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What I don't understand is why the second somebody starts defending the mods/admins they are immediately accused of brown-nosing!? Maybe they just happen to agree with their bloody opinion!


I personally agree with Stefkov and The Fish, if you guys want to chat then use the chat boards, if they're as shit as you say they are then use MSN. Hell I've seen enough "I've got so many N-E members on my MSN" or "Lolz add me too" posts in the MPOTD thread to know that most of you have each other added about 3 times over.


All you're doing is repeating the same thing over and over and then getting yourself worked up because the staff aren't immediately giving in to your every demand. You just sound like a bunch of whining kids...


I dont think stef is brown nosing. Others may be doing so. However, not only is your post essentially spam, as is mine, in this thread its also unessasery, as i posted a genuine suggestion as it frustrates me and it would seem other members when staff post in closed topics.

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I know I'm 'new' here, but I've seen this on other forums - people complaining forums are going downhill, etc. Instead of complaining constantly about how forums are going downhill and so on, try to contribute and make the place better (and obviously don't do it by repeating an overused net catchphrase).


Erm...you know when people join in, in a conversation half way through, then they make a statement and then look really stupid cos' they totally cant have an opinion on it....


Imo, some of the members here don't know how good they got it compared to other forums on the net. On the official Koei forums, if you disagree with a mod, you get banned for a month. At least the mods here bother to punish for real offences, and give warnings and such for bad behaviour, etc.


And motion, I don't know what you've been told, but it did not go like that.


This is just plain wrong.


Motion, his attitude towards me in general, was uncalled for (he'd also been a bit of an ass on the forums). Just as your attitude towards me (currently) is uncalled for.


It harms nobody to try and be friendly about things. There was certainly no need for him to be sarcastic and rude to me in those PMS.


Look, the reason that people have an attitude towards you, is you seem to of walked in here, get offended if people even talk to you, or make a joke near you, and kinda like you're an ever flowing fountain of knowledge. You seem like a bit of an idiot and a knobber jobber TBH. Im really sorry, but you just cant understand some of this stuff. To clarify, Dynstagal I thought it was a bit bad that you were treated poorly by a select few members at first, and wanted to make you feel welcome. Sheesh you make it hard though.


One last point: You guys want you're input? Well then, stop spamming the Suggestions thread with complaints and start coming up with sensible ideas!


We are not going to sack any mods/admins. If we are spending our time coming up with sensible ideas instead of saying "lets ban half the board" then you're input has to hinge on sensible ideas too.


My suggestions, that Ive posted repeated times have been ignored. Would it be possible to have an "Another Realm" type thing (With as said many times before, if worried about spam/post count (That no one cares about) have it not count towards)


Fish you seem to be brown nosing a bit TBH, and a bit blind to the truth. I respect you though, Poozer.


Just my two cents on the matters.

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I dont think stef is brown nosing. Others may be doing so. However, not only is your post essentially spam, as is mine, in this thread its also unessasery, as i posted a genuine suggestion as it frustrates me and it would seem other members when staff post in closed topics.


I know my post was essentially spam but just wanted to give my view since everyone else seemed to be!


As for your suggestion I think it is a fair point if they are continuing on with the discussion so no one can answer back, however if the mod/admin who closed the topic missed something important that needed to be said then I'd say it was fair for another staffer to add to it. I suppose they could PM the original Locker and get them to add said information to their post but then that brings the drawback that the thread remains where it is and so most of the forum will miss it.


As for ReZ's (I think it was ReZ) suggestion of a separate area for chatty kinda stuff that doesn't add to post count I think it's a pretty good idea.

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My suggestions, that Ive posted repeated times have been ignored. Would it be possible to have an "Another Realm" type thing (With as said many times before, if worried about spam/post count (That no one cares about) have it not count towards)


And you're suggestion has been turned down i believe. Im pretty sure theres a post a few pages back saying that it's not a good idea. Theres barely any post count elitism on this forum already, so moving threads to yet another board wouldn't really change anything


Also, what did i say about carrying on that argument with DynastyGirl and spamming this thread? You should really be getting an infraction for that post, as thats what i said would happen if people carried on like that in here. Count this as a warning.

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Since this whole down hill thing really started back when feirce_link left (and I'm not saying someone should go out and try to get him bacK) but maybe a new admin with a similar personality should be appointed so that we have someone who really actually replaces him instead of just appointing more admins.


I also liked dynasty gal's suggestion about having smily buttons in the quick reply box. Smileys aren't an advanced portion of BBC code and not all of us have memorized the codes for them all as they don't follow normal smiley code.

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I also liked dynasty gal's suggestion about having smily buttons in the quick reply box. Smileys aren't an advanced portion of BBC code and not all of us have memorized the codes for them all as they don't follow normal smiley code.


Yeah, thats a neat idea!

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Motion, his attitude towards me in general, was uncalled for (he'd also been a bit of an ass on the forums). Just as your attitude towards me (currently) is uncalled for.


It harms nobody to try and be friendly about things. There was certainly no need for him to be sarcastic and rude to me in those PMS.



Oh for god sake, grow up will you? You come onto the forum, start a billion topics and start arguing with people from day 1 because they don't agree with your views. You get offended when people are sarcastic to you. Seriously, grow some thicker skin ffs. Oooooooo his attitude was 'uncalled' for. Reason enough for you to get him banned? No. You should sort your issues out with him in PRIVATE. Hence the "PRIVATE" part of PRIVATE messaging. Whining and screaming to the nearest mod won't gain you any respect, just the opposite. Had he insulted you on the public board fair enough, but aren't you able to stand up for yourself?


They were on "the list" a day or so before they got banned.


Things are being sorted out so that people won't get banned without warnings.


