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Standout Games For The Wii


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Hey guys,


With the Wii U out later this year I figured it a good time to have a look back at all the great titles on the Wii that have stood out for us. Mention your top picks along with why.


My first pick would be Smash Bros Brawl. My excitement for this game meant I imported it from the US and even got it when it came out in Europe too! The amount of hours I've put into the multiplayer in this is insane. Getting three friends in for a night of Brawl is tough to beat.


so send in your thoughts and hopefully we'll get some discussions going :D

Edited by MicroLovePony
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3 words:


Little King's Story


Without a doubt the most brilliant 3rd party exclusive new franchise title for the Wii.

A lot of charm, brilliant remixes of classical music, packed with things to do, intriguing story, and a gorgeous artstyle which taunted those who think that games with 'kiddy' visuals aren't worth playing.

It's one tough ass game, and touches on certain 'risque' subjects such as conquering other, peaceful nations.


Most certainly a game I've played in recent years that has entered my top 5 :D

Edited by Fused King
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Oh god, can we only pick one game? That's going to be tough.


I'm going to go for Metroid: Other M. (screw all you haters)


Bridges the gap nicely between Super and Fusion, feels like an amalgamation of the two. Controls just using the Wiimote, but the scheme is so simple and intuitive. At times, the game can feel quite creepy and unsettling, which is exactly what I wanted from this type of game. Some of the boss fights are spectacular, and are some of the best you'll find on any Nintendo console.


I can't quite place why I liked it so much, it just has a charm there that makes it easy to love. It's got its critics, but if you go into it with an open mind, you can get a great deal of fun out of this one. :)

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3 words:


Little King's Story


Without a doubt the most brilliant 3rd party exclusive new franchise title for the Wii.

A lot of charm, brilliant remixes of classical, packed with things to do, intriguing story, and a gorgeous artstyle which taunted those who think that games with 'kiddy' visuals aren't worth playing.

It's one tough ass game, and touches on certain 'risque' subjects such as conquering other, peaceful nations.


Most certainly a game I've played in recent years that has entered my top 5 :D


You know what...I'm going to play that. Right now.

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I wrote a loooooong post about how much I loved Another Code: R - A Journey into Lost Memories some time ago, but I can't find it... *sigh*


Not that you really need a long post to describe it; it's just an amazing game. The graphics are beautiful, the story is beyond amazing, the music is lovely and the gameplay doesn't get boring (though I'm sure some would disagree). I think it's got everything it needs to be one of the best games ever, and it uses all of those things to deliver the greatest gaming experience I've had this generation.


Other great titles include Fragile Dreams: Farewell Ruins of the Moon and the One Piece: Unlimited Cruise games.

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Haha :grin: Fused King converts yet another soul to salvation (Ramen)


LKS has become my favourite Wii game, and since it was already mentioned, I'll mention my second favourite instead: Tatsunoko vs Capcom


It's just really fun. Also, unlike the old "Capcom vs." games, it's actually accessible to newcomers, as long as you grasp the basics, you can pull off basic, yet sweet-looking DBZ-style combos. For experts, the advanced mechanics actually add a lot to the gameplay.


The roster is made of obscure and lesser known characters. Tatsunoko itself is virtually unknown outside Japan, and the Capcom side is filled with obscure choices (Megaman from the Legends franchise, Saki from a Japanese-only game, characters from SFIII and Rival Schools, etc.), not to mention all of the voices are in Japanese (except Frank West).

However, it's impossible not to love all of the variety and charm. Odds are, the cast will win you over.


So yeah, it's trippy, fun, weird, awesome, and uses the

for the credits. Great stuff all around.



Also, some honourable mentions to RE4: Wii Edition (the Wii controls make it so much better) and De Blob (which reminds me I still haven't played the sequel)

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Technically, the two best are probably Mario Galaxy 1 & 2, but I can't say I'm that "fond" of them.


If I have to pick the game I had the most fun with, it'd be Metroid: Other M. As odd as it may sound, it seemed quite friendly and familiar to me. Here was a very successful attempt at putting Metroid into 3D, arguably more so than Prime (even though Other M is less slick). Imperfect, yes, but not truly flawed in any great way. Whereas iterations of other games didn't feel all that much like the franchises I thought I knew, Metroid: Other M felt like putting on a favourite pair of gloves. Stackable beams, weapon-specific doors, Screw Attack, Speed Boost... it was all there.

