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So yeah this week at work we've had ofsted and work has been hell. We've had people crying at poor observation results and they've had meetings where where they have really questioned the provision we provide to some of the students (all with moderate/severe learning difficulties/disabilites) following on from observations....so imagine my surprise when I got a 1=OUTSTANDING!


Anyone who has met me knows I'm not a very serious guy and kinda of have a reputation at work as a bit of joker who rants and makes jokes bout everything and such. But now people who havn't spoken to me for years are suddenly coming up and congratulating me and such it's the best feeling ever. I've always had a confidence problem with my teaching even though as part of PGCE been observed tons and had our own internal observations and always had great feedback but kind of been skeptical as thought well they may go easy on me as I'm younger and in-experienced and they are trying to help but now if ofsted think I'm outstanding I must actually be...just WOW. Yay me!


Please not this isn't me being an arrogant prick I'm just buzzing and wanna tell the world.


Congratulations! Was today their last day in your school? I've never experienced a full OFSTED, I dread to think how I'd react. I had an observation on Monday and freaked out ALL weekend over it.


But yeah, well done!


Well done!! You obviously have a talent for your job, which is probably why you don't quite appreciate quite how good you are at it.


...That's a massive compliment just in case it doesn't sound like one.

....you make me happy.....


...when skys are grey...


Congratulations! Was today their last day in your school? I've never experienced a full OFSTED, I dread to think how I'd react. I had an observation on Monday and freaked out ALL weekend over it.


But yeah, well done!


Today there is their last day here but we don't expect them to do any observations today, its mostly feedback meetings and any other evidence we want to provide them. Not to make you worry too much but OFSTED stress is like something else. I feel very worn out and sleep deprived due to both long hours and restless nights/weird dreams about observations. I will say one thing this was the calmest I have ever been during an observation.


Well done!! You obviously have a talent for your job, which is probably why you don't quite appreciate quite how good you are at it.


...That's a massive compliment just in case it doesn't sound like one.


No No I get what you mean. Obviously I'm doing something right (well very right I guess) and just don't know it as such?

Well done dude thats awesome!


What percentage of teachers get outstanding?


99.4 per cent.


Err....not quite that high! :nono::heh:


I can't find the actual stats for it for Special Needs Education but reports for like Secondary Schools depending where you look say all sorts of numbers with ranging from 3%-7%. In our college out of the 25 observations that took place 4 of us got outstandings so its slightly higher.


I can officially say that you are OUTSTANDING...according to N-Europe.


So put that on your CV instead of the silly teaching thing.

I can officially say that you are OUTSTANDING...according to N-Europe.


So put that on your CV instead of the silly teaching thing.


Well if thats official make it happen! Lose N-Europe Forum Aficionado have OUTSTANDING!


Unrelated - when i read the thread's title, it was to the tune of:


"IIII'M Out...standing, accor-ding to offf-steeeed....."


awesome lol...thats my new song of the day.

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