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GAME Group what next?


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Methinks I will get rid of my points and store credit this week. I may aswell spend it while I can. :D


That was my immediate thought as well, but there's nothing i want if they don't stock Nintendo games! I have at least like £20 on my GAME card that i could've used on Mario Party 9 - but that's gone now too.


Guess i will have to settle for something else, though i really resent using up points on something i dont really want.

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GAME Mass Effect 3 cash refund confusion


GAME shop staff have told Eurogamer the chain will offer customers a cash refund for cancelled Mass Effect 3 pre-orders, but today only.


After today the chain will only be able to offer a refund in the form of store credit, Eurogamer was told. This will be given via gift card.


The same policy applies to sister retailer Gamestation.


Confusingly, GAME's head office told us otherwise. They claim that customers will be able to gain a refund in the manner in which they paid today and afterwards. So, if you handed a fiver over in a cash, they should give you a fiver from the till.


Pre-order terms and conditions spotted in GAME stores today claim pre-orders are usually "non-refundable".


GAME's official statement on the matter is no clearer either. It says customers will be given a "full refund", but fails to mention the manner of payment.



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If GAME did a HMV and thinned out, then they may pull through the high street for a few more months, maybe years. Again like many have said, the problem as i see it lays with the fact they bought out Gamestation and Gameplay after being bought by EB games (thanks for clearing that @Ike). Unless they sell Gamestation back out as independant once more, then GAME will be gone in weeks, maybe 2 months tops.


Maybe if they go under, the assets of GAME, EB and Gamestation will be re-distributed and stores could be back on the street functional again.


Well, i can only hope really.

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GameStop wants to buy GAME - report


Gargantuan US shop GameStop wants to buy GAME, according to a report.


GameStop is particularly interested in GAME's UK and Spanish businesses. It's not interested in the Australian stores, though, MCV said.


According to MCV, GameStop does not wish to "double up" by owning both GAME Australia and its own EB chain.


GAME, which confirmed this morning that it will not stock Mass Effect 3, FIFA Street, Tiger Woods 13, The Sims 3 Showtime or Mario Party 9, held a meeting with publishers last week to try to negotiate improved lending terms for stock.


"We committed to only stocking products on which we could get the right credit terms, regardless of the title or the supplier," an internal memo to staff read.


"We will not stock products if the terms are not right for our business - a position we believe is critical to our long term health as a business - we have taken the very difficult decision to not stock EA's March releases, including Mass Effect 3."


As of September 2011, GAME is a worldwide business of 1287 shops, 615 of which are in the UK.


GAME took £1.625 billion in revenue in its last full trading year. It expects to make an £18 million loss this year.


Today GAME's shares fell nearly 16 per cent, from 5.75p to 4.94p at the close of trading.


Given GAME is a PLC, any discussion with GameStop over a takeover would have to be declared to the stock exchange.


Both GAME, GameStop UK and GameStop US have declined to comment directly on the report.



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I would hate to be working in one of their stores right now.


Imagine how many questions and probable abuse staff will be getting from customers regarding this.


It isn't there fault!


You reckon i should go and put a "Closing Down" sale sign up on the store in Cardiff later??


Thats before our "trip" to Basingstoke.

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The digital ages is upon us. This song seems fitting. :D



But can the industry be sustained at it's current size purely digitally and through supermarkets?


Online purchasing seems different in the US though. If you want a game on launch day there, you have to go queue up at the Gamestops, Wal-Marts etc.. Their online/shipping offerings are typically smaller, central companies or amazon, neither of which will get them deliveries across the continent at a speed which makes it preferable to a bricks and mortar store. Whenever I see US gaming blogs/forums talking about pre-orders, they're never talking about Shopto/zavvi etc equivalents. I think it's a market that hasn't been, or is too big to be, tapped just yet.


Yeah that is true to an extent actually point taken. It's the same in Canada their postal service doesn't seem to be there in terms of getting stuff across country quite as fast without it costing lots but then there is a much larger land mass to cover than UK or any european country (bar russia lol) I guess Amazon has it sussed with dispatch centres all over but the equivalents that we use can't sustain that level of business.



I don't think that's the solution to the problem though. People who hate on GAME for high prices and emphasis on preowned will find Gamestop is exactly the same.


I think in a way Publishers are kind of to blame in a sort of way. Stores get such a minor slice of the cake for new games and add the overheads of a store etc... then it soon makes sense why they do charge so much more than online or supermarkets. I remember when I worked at HMV and could look at some of the cost it would be for the store to buy in copies of games you were looking at £32 for some £40 games so that's just £8 per game and some were even higher to buy in. I forget which game but one Wii game was £26 to bring in and £30. That's the cost they are paying the supplier and doesn't count all the cost of actually getting it to the shelf. Compare that to a preowned game they are selling for £25 they paid like £10 for and the profit is so much higher. But then why should publishers take a smaller slice of the cake when games cost so much to make these days?