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Haha :grin: Fused King converts yet another soul to salvation (Ramen)


I started it...ages ago (probably well over a year ago - closer to two years, actually). Killed the big cow boss thing (I think it was a cow) and I kind of forgot about it. Tonight I killed a big frog and some smallish moster with a club. Just had a club festival thing.

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Technically, the two best are probably Mario Galaxy 1 & 2, but I can't say I'm that "fond" of them.


If I have to pick the game I had the most fun with, it'd be Metroid: Other M. As odd as it may sound, it seemed quite friendly and familiar to me. Here was a very successful attempt at putting Metroid into 3D, arguably more so than Prime (even though Other M is less slick). Imperfect, yes, but not truly flawed in any great way. Whereas iterations of other games didn't feel all that much like the franchises I thought I knew, Metroid: Other M felt like putting on a favourite pair of gloves. Stackable beams, weapon-specific doors, Screw Attack, Speed Boost... it was all there.


Are you my brother from a different mother?


It really is a great game. I completely understand what you say about it feeling familiar. As soon as I booted it up, I knew this was a Metroid game. They captured that feeling personally.


If it's possible to list a second game, I'm going to go for Silent Hill: Shattered Memories.


For me, this was the Survival Horror experience that I was craving. I'm not ashamed to say that I enjoyed this more than Resident Evil 4. There's not a lot of action in this game, but there doesn't need to be. This just further enforces the idea that gaming can be about things other than action or conflict. This was about exploration. This was about being placed in an unfamiliar scenario and having to piece things together yourself. This was about "learning" the story intrinsically, and not being fed to you through a spoon. Those answerphone messages you get at various points in the game really fucked with my mind.


Loved it. I also found the nightmare sections tense as hell, and at quite a few occasions, I panicked. I never got angry at the game, because the game never did anything wrong. It did everything right. It forced you to think quickly, it forced you to flee or hide, or light flares at the right times. We need more games of this calibre, and the fact that it used the Wiimote so beautifully is another high point for me.


It's right up there as one of the finest games of this generation for me. It won't catch everyone's eye, but I appreciated it. I appreciate it even more after seeing the terrible trailer for Resident Evil 6.

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Yeah surely the obvious ones are banned :) Galaxies, Zelda, Metroid 3 are obviously all world beating games. But uncovered gems....? Only 1. A few of you have named some games i adore - Silent Hill, De Blob, excite truck and bots, Tatsunoko etc


Hmmm, madworld? Maybe. Red Steel 2, No more heroes.... Donkey Kong...actually DKR goes in the text book games above...


I'm going with Kororinpa. Lovely ball maze game. It'll seem a little dated now, but at the time it worked so well with the motion controls it provided so much fun, absolutely loved it. Always wanted Marbles but it's so hard to get now :(

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Little Kings Story is incredible from beginning to end and offers a truely unique experience unlike any other, with great characters and humour, a brilliant narative and a sensational musical score.


No More Heroes is worthy of that mention to for being a brilliantly original title, trying something different and achieving it. Good use of the Wii-mote, and OTT characters that make the game a lot of fun.


But those have been mentioned, so I'll add...


Goldeneye 007 - For the Wii it's a stunning looking game, with great fun level design, some truly stand out, with multiple paths and ways to go about things to add replayability. Controls wonderfully thanks to the Wii-mote and nunchuck, and with good difficulty levels. It's a great shooter and single player campaign, especially for those that aren't really in to the genre, as the bond license and fond memories of the original game all sing out. It complements the original game perfectly.


Second mention...


Zack and Wiki - A very original, unique game for the Wii (and in general) as few other titles show the Wii-mote off to such great extent, and in such a fun way. The cel-shaded visuals are lovely, and the humour and characters are a delight. A great variety of difficulty in terms of the levels, which are really well designed. A sequel on the WiiU, that also utilises the U-mote screen to look around the environment etc... would be great!

Edited by Retro_Link
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Monster Hunter 3-Addictive is not the word. 500+ hours sunk into this game and I still play it. Never played it before this edition. Online is where it's at. Great game. There's loads of other games that deserve a mention. Not gonna bother listing 1st party games. We all know what they are. Other notable 3rd party games include Okami, Boom Blox: Bash Party, PES, Tiger Woods. I have Little Kings Story still waiting to be played. Sounds good by all accounts. You know the Wii has a mountain of great games. I will give a shout-out for Metroid: Other M. Really good, more like Metroid than the Primes were. All the abilities were there. I want more M:OM.

