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Expendables 2


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Everytime I see this cast-list, I crack up. You can just imagine Stallone and co around a table thinking, "right, how can we make the most ridiculous action film of all time? I know...let's put every action film star ever into it."

That's the point! And it's an amazing result thereof.

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I went and seen this last night and although it's not as good as the first one, which I love, it's still an enjoyable romp.


This one takes it self far less seriously than the previous film. Many of the gags are the guys just taking the P out of each others films. The back and forth between Willis and Arnie was hilarious. Chuck Norris even rings off one of the internet myths about himself. :bowdown:


The acting was never any good in the first film but in this one it justs abysmal, with the Chinese wifey being the main culprit. But then, when you go to see a film like Expendables you don't go for the acting or the script, you go to see stuff get shot to bits and this once again delivers.


From the start there are explosions and bodies flying all over the place. Remember that scene in Hot Shots Part Deux where Charlie Sheen is racking up kills and a kill count is on the bottom of the screen? That is pretty much the opening of this film. :D


There was one scene that bothered me though...


Arnie, Stallone and Willis storm the airport and when they bust in they just start shooting randomly. There are civilians all over the place and i'm sure they are just shooting them as well. Kinda reminded me of that level in Call of Duty.




So, yeah, bad acting, thin story but plenty of one liners, people getting shot and explosions going off everywhere. Just what was after then. :D

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I saw this the other night and really loved it!

I'm pretty much with HOT on this, the only problem was Chinese wifey, and you're not the only one who thought of that COD level lol.


but i so want a smart car and an AA12 now would make the morning commute so much more epic

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  • 2 weeks later...

I saw this last week, and was very pleasantly surprised.


I actually didn't like the first one. Thought it was a bit dull, and the main baddie was a bit crap.


However, the second one was miles better than the first (possibly because they didn't let Stallone direct it). Thought it could have had a but more Jet Li in it, and a better leading lady (if you can even call her that).


Schwarzenegger, Willis and Statham were all good i thought, although it could have done without Chuck Norris. He just turned into a bit of a caracature of himself by the end, and apparently would only appear in it if they toned down the film to be a 12. I would rather not have him in it and had it a 15 or an 18 to be honest.


Van Damme was good. I was worried he would basically be that version of him from the Coors ad (or whatever crap American beer it is), but he was a good villain. However, in future, i think it would have been better if they split up the action stars and put a few on each side. That would make for some better action near the end, a bit like in X-men, where they all battle their opposite etc.


I would give this film a thumbs up.

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Schwarzenegger, Willis and Statham were all good i thought, although it could have done without Chuck Norris. He just turned into a bit of a caracature of himself by the end, and apparently would only appear in it if they toned down the film to be a 12. I would rather not have him in it and had it a 15 or an 18 to be honest.


This rumour was debunked a while back and the film does have a 15 rating.

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Ah, i stand corrected then. I thought it was a bit odd when i was writing that to be honest. Espeically the bits where people's heads explode from snipers bullets. Couldn't really be a 12....


Still, i thought Chuck Norris was rubbish in it.

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Watched this last night and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I liked the first one anyway, but this one was better on every level.


Disappointed Jet Li was only in the intro, but he kicked ass in that alot. Lundgrens character grew on me alot, I actually found him amusing in this film, and felt he should be part of the team.


The highlight of the film though was just having Stallone, Schwarzenegger & Willis all on screen at the same time, and the banter between them all.


Loved the little one liners that paid homage to their classic films gone by... Terry Crewes "I'll terminate you..." and Arnie giving the "yippie kay yay"


Chuck Norris was completely pointless in the film, But I could not stop smiling in any of his scenes.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I went to see this last night. Although there's a ton of trailers beforehand (about half an hour's worth!), what is it with people turning up at 25 minutes during the film? I had the most annoying prick next to me. Arrived late, took up too much room as he was mega fat, left for a bathroom break during some of the best bits, rustled his bags of food, etc. I could have terminated him!


Film was excellent. So much better than the first, which partly felt like an experiment, I guess. This one was just fantastic. The dialogue, the choreography for the fight scenes, the banter between the characters, so much better than the first.


I'm not sure I get the hate for Chuck Norris or Chinese wifey, as she is now known as. Seemed great to me. Obviously the acting wasn't stellar, but you don't go into this kind of film expecting something in line with No Country for Old Men. It was over the top, it was at times just ridiculous, but it never crossed that line where the action lost its impact and it became "meh". I felt it pushed its limits but it stayed within them, to awesome effect.


Terry Crews and Dolph Lundgren are my heroes. :love:

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