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It still has a few months left to polish the game.
Oh yeah definately, considering most of it looks great already, come November I'm sure it'll all look stunning... it really was just the textures during Leons gameplay/cutscenes that needed noticable work.


Oh and those civilians that run at Chris!

Posted (edited)

I must admit, when I saw the trailer the first time, I thought that it looked too Hollywood and a bit crap. However, after watching it again and after reminding myself that we may likely never see the days of the old Resi games (from 1 to Outbreak File #2) and that I loved RE5 (yeah, I know) and that the story actually looks pretty cool, I'm pretty much looking forward to it now, especially with all of these characters. I just really wanted a Team Jill/Claire, that would have been mega-awesome. It's upsetting how it seems that the series has lost its touch but I think it'll be okay nonetheless and, considering I'm a huge fan of the series (game series, that is), I will be buying it and most likely, I'll enjoy it!


However, the six player co-op sounds awesome. It'll be cool to play with friends. However, not sure about the offline co-op. As long as they've improved it from Sheva, I think it'll be cool but I'm not going to hold my breath.


...but the logo absolutely sucks ass!

Edited by Animal

@Dazz It sucks that Claire gets no love anymore.


And just when you think we might get a break from Chris... (initial Revelations footage, start of Resi 6 trailer) he turns up in the game as playable.


Offline co-op will be fine providing I dont have to heal the partner and I dont have to give them ammo etc It should be like Gears offline co-op, the characters are there but they dont need to be looked after.


If this is to be more action oriented i hope they update the controls. GOW type gameplay with clunky RE5 controls is not survival horror it;s frustration!


Why couldn't they with 2 resi games out within the year ( console not handheld ) make one a COD / GOW type of game & one a more traditional but updated survival horror type of game & keep everybody happy!! ??


After playing the Revelations Demo on the 3DS and being reminded how great a nice pure horror feel is in an RE game, it is a little of a shame to see the "traditional" RE style then gets dropped for the next "numbered" title.


However the only question I have (and have had for a long time) is will they bloody address where the HELL Rebecca has vanished to? She doesn't have to be playable she just has to be there doing something. (And no appearences in Merchinary modes/game don't count as "remembering" her)


Yeah I noticed adverts for it why watching Sky last night and it's appear on adverts on my Youtube videos too.... and they all show Nov as release.... it's only bloody January still.... bit early much Capcom.


In contrast I've only seen ONE advert for Revelations on TV which was a few days ago and never saw any on Youtube and that is out this Friday :heh:


Rough translations made by NeoGaf user:



According to rough translations from this article (on the 20th mind you, so I'm probably late on this), it suggests that Leon is blamed for the death of the President and is the subject of a manhunt. Thanks to the BioHaze community for raising this (as that's where I first saw this referenced).


If so, that's a pretty bold move.


Additionally, the bioterrorists timed their attack on the President during the time he wanted to reveal to the world the truth about Raccoon City. This suggests to me that the Global Pharmaceutical Consortium was responsible for it due to the possibility that their name would have been thrown out by the President, along with Umbrella, etc. as they aren't 100% clean.

  • 3 weeks later...




A recent post over on the Capcom Unity blog has delivered some new details regarding Resident Evil 6 that included insight into the game's control scheme, locations, characters, and enemies. In addition, a fresh batch of images from the game has been released, which you can check out right here.


As for the details, the blog post confirms a few control-related innovations for the series. Namely, RE6 will allow players to "move and shoot at the same time" while also being granted the ability to evade attacks with rolls and take cover behind various objects. While the initial trailer showcased many of these moves in action, it's nice to know that Capcom has officially confirmed the inclusion of these movement mechanics, which will undoubtedly impact the overall feel of the experience the game provides.


Other than that, today we find out that RE6 takes place in 2013, just a few years after the events of Resident Evil 5 and that gamers will at some point be visiting China – specifically the fictional coastal town called Lanshiang, which the post points out will join the ranks of Raccoon City and Twin Oaks as locations overrun by "creeping monsters". Oh, and speaking of monsters, the post confirms that the game's zombies are a bit smarter this time around, stating that "some have figured out weapons can expose precious brain matter quicker than teeth and nails, while others are content to leap at you with ravenous intent." Then there's the even more dangerous J'avo (apparently named after the Serbian word for "demon"), which are capable of understanding speech and coordinating attacks while having regenerative abilities that the post says will "change the way you approach enemies."