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I wrote a loooooong post about how much I loved Another Code: R - A Journey into Lost Memories some time ago, but I can't find it... *sigh*


Great to hear such fondness for this game! It's a simple adventure, it won't get your blood pumping and there are unashamed trivialities thrown in constantly, but it's endearingly charming, down to earth and compulsive. It was almost like reading an Enid Blyton adventure, and comparing it to a novel is pretty apt since it feels more like interactive fiction than a videogame (the box cover even warns you that there is a heavy amount of text IIRC).


Very relaxing to play, one of my favourite Wii games, so it certainly stood out to me.

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Super Smash Bros. Brawl. we visited the Dojo, N-europe, smash forums, gonintendo and countless other websites every single day until the release, it was the first time I've ever pre-ordered anything! and when we finally got it, me my sister and two of my bros played it every single time, so many times that I think we almost reached our melee play time!


we've been playing 4 player smash since the N64, meaning we were all very good, It got to a point where it became so competitive that a defeat would start an argument. but it didn't last long as we went straight on to the next match.


the rules were simple 3 stock, no time limit, no items, Final Destination... until KO do us part. We even made a rota for picking stages; 1st stage Final Destination, then Player 1's choice, then Final Destination again, next Player 2's and so on, in order to keep it fresh. the only games to ever beat our play time on brawl was; SSBM, Goldeneye 64, MK64 & MP 1,2,3 & 4.


when the Wii broke in January 2010, we didn't play smash until mid 2011. at school we had a smash tournament, I was pretty confident in my skills that I did not need to practice for it. I was right, I wiped the floor with them, even though they were pretty decent players. I went easy on them by taking easy hits and committing suicide while making it legit, but after a couple of matches I got bored and combo'ed them to death.


So yeah... Brawl = favourite Wii game ever.

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You're going to kill me for this ... Just Dance 3. It's taken nearly six years, but someone finally got motion controls in a casual game right.


Oh, and I loved the original Red Steel. I honestly have no idea why everyone hated it so much. And someone mentioned Silent Hill? Awesome game. When it first came out I had a really tough time putting it down.

Edited by Iun
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A thank you to those who mentioned Another Code R.

I've officially put it on my backlog list, and am quite intrigued.


Tell me, does it resemble Hotel Dusk in anyway?


Also, I scanned through this thread again and, ....




No one has mentioned MURAMASA: THE DEMON BLADE yet...

The gameplay wasn't all that dazzling, but the artstyle, the atmosphere, the story, ....aaah とてもきれいです!

Truly a treat for those who study Japanese, but also for those who don't!



To add one final thing to my post, I also share the love for Silent Hill: Shattered Memories.

It's indeed true survival horror, but I find it a tad sad that there's little variation in the things they throw at you, which lead the game to be quite predictable.

Despite of that though, it's still frightening as fuck!

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A thank you to those who mentioned Another Code R.

I've officially put it on my backlog list, and am quite intrigued.


Tell me, does it resemble Hotel Dusk in anyway?


You're welcome. I've completed both games and here is a brief comparison:



- Very story-driven with a lot of exposition and some nice plot twists.

- Some basic puzzles to complete every now and then.

- Items must be used or given to people to advance the story.

- Interesting mix of characters to interact with.

- Lots of things to click for examination, with 98% of them being merely scenery with banal descriptions ("It's an empty box. I wonder if it used to have something inside?").

- Nice build up of tension towards the end of both games.



- I don't think there is a Game Over screen in Another Code R. In Hotel Dusk, the game can end suddenly if you choose the wrong option.

- Third person exploration in Another Code R, first person in Hotel Dusk.

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A great thread, and a good time to reflect on the amazing things that Wii gave us all.


For a console that's been widely ridiculed as being just for kids/casuals, the Wii had some incredible gaming experiences for those willing to try them. I would feel bad if I only mentioned one game so here's my list of amazing, lesser-known, and surprisingly fun games (obvious Nintendo classics exempt!):


Little King Story - Probably the best third-party game I played on Wii. The fairy-tale visuals and classical soundtrack won me over immediately, and it was one of the most content-heavy games on Wii. I really hope Nintendo can somehow resurrect this in some guise in the future.


Fragile Dreams - I know this is a love or hate kind of game but it really struck a chord with me. The simple gameplay mechanics didn't bother me because it was so atmospheric. At times it was scarier than any Resi or SIlent Hill game, and there were loads of genuinely touching moments along the way.


Zack and Wiki - The first third-party game to really make a good attempt at utilising the motion controls. It's a real shame we never got a motion-plus enabled sequel.


Excite Trucks - The first Wii game that completely hooked me. A really under-rated racer that deserved to become a leading franchise. I personally preffered this to Excite Bots, which was a bit too gimmick-laden imo.


