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New Super Mario Bros 2


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If they're going to have levels that are as frustrating as the mine carts in the Donkey Kong Country games, I hope that means they've gotten rid of the horrible "die five times in a row and you can never get a perfect save file" mechanic.

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I hope that means they've gotten rid of the horrible "die five times in a row and you can never get a perfect save file" mechanic.


I agree that was total HORSE shit.

I never knew that using that stupid gold suit ruined any chance of the perfect save file either otherwise I'd have persevered. :hmm:

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Seeing people complaining about their plans for DLC, being new levels and all, because the game is small on file size, it's "incomplete", so the DLC should be free

Wow with that mind set ALL games out there should have free DLC :rolleyes:


It doesn't matter if it was free either, people would still bitch about it, cause you know, it's Nintendo!

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Wow with that mind set ALL games out there should have free DLC :rolleyes:


It doesn't matter if it was free either, people would still bitch about it, cause you know, it's Nintendo!


Someone's sarcasm detector is clearly broken...

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Finally, the return of the Raccoon Suit power-up is a welcome one for fans of Super Mario Bros 2

Also, the return of the fire flower is welcome news for fans of Tetris.


One player controls the Mario

Oh, man. I hope the Mario manages to save the Peach from the Bowser!


t doesn't hurt to have more levels [...] when you consider that the main game [...] only has [nine worlds].

Only nine worlds? This is an outrage!


It's just that in the grand scheme of things it could have been so much more. [...] 90%

Well, clearly it couldn't have been that much more.



I love how there's barely a positive word in the review but the game still got a 9/10, though. Gaming journalism at its best!

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They did say this:

"Before we continue though, here's a disclaimer: this review will contain more negative points than positive ones.


In spite of this shocking revelation, you may have already noticed that the score is pretty high. That's because the main positive - the gameplay - remains so well-tuned, responsive and intuitive that even though it disappoints in other aspects it's still an essential title. We just don't feel it's as accomplished as previous games in the series."


We just don't feel it's as accomplished as previous games in the series.

If that's the case, then they should show some discrepancy. There's not much new in this game, but what they added appears to be what will give gamers the most enjoyment.

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That review score is just pure bullshit...if there are so many negative points, it should've been something like 80% then. This game seems to highlight exactly what is wrong with Nintendo nowadays. Rehashing, remakes and minimal improvements to existing franchises. NSMB was released in 2006...six years ago! Quote the review:


in that time we'd really expected the series to have progressed a little further than just a 3D effect and Coin Rush mode.


Yes, you definitely would have. And yet still you give it 90%? What the fuck...


I mean yes, it appears to be a good game, but if it shows little or no progress, you have to cut the score down. Hell, they could just release a sequel to the original Super Mario Bros now, with the same graphics and gameplay, and you could call that a "good game". Now would you give that 90%? Pfft, no chance, more like 60-70% due to lack of improvement. Releasing something like that would be just incredibly lazy, something Nintendo seems to have turned into...

Edited by Ville
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Adding a disclaimer stating that they know the review is really negative but guys we swear the game is totally still worth 9/10 you have to believe us guys doesn't make the review any less negative. It just shows that even the reviewer realizes how ridiculous his score is coupled with that review.


It's like, "it's nothing special, but it's a Super Mario game so it deserves a 9/10!" So was New Super Mario Bros. on the DS, and that was nothing special. So what makes this so good? Oh, it's like the original New Super Mario Bros. except very little of the content is actually new this time and what new content there actually is is okay, but doesn't really add much to the experience? Oh, okay then.


Actually, checking the website, they apparently thought that New Super Mario Bros. was 6% better, so they must have really hated this game.


I'm not saying the game isn't great, because it very well may be, but that's not a 9/10 review. :indeed:

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It may be the same tried and tested formula but it hasn't stopped the Japanese from snapping this up. It sold 430,185 copies in two days over in Japan.


Not bad. About half of what NSMB DS did in its first week, but then again, NSMB DS's first recorded week was also twice as long as NSMB2's (4 days for NSMB in comparison to 2 for NSMB2) so sales per day are about even between the two)


For comparison's sake, NSMB Wii had the strongest debut of the series (with 936,734 copies in its first week and 420,000 copies on day 1), but I wouldn't expect NSMB2 to match that game anyway, considering the userbase size difference at the time.


What I'm really interested in however is the split between download and retail versions. Here's hoping Nintendo release numbers soon!

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I bet that doesn't even include the digital sales.


Course it wouldn't. Media Create only track retail sales, so the first week sales will actually be even higher!


I don't expect them to be that significant yet though.

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Course it wouldn't. Media Create only track retail sales, so the first week sales will actually be even higher!


I don't expect them to be that significant yet though.


Sorry, when you said you're interested in the split between retail and digital I thought you were referring to the figure released!

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I can't be bothered to read the review, however here are a few thoughts from me.


Its an official magazine and will likely have certain agreements in place - I would not be surprised if Nintendo ultimately had some veto on whether an early review can be published based on the review score. To me, a disclaimer screams having to balance an individuals journalistic integrity with the responsibilities of being tied to Nintendo in an official capacity - that's why the above review should simply be ignored. Clearly there is a clash and, regardless of whats right or wrong about the review, its tainted the integrity.


To be fair to the series though, I'm not really sure anyone expected much more than an accomplished rehash. Did we? Really? Ok, well aside from online fucking multiplayer which people expected and actually desperately wanted (and by Christ it should be marked down for its non-inclusion, its one of Nintendo's few IPs that actually suits online - we are in 2012, right?). We knew from day one this would be a fairly straight follow up.


Overall, its pretty indicative of current Nintendo though, there's just no ambition coming from the company. Yes, they're delivering some great games, perfectly enjoyable but ultimately they lack the risk-taking and innovation of the pre-Gamecube days. I look at Sony for that now.

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