Lastly, some character profiles are listed in the post including Leon S. Kennedy, Helena Harper, Chris Redfield, Ingrid Hunnigan, zombified US President Adam Benford, and the "Mysterious Man", who is confirmed to be a mercenary that at some point is told he could save the world, "though money seems to be on his mind…"

Sounds good!


Though I thought we'd heard it was set just before Resi 5?... I guess that was wrong as everything certainly seems much more like a sequel.


I love how being able to move and shoot at the same time is considered a huge innovation in the Resident Evil series.


I hope this will be campy co-op fun.


If you haven't got Resident Evil 6...you haven't got Resident Evil 6.


You don't get the games unique move and shoot mechanics.


You don't get the ability to roll.


You don't get the innovative cover functions.


If you haven't got Resident Evil 6...you haven't got Resident Evil 6.


"Mysterious Man" = Billy Coen, I'm calling it right now :D


(Which hopefully finally leads to some info on the werabouts of Rebecca Chambers since RE2 :heh:)

  • 1 month later...

'Survival horror' market too small for Resident Evil, says Capcom producer


Some long-time Resident Evil fans might long for the "good old days" of the franchise, when early games in the series were deliberately-paced, nerve-wracking explorations into a "world of survival horror." Today, the series' emphasis is on action that rarely lets up.


But while there are those who'd love to see a return to classic Resident Evil gameplay, the market for that style -- "survival horror" -- just isn't viable enough to warrant the biggest investments, Capcom's Resident Evil: Revelations producer Masachika Kawata told Gamasutra in an interview.


"Especially for the North American market, I think the series needs to head in that [action-oriented] direction," Kawata said. "[Resident Evil's primary games] need to be an extension of the changes made in Resident Evil 4 and Resident Evil 5.


"RE4 started in that direction, and RE5 kept going in that direction," he said. "And I think that especially for the North American market, we need to keep going in that direction, and take that a step further. And that's exactly one of the reasons that Revelations is the way it is," he said.


While Revelations -- released on Nintendo 3DS earlier this year -- does have more of a tilt towards the action-oriented gameplay seen in Resident Evil 4 and 5, it manages to mix in the slower, creepy pace of earlier installments for a nice hybrid of gameplay styles.


But if the rising action trend of Resident Evil 4 and 5 continues, don't expect this year's big budget console (and eventually PC) game Resident Evil 6 to follow suit.


Acknowledging that he does not work on the upcoming numbered sequel, Kawata compares survival horror game sales to the best-selling video game franchise Call of Duty, a military FPS whose last installment sold 6.5 million units in its first day.


"Looking at the marketing data [for survival horror games] ... the market is small, compared to the number of units Call of Duty and all those action games sell," he said. "A 'survival horror' Resident Evil doesn't seem like it'd be able to sell those kind of numbers."


But, Kawata said, "I can't really speak for Resident Evil 6, but I don't think that it necessarily has to go all the way in that [action-heavy] direction, the Call of Duty direction. It doesn't have to be a straight up shooter. But my impression is that Resident Evil 4 and 5 aren't shooters, per se."


So if Capcom believes that less sales than COD means failure to them. :sad:


Well I don't want Resident Evil to be like Call of Duty, I like games to be different, u know!


The only reason CoD sells so much is coz it appeals to a lot of 'hardcore' and 'core' gamers so it kinda covers most.


You can see it now! Zombies with guns! Oh wait....

Here's a wacky idea Capcom... develop a FPS then!


Or even better, get another company to develop a TPS loosely based on the series that throws aside most of the core 'resi' elements in the name of making another four-player co-op experience...



... wait. :blank:


This is what bugs me about the games industry nowadays. How come there was a market for something in the PlayStation days, but not now? Supposedly gaming is more popular and more mainstream than ever, but it's meant games have had to conform to the lowest common denominator rather than there being room for everything. I don't want to stop people enjoying games like Call of Duty, but nor want them to influence the entire hobby.

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