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Halo 4

spirited away

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Picked this up this morning from a shop in Glasgow that are selling it early.


It's making me install disc 2 before I can play the multiplayer! After loads of Xbox Live updates I just want to play my game!!


I hate you.


I really hope I get this on Monday as that's my day off!

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I am so super-stoked about this game, but I'm in London on a project all week, meaning I'll be away from home (and importantly away from Xbox) til Friday. Genuinely considering commuting from Birmingham every day so I can play Halo in the evenings. I want this game so badly.

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It's making me install disc 2 before I can play the multiplayer! After loads of Xbox Live updates I just want to play my game!!


How big was the install? I had heard something about a 1.4GB install a couple of weeks ago and if that's the case, I'll have to delete some stuff of my HDD as I've only got 800MB left.


Also really looking forward to this on Tuesday. Have the day off at the moment (although that might change but I'll be having a word with my project supervisor to try and prevent that from happening) and hoping to sink in a large portion of time. Just to decide on whether I'll go straight out with Legendary or get my eye in with a Normal run first and do the former straight after.

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I've just finished Glasslands, awesome read and really looking forward to seeing what happens next. I've got 2 days to get through the next book, 1 if it arrives early. Clearly I'm not getting that finished unless I just sit and read all day tomorrow. :D


I'll probably just go through the game on easy first, just so I can take in the story, before cranking up to Legendary and doing some co-op. After that comes Spartan Ops and then competitive multiplayer will be last on my agenda.

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Picked this up this morning from a shop in Glasgow that are selling it early.


It's making me install disc 2 before I can play the multiplayer! After loads of Xbox Live updates I just want to play my game!!


I thought I saw you playing it before. Jammy git :heh:

Ahh this better get here on Tuesday..

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I can confirm that it is awesome.


Multiplayer feels much more like Halo 2/3. The load outs work really well and that respect it feels like COD. Game types are good fun. Loads of cool new weapons.


Do you get better stuff by playing more? Like things that'd make you better in game?

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Do you get better stuff by playing more? Like things that'd make you better in game?


The game seems very balanced so far. There are things you unlock, but none of them are much better than the standard things.


You get the DMR and Battlerifle after a couple of games.


Hoping we can recapture some of the N-Europe Halo 2 multiplayer glory days with this entry. Also hoping the game shows up tomorrow as my body is totally ready to be raped by space bullets. Bring it on.


I really hope so! Those were the days. Halo 2 on a Friday night, Hot Tub Ranking, and then more Halo 2.

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I hope my order arrives today from them, although my post doesn't arrive till 1pm at the earliest! I've taken a week off work for this bad boy and can't wait to get my hands on it.


If I'd had more time available to take off I would have, I've got the Tuesday off though.


In December I'm off from the 17th to 3rd Jan, although by that point I expect to have completed this on Legendary, I cannot wait for all that time off for this, Wii-u & Blops 2.

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Sooo no one's gonna get banned from Xbox Live for playing a genuine copy of this game a day or two early right? I only ask because I recall there were instances of people playing pirated code about a month early but I'm sure they know that many people will be getting the game a few days early, so I'm imagining that all will be fine...



... I ask this as my Limited Edition copy has just arrived :D seems silly that I should even feel the need to ask I know, I mean Gears of War 3 actively encouraged people to play it early by welcoming them so this shouldn't be any different.

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Sooo no one's gonna get banned from Xbox Live for playing a genuine copy of this game a day or two early right? I only ask because I recall there were instances of people playing pirated code about a month early but I'm sure they know that many people will be getting the game a few days early, so I'm imagining that all will be fine...



... I ask this as my Limited Edition copy has just arrived :D seems silly that I should even feel the need to ask I know, I mean Gears of War 3 actively encouraged people to play it early by welcoming them so this shouldn't be any different.


People got banned for playing a pirated copy on a flashed Xbox.


I've been playing happily on my legal copy since Saturday. I should warn you, matchmaking was full of Glaswegian's all weekend because we all went to what must be one of the only places to sell it early. :heh:

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My order from shopto arrived today. Gonna have an hour on it now - graphics are really pretty from what I've seen so far.


Got a couple of lessons to do in a bit, then it'll be a Halo night :)


Gonna try it on Heroic first, so if anyone sees a flying Xbox control pad somewhere over the Bolton area, you'll know why.

Edited by Dog-amoto
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Who's going to be playing this evening? Big NE game at 9pm?


My gamer tag is CharlieDouglas - add me if you don't have me already and want a schooling in Halo!


@Hero\-of\-Time @RyanCE @dan_dare @Haver @CVD


Think I got all the Halo 2 regulars there? ;)


I remember this one weekend from the Halo 2 days. It was a bank holiday weekend and we must've played together all weekend for hours on end. Great times.

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Just wanted to pop in to say my copy is waiting at home and, pending any possible explosions of my ancient Xbox, there will be games tonight once I've taken care of a few errands. I'm on Xbox Live as The3rdChildren if any of you guys want to add me.


Charlie isn't jesting about his abilities either. The dude is a fucking MACHINE.




Is Headhunters still playable in Halo 4? I had a blast with that on Reach.

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