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Is Ricky Gervais a 'mong'?


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So, this seems to have caused quite a stir in the media etc at the moment, and I was wondering what other people are thinking. I don't know the ins and outs, but apparently he tweeted something about the word? Or used it? My suprise is why is this causing such an issue now, considering I saw the beginning of his stand-up the other night(Science, is it?) he essentially refers to it in the same way, right?


Anyway, I was curious on people's thoughts on it.

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People surely realise what to expect from comedians, it's not exactly a new thing is it.



On a side note, I detest Gervais. I find more laughter in a piece of bread.


Not bigger than the bread bin then?


They were discussing on the good ol' Wright Stuff this morning, one lady rang in with quite the sensible view that it doesn't matter if there's no intended malice in it or it's being used in a sense to say someone's disabled. Quite rightly said that it doesn't matter what you outlaw the technically used terms will end up being used as derogatory eventually(see retarded, spastic etc). She even mentioned that she had raised a 'retarded son' and silly Sally Bercow on the panel seemed disgusted at her using the word! A woman who's raised a son with disabilities!! I think it was at that point I decided some folk are just being self righteous for the sake of it. Apparently because 'they'(people suffering disabilities) can't or won't defend themselves against this we should on their behalf.


Even more shocking, a 26 year old lady rang in and said she used the word all the time and didn't even know it had a link to terms for disabled people!

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Well straight away it doesn't explain it because that's not his "mong" pose.


He's never said that's his "mong" pose.


That's just The Sun being a massive mong-corporation right there.




I take it all back.


Look at this massive twat.



Fucking monster.

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I saw Ricky Gervais live testing out his material for his actual tour and he was amazingly un-PC. The only point at which I was offended was when he just wasn't funny (which I think were like two bits) at which point his un-PC-ness unraveled. Otherwise, hysterical. And this is coming for someone with an other worldly hatred for him. I think he's an utter cunt. But I can't deny there were some very funny part of the show.


As for using the word 'mong', please. Language is totally fluid. I think it's probably more offensive to think 'mong' could still be associated with Down's Syndrome.


Not to mention I always thought 'mong' was a shortening of the derogatory term 'mongoloid'.

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I don't think it holds the same weight that the word retard seems to hold now. I mean I work with children with learning dificulties and the word retard is just never used. Mong seems to have a much more "casual status" I'd still be pretty shocked if I heard someone say it within my work context yet using the word as a almost heightened version of idiot or something seems to become acceptable.

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He's not using the word to relate to down's syndrome people which is apparently what mong is linked to. I don't see a problem with it. You can row a boat or have a row of numbers, same word different meaning.

What's the other meaning you attribute to the comment made about Susan Boyle "Looking like a mong"?

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What's the other meaning you attribute to the comment made about Susan Boyle "Looking like a mong"?


None other. It's actually quite offensive in that context..


Looking a bit dim/weird. It's not specifically saying Susan Boyle looks like she has down's syndrome.


Mong is short for mongoloid, or mongolism, which is literally an older/alternative term for Down's Syndrome, also known as Trisomy 21.


It's the meaning of the term, and the origin of the term. The fact people don't know this doesn't mean Ricky Gervais doesn't. He might seem stupid, but he almost certainly knows that. I don't find him amusing in the slightest, but that has nothing to do with this. It has to do with the fact he isn't funny.

Edited by RoadKill
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Urban Dictionaries?


Taken from Urbandictionary (the top result anyway)

Adj. Lacking in physical and cerebal ability. General retardation.

Generally: a total spastic

No I don't need you to help me with my supermarket trolley, you fucking mong


I must be out of touch, I've never heard mong used in Gervais' context (I feel the irony)

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She does look a mong though.


It's like when someone does something stupid and you call them a retard. You're not actually saying they have a genetic condition, but the mild link of being stupid to being retarded is there.


Yes, she does look like a mong, because she is a sufferer of mongolism (Down's Syndrome). It's a pretty inappropriate comment, no matter how you look at it

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Urban Dictionaries?


Taken from Urbandictionary (the top result anyway)



I must be out of touch, I've never heard mong used in Gervais' context (I feel the irony)


It is used non literally all the time, just as gay is. Hence it shouldn't really be offensive to anyone.

Edited by Sheikah
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