Edited by flameboy
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ACTUALLY STOCK NEW GAMES and maybe you'll survive. The way to survive isn't just to stop stocking them.


They can't just conjure games out of thin air. The reason they aren't getting new games in is because they can't afford them, the banks won't give them a loan and they can't get them on credit.


Cash flow problems are one of the biggest killers of business.

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I don't think that's the solution to the problem though. People who hate on GAME for high prices and emphasis on preowned will find Gamestop is exactly the same.


Agreed. The Gamestops I went to in America just seemed like GAME and Gamestation rolled into one.


Edit: Getting even more tempted to change my Kid Icarus preorder...

Edited by Ike
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- Sell 65% of stores. Including Gamestations.

- Reduce stock of popular titles, increase stock of indy titles, reduce prices.

- Open up tester units of all major platforms

- Add rear play room, pay to access to the room, you get to play games in there for X amount of time, if member. Etc.

- Add a coffee bar

- Become a social gaming environment, build relationships and loyalty.

- ????

- Profit.

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You're kidding? I'm stunned.


I'm not sure that you're getting it. If you're saying that it was obvious then you'd be surprised at how many people don't know it/overlook it. We've seen businesses grow on far too much credit with too little working capital and too high gearing, and it's just not sustainable (as we're now seeing).

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I'm honestly not all that surprised what is happening to GAME! they've brought it on them selves and quite deservedly


I remember years back GAME's rival was Gamestation, and the fierce competition between the two kept costs down as they sought to get customers

They both had thriving second hand markets because they games were about 1/3 or 1/2 or even more cheaper than brand new games


Then (as i read in this thread it was EB that bought GAME first so its EB's management) not long after i noticed an EB games open in Leeds City Center near boots, (an american company i'd become aware of) it changed to Game, at the time i thought it was they flopped and GAME expanded but i now know different.

Anyway about this time they bought Gamestation there biggest rival

Instantly the competitive prices stopped, shops stopped being warm and friendly and then the Gamer staff disappeared in favor of any tom dick and harry.


Gaestation near the Market in Leeds was always a hub of activity, had great staff and always had some good Rock or Metal playing over the sound system. It changed once it was bought, shelf space reduced in favour of more open space, and the staff who were rough around the edges but awesome for it disappeared. the heart and sole was gone


GAME in leeds had a basement shop under the schofield (headrow/whatever it is now) centre and was very similar but in their bright red colours, and the same happened there


Since that time Prices have increased exponentially and they cannot claim its increased costs or extra VAT, when the 2.5% VAT rise went in a game that was £29.99 became £34.99 thats a £5 rise which is far from 2.5%

Other "Premium" games didn't just get little rises they lept to around £44.99 or beyond


Fair enough they wanted to price themselves out of the new market, but it was the second hand market that saw the worst, now your lucky to find a game at 3/4 of its launch day price. I remember ME2, 4 or 5 months later it was £38 per-owned and £42.99 new.....


Then the "new" staff are 90% idiots the amount of times i listen to them down right lie to customers! around christmas some grandmother was in the store in the white rose centre when i'd poped in, and she was talking to a staff memeber about buying an xbox. She was asking what the kinect was and if he needed it to play the game she wanted to get him (it wasn't a kinect game i remember that) and without hesitation he says "oh you need the kinect to play any game now, the menu system on the console uses it for navigation so he wouldn't be able to play anything"

When he suffled off to rape and pillage some other poor person i sent her to siansburys where it was cheaper and told her the kinect was an optional extra nobody needs (or wants)


I could real off a million stories about similar instances, there not all bad some are real good staff and they are usually the relics from before - them i feel really bad for


That killed the stores for me.


Then theres the fact they were caught off guard and didn't expect the internet to see such a following with online stores.

As game started to reduce back stock of older games and increase prices, the internet had limitless stock lists at massively reduced prices compared to them.

They didn't even try and be competitive when they eventually got a webstore up and running


They've just been poorly managed for 10 years and well good riddance! they greedily thought lets buy all shops so we can set our own prices without having to compete and it backfired


I feel bad for the staff.



they should break up the company so they can survive as separate companies and have some bleeding competition! god know how the monopolies government qunago didn't stop one company owning most retailers




I suppose the good to come out of this is it will aid HMV, they've been struggling and now being effectively the only high street games retailer will play into their favor

Edited by Agent Gibbs
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My employment history:






Anyway the EA news did surprise me. So far its been smaller titles but EA. Dayum.


So without you they're nothing?


I fear for your uni once you leave O.o


I actually read that as Ash having somehow setting the gears rolling on each stores eventual destruction :heh:

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'Sell the stores' wouldn't really help, they would have to keep on paying the lease on the contract for the store until it runs out, you might as well keep a store open taking in money rather than paying for a lease on an empty shop. I would take a good gamble the leases are pretty long term as well.

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