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Pokemon Black & White 2

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3rd gym done. Went down no problems.


@Serebii need some help.


Met a wild Pokemon previously owned by a certain trainer in Desert Resort but had to flee otherwise it would have destroyed my team since it was 15 levels higher than mine. Can I still catch it?




I've been using the global trade a bit and already got a really dodgy looking trade. Someone from Japan sent me a shiny Clefairy, I'd say the chances it is legit are slim to none. It's ashame there isn't a 'refuse trade' option, I'd rather keep my game totally clean. :hmm:


How does it look dodgy? You can always release it. It might just be RNG'd which isn't hard and not really illegit.

Edited by Ike
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Just before the third gym



It doesn't matter when you do it really so don't worry


Thanks man, just snagged myself one. Happen to know if I can get water stone this early on in the game? I heard the dousing machine can help you find one in route 19 but I can't seem to get close to it :/


If not, I might not bother with Vaporeon and go for Espeon instead before adding a water type later on.

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Thanks man, just snagged myself one. Happen to know if I can get water stone this early on in the game? I heard the dousing machine can help you find one in route 19 but I can't seem to get close to it :/


If not, I might not bother with Vaporeon and go for Espeon instead before adding a water type later on.



I might have a waterstone to trade you. Let me check. BRB


Yep, picked up a waterstone from White Forest on White 1? wanna trade for it?


I also have Dusk, Dawn, Shiny, Sun, and Thunder Stones (1 of each)

Edited by Gentleben
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3rd gym done. Went down no problems.


@Serebii need some help.


Met a wild Pokemon previously owned by a certain trainer in Desert Resort but had to flee otherwise it would have destroyed my team since it was 15 levels higher than mine. Can I still catch it?






How does it look dodgy? You can always release it. It might just be RNG'd which isn't hard and not really illegit.

Yeah, reports keep coming in of those Pokémon returning. Relax :)


Thanks man, just snagged myself one. Happen to know if I can get water stone this early on in the game? I heard the dousing machine can help you find one in route 19 but I can't seem to get close to it :/


If not, I might not bother with Vaporeon and go for Espeon instead before adding a water type later on.

http://www.serebii.net/itemdex/waterstone.shtml Got a list of locations here

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Just started playing, missed the Keldeo event unfortunately. How do you download a Genesect? Is it only available in stores? Also, is it pretty easy to transfer 'mon from from Black? I had a low-level team I wanted to play through but never got round to training up.

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Current team is:


Tepig, Riolu, Genesect and Elekid.


Not going to evolve any of them just yet, because I plan on training so many Mon's at one time and i've heard they're easier to train in their unevolved forms, might be sacrificing a bit of power but i hate most of the middle forms anyway, especially Pignite, who is just vile.


Just got the ferry across to the big city, i will add Eevee to my team, most likely will turn it into Leafeon somewhere down the line. Think im going to train a Gyarados too, or Kingler. Oooo the possibilities are endless!

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Caved in already - went and bought White 2 today.


Getting a bit beaten to death on the very first gym probably because I've spent too much time catching new Pokémon.


Went with Oshawott to start - I chose Snivy on Black.


I thought I was special because I caught Riolu on Dream Radar but it seems you all have one :(

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I might have a waterstone to trade you. Let me check. BRB


Yep, picked up a waterstone from White Forest on White 1? wanna trade for it?


I also have Dusk, Dawn, Shiny, Sun, and Thunder Stones (1 of each)


Ah brilliant! I might have to take you up on that. what would you like in return for it? I'm still early on in the game so I can't offer much :/

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Lovin this so far.


Just beat the second gym.


Unlike seemingly most others I never have more than 2 Pokemon until at least gym 3 /4. It takes a while before the games normally give anything decent.


I started with Tepig, as picked the other 2 in B&W (had both copies).

Tepig has gone straight into the box though lol. For me these are the 3 worst starters which is unfortunate as the rest of the Pokemon from B&W I really like.


I bred myself a Houndour with thunder fang and have transferred that over so thus far my team is:


Houndour Level 21

Riolu Level 21


Looking to add a third very soon.

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It takes a while before the games normally give anything decent.


Actually this game gives you quite a few good Pokemon early on.


Beat the 4th gym, didn't have my Dwebble with Stealth Rock this time for when she spams Volt Tackle. Actually thought I would lose, but Drilbur (and a little help from paralyse) took them down quite easily despite being about 5 levels lower then her highest. Did end up with 2 Pokemon left though.


At the 5th gym now but decided to carry on exploring the route ahead.


Current team is:


Pignite - 30

Tranquill - 27

Drilbur - 29

Flaaffy - 25

Lucario - 28

Psyduck - 26


Might drop Tranquill once I find a better flying type. Bit worried about having 2 fighting types but Lucario will get some helpful moves later on. And Excadrill is also a steel type so I'll end up with 2 if I keep him.

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So I've now completed Hana Samurai, my Backlog is also well and truly under control and I'm looking for a new game to play in the run-up to Wii U, was thinking this could be it, but have a few questions first...


1. Are there areas/aspects of this game that aren't accessible if you haven't played Black/White? And if so, how much content are we talking?


2. Can you transfer over Pokémon from Diamond/HeartGold, and is it required in order to "catch 'em all"?


3. How's the story in the game, is it funny? In other words (and anyone that has played both Red/Blue/FireRed/LeafGreen & HeartGold/SoulSilver will know what I'm on about) does the old man outside the gym love it because it's full of women? :laughing:icon14.gif or because it's full of strong trainers? :zzz:icon13.gif

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If I recall correctly there is this new feature that lets you see how much of an area you have completed? I tried searching on Serebii and Google but couldn't find anything about it. When do I get it?

Bianca gives it to you after you leave Floccesy Town after beating the first Gym. It's one of the options in the Pokédex

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would anyone recommend transferring some eggs of certain pokemon form white? i don't know if i can be bothered trying to breed anything, if anything i might do a Deino line since i loved it in White, but i'm wondering about some others like a strong ice type or some ghost types although i just got Drifloon on the dream radar so i don't want to have too many ghosts

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My team is random as fuck. At present: Servine, Keldeo, Genesect, Darumaka and Sandile. I got Sandile because having a look at types I'm not the best at, electric isn't do me any favours. Which is handy since I've lost to Elesa once already. The other slot has to be for some flying type, maybe Archeops for it's random typing.

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