Metroid: Other M - Another divisive game, and although I don't think it was a 100% successful translation of Metroid, I do applaud Nintendo for trying something different. People moan when franchises stay the same all the time yet don't appreciate it when developers try something out of the box. This still had some great bosses and eerie moments.


Another Code R - I read reviews that said this was an incredibly dull and boring game, with rudimentary puzzles and poor story. I ignored them all, and I'm so glad I did. I found it to be a very relaxing experience and I absolutely loved the story, setting and characters. Plus the graphics were beautiful.


Pangya Golf - There probably won't be many more fans of this golf game, but for me this was the best golf game on the Wii. Nice graphics, loads of courses and for once this didn't force motion controls on you if you prefer traditional button presses to make your shots.


FFCC Crystal Bearers - I love the FFCC spin-offs, even more than the main series. This was a thoroughy entertaining single-player waltz through the Crystal Chronicles world. It felt like Square removed all the 40+ hours of grinding and incoherant cut-scenes and just concentrated on engaging gameplay. It also helped that the graphics and music were outstanding.


Eledees - My first Wii party game. As much as my friends turned their noses at it at first, they were soon joining in and helping to ransack rooms to find the little eledee things. The level designer also gave us hours of fun too.


Trackmania - A simple racer but one that has been a big hit at my gaming evenings. Short and sweet, and comes packaged with an awesome track designer.


Disaster - I can't believe Nintendo didn't make a bigger fuss about this game. With a bit more effort behind it (and the marketing) I think this could have been a mega hit. The set-pieces, as far-fetched as they were, were great to play through and they looked amazing.


Rune Factory Frontier - I love harvest moon, and this spin off stole more hours off me than any game in the series. The mix of farming, dating and monster killing is just brilliant, and the graphics and music are among the best on the wii. A true gem.


Endless Ocean 1&2 - I hope Nintendo bring this to Wii U, because if there's one game I'd love to see in HD it's this. Relaxing, immersive, beautiful, at times incredibly eerie, I think more hardcore gamers should give this a try.


A boy and his blob - Wayforward did a superb job at updating one of my fave NES games. This is so beautiful to play, and I hope they can be persuaded to bring out a sequel one day.


Sonic Colors - I hated all the 3D sonic games before this one came along. Somehow Sega managed to hit a sweet spot between juggling complex level design and giving Sonic room to hit his stride.


A shadow's tale - It feels like Ico's side-scrolling cousin, and is almost as fun to play.


Tatsunoko vs Capcom - Hats off to Capcom for bringing this to the west. I hope it sold enough for them to think it was all worth the effort. I loved the off-beat character roster and insane billion-hit damage combos. It made this a great partner title to STreet Fighter 4.


Resident Evil Umbrella/darkside chronicles - I thought both of these were unfairly criticised for not being full RE games, I personally really enjoyed them and the helped flesh out the RE story for me (I'd never played RE 2,3 or Code Veronica before).


Goldeneye 007 - A great remake, and a nice surprise exclusive. The multiplayer was great fun, and the redesigned missions were almost as good as the original imo.


Epic Mickey - Didn't end up as epic as I'd hoped but was still incredibly fun, and one of the few third party games to look like it had had a lot of time, money and effort spent on it. I really hope rumours of a sequel prove true.


Red Steel 1&2 - Red Steel was awesome when you got past the first few shite levels, and got used to the controls. I don't think the mixed graphics helped its case, some levels looked terrible while others looked amazing (I remember the Gears of War team making a big hoo-hah about realtime refraction on Xbox, when Red Steel actually managed just that on the humble wii - look closely at the windows in the Dojo hub level). Red Steel 2 had a brilliant art style and I thought it had the best control scheme of any Wii FPS.


Kororinpa - A fun little puzzle game, I never got to play the sequel but that sounded even better.


Mad World - Aweome graphics, and a fun combat system made this one of my fave Wii titles. Platinum games went on to make Vanquish, another hidden gem I suggest you try out.


Tales of Symphonia dawn of the new world - Okay, not as good as the original but as I've said many times before, this really grew on me after a while, and by the last third I was utterly hooked. My favourite version of the LMBS, with the added bonus of monster-raising! I loved the relationship between Marta and Emil, and Tenebrae is now one of my fave Tales characters ever!


Murumasa - The most beautiful 2D game on Wii without a doubt. It also had an excellent combat system and a great story that drew from Japanese legends. You could also play through two different stories.

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