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That actually is plausible - the pacific has a capacity of just under 150 million cubic miles, which would be a cube with an edge of 531 miles, or a sphere with a diameter of just under 660 miles. When you consider that the Earth's crust - continental or oceanic - is wafer thin compared to the overall size of the planet, it makes sense I guess.

Edited by The fish
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Turn Any Home Into Hyrule With This Legend of Zelda Fireplace Art




Tired of staring at the same old fake fire or plastic wood in your fireplace? Replace them with this 8-bit recreation of the torches from The Legend of Zelda.


An enterprising young artist named "JamesBit" on the homemade crafts sale site Etsy put this custom painting up for sale for $150 and the coolest part is that it easily fits into just about any standard fireplace.

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