not to crack up after delivering lines:


"Are you sure sir? It does mean changing the bulb..." snirk snirk :santa:


Loving that little trailer. Bit with the birthday card was wicked.

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Looks like the old days, although it's weird seeing so much of Rimmers head. Old age... :(


In the first bit where Kryten was talking all I kept thinking was "What is with his nose?!"


I cannae wait to see how they explain the beginning of this series (mirror dimension cliffhanger bullshit)

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Looks like the old days, although it's weird seeing so much of Rimmers head. Old age... :(


In the first bit where Kryten was talking all I kept thinking was "What is with his nose?!"


I cannae wait to see how they explain the beginning of this series (mirror dimension cliffhanger bullshit)


If it's anything to go by, it may happen like they did with Series 3. A simple scroll-text at the beginning to summarise what happened.


It could just carry on from where Back to Earth left off.

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Looks like the old days, although it's weird seeing so much of Rimmers head. Old age... :(


I was wondering why he didn't look right.:laughing: I also agree with you in regards to Krytens nose. :D


I have still yet to see Back to Earth due to everyone I know saying it was abysmal, but I have high hopes for this season.


Are they gonna address what happened to Rimmer at the end of season 8? I heard BTE just kinda sidestepped the whole Grim Reaper thing.


If it's anything to go by, it may happen like they did with Series 3. A simple scroll-text at the beginning to summarise what happened.


I loved how they did that back in the day. It explained everything but in a comical fashion.

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Are they gonna address what happened to Rimmer at the end of season 8? I heard BTE just kinda sidestepped the whole Grim Reaper thing.


They did film 2 endings, one with the Grim Reaper and Rimmer


The other, well thats an extra on the series 8 DVD


Instead of Rimmer coming back through the mirror universe to find the crew had crossed over to the mirror universe leaving him alone with the antidote/virus and with that vending machine, they are still there waiting for him to come back with the antidote. They make a cure, save the ship and have full access once again. Leaving the crew locked outside on all the Starbugs and Blue Midgets.



Many believe they based BTE on this alternative ending instead, which would make sense.

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I have still yet to see Back to Earth due to everyone I know saying it was abysmal, but I have high hopes for this season.

See, now you're going to love it, because you've been told how wank it is. Like how people big up things and then when you see it, it doesn't feel all that great.


Which is a shame because it really is shit.

They did film 2 endings, one with the Grim Reaper and Rimmer


The other, well thats an extra on the series 8 DVD


Instead of Rimmer coming back through the mirror universe to find the crew had crossed over to the mirror universe leaving him alone with the antidote/virus and with that vending machine, they are still there waiting for him to come back with the antidote. They make a cure, save the ship and have full access once again. Leaving the crew locked outside on all the Starbugs and Blue Midgets.



Many believe they based BTE on this alternative ending instead, which would make sense.

Right, I'm digging out lé DVD for this...

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  • 4 weeks later...

New sleeping quarters for X.




Personally I don't like it. It looks far too 1950s American. And when exactly was this upgrade meant to happen? Where did they get the back end of a Pontiac (any American car enthusiasts welcome to correct me here) in the middle of deep space? Now I don't mind a bit of an update. This ship is from the 23rd century, so it should look dated at the start of the 21st. But they should have kept the same themes. Where's the military/ocean grey? It's a corporate mining ship, it should look vaguely militaristic, not like some swanky New York bar.

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I gave up on expecting logic in Red Dwarf when I watched that episode where there's an alien that attaches to people's foreheads and turns them into hippies or whatever and at one point it attaches to Rimmer's forehead, even though he's a hologram. It really bugged me. :heh:

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I gave up on expecting logic in Red Dwarf when I watched that episode where there's an alien that attaches to people's foreheads and turns them into hippies or whatever and at one point it attaches to Rimmer's forehead, even though he's a hologram. It really bugged me. :heh:




1 - It only turned Rimmer into a hippie, as it drained his anger.


2 - Rimmer does have a small physical presence.* His light bee.


3 - Shut your mouth.



*that's what she said etc.

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1 - It only turned Rimmer into a hippie, as it drained his anger.


2 - Rimmer does have a small physical presence.* His light beam.


3 - Shut your mouth.



*that's what she said etc.


And also Emohawk: Polymorph II


Where Rimmer was turned into Ace Rimmer (lost his cowardice) and Cat into Dwayne Dibley (lost his coolness)

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New sleeping quarters for X.




Personally I don't like it. It looks far too 1950s American. And when exactly was this upgrade meant to happen? Where did they get the back end of a Pontiac (any American car enthusiasts welcome to correct me here) in the middle of deep space? Now I don't mind a bit of an update. This ship is from the 23rd century, so it should look dated at the start of the 21st. But they should have kept the same themes. Where's the military/ocean grey? It's a corporate mining ship, it should look vaguely militaristic, not like some swanky New York bar.


They have been on it for a hell of a long time though so the military stuff could easily have been removed...I actually do agree with you...they originally released just a picture of the bunk beds and I was hoping for something much more a long the lines of the original. I'd rather snappier writing in a well designed simplistic set that this over stylised set up that is almost trying to tell us stuff about the character without having to bother doing the writing...

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