So since neither of them had any final warnings, does that mean they'll be re-instated once the new rules are in place?


This is the internet. Are you that sensitive??


Exactly conz. And she complains about other forums being worse than this for attitude and arguments!


I still love you! :heh:


Here's a notion: why doesn't everyone without a serious suggestion clear out of the thread and let the mods get on and decide what to do? Your constant whining at them to get them to do stuff, is, if just from a practical stand point, slowing them down.


You really are desparate to be a mod aren't you.



Look, the reason that people have an attitude towards you, is you seem to of walked in here, get offended if people even talk to you, or make a joke near you, and kinda like you're an ever flowing fountain of knowledge. You seem like a bit of an idiot and a knobber jobber TBH. Im really sorry, but you just cant understand some of this stuff. To clarify, Dynstagal I thought it was a bit bad that you were treated poorly by a select few members at first, and wanted to make you feel welcome. Sheesh you make it hard though.




Since this whole down hill thing really started back when feirce_link left (and I'm not saying someone should go out and try to get him bacK) but maybe a new admin with a similar personality should be appointed so that we have someone who really actually replaces him instead of just appointing more admins.


I also liked dynasty gal's suggestion about having smily buttons in the quick reply box. Smileys aren't an advanced portion of BBC code and not all of us have memorized the codes for them all as they don't follow normal smiley code.


Yes that's a good idea.

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Oh for god sake, grow up will you? You come onto the forum, start a billion topics and start arguing with people from day 1 because they don't agree with your views. You get offended when people are sarcastic to you. Seriously, grow some thicker skin ffs. Oooooooo his attitude was 'uncalled' for. Reason enough for you to get him banned? No. You should sort your issues out with him in PRIVATE. Hence the "PRIVATE" part of PRIVATE messaging. Whining and screaming to the nearest mod won't gain you any respect, just the opposite. Had he insulted you on the public board fair enough, but aren't you able to stand up for yourself?



Quoted for total truth.

None of the other females cared.

One of them joins in with TITS OR GTFO.

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If that's the case I hope change means:


- Less arrogance from mods/admins

- Less patronising and insulting from mods/admins

- Removal of certain mods/admins who clearly aren't fit to a job properly.

- Bringing back Fierce_Link

- Getting rid of all this fecking censorship


So in short, actually running a forum properly.


Obviously you're referring to me in most of those, guess what? I don't care what you think. If the admins want to remove me from my position they would've done so already.



Not just you, but yes you're one of the main culprits. The admins could do far worse than get rid of you.


And by the way, MPT is coming back apparently, sorry and all. Next time don't act like an arse when I ask you a polite and reasonable question.

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Any more spam in here and i start handing out infractions. Is that sufficient warning? It's not something i want to do, because i think most of you are OK but im trying to get some input on how you guys want the forum improving and certain members are making it really difficult.


As of 9pm i start infracting (just in case anyone is already writing a post, would be unfair to infract them without them seeing this post)


Did you miss this post Motion? The argument is over, PM the members if you want to discuss any of this with them


And as for Ant and Harribo's reinstatement, neither me nor Supergrunch can answer that and im pretty sure none of the Admins will answer it.

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I must have missed that McPhee but quite frankly I thought we WERE disussing changes to the forum that would improve it. That's what I've been doing anyway.


You say meaningless post will be back and that you guys will be 'discussing what changes will be involved' and that you'll let us know what you decide. Then in the next sentence talk about how you welcome our suggestions, feedback and like us to get involved... surely the MPT discussion is the perfect way to do that?


I'll back down cause I like you as a mod, but I do despair sometimes about this place.

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Oh for god sake, grow up will you? You come onto the forum, start a billion topics and start arguing with people from day 1 because they don't agree with your views.


Well, from your posts, you seem like someone who actually puts time and effort into being unpleasant. The overexaggeration and general moaning you're doing makes me want to switch off.

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I must have missed that McPhee but quite frankly I thought we WERE disussing changes to the forum that would improve it. That's what I've been doing anyway.


You say meaningless post will be back and that you guys will be 'discussing what changes will be involved' and that you'll let us know what you decide. Then in the next sentence talk about how you welcome our suggestions, feedback and like us to get involved... surely the MPT discussion is the perfect way to do that?


I'll back down cause I like you as a mod, but I do despair sometimes about this place.


Is this where you post up arguments with DynastyGirl though? That was off topic, and that was one of 2 things i asked people to stop. As for the rest of the discussion, carry on. Im not criticising anything thats on-topic


Also, theres no need to back down. As long as you aren't offensive towards me or other members i don't mind discussion. Keep it on-topic and it's all good :)

If you disagree with me then i want to know, just be polite about it ;)

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Not just you, but yes you're one of the main culprits. The admins could do far worse than get rid of you.


And by the way, MPT is coming back apparently, sorry and all. Next time don't act like an arse when I ask you a polite and reasonable question.


A question which had already been asked and answered countless times.


I have every right to act like I did, certain members are acting like hell and making all the forum staff's lives a misery basically. We do this for free, remember?


When I said MPT wasn't coming back, at the time of posting what I said was correct.

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You say meaningless post will be back and that you guys will be 'discussing what changes will be involved' and that you'll let us know what you decide. Then in the next sentence talk about how you welcome our suggestions, feedback and like us to get involved... surely the MPT discussion is the perfect way to do that?


Maybe I've misintepreted (its possible, its late afterall) but you said the MPT would be the best place to air suggestions and feedback....are you aware what thread we are in?

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No I meant... you guys are talking behind closed doors about how to bring the MPT back whilst saying you'd like us members to get involved... so why not ask us about the MPT and what we like/don't like about it.


No we're not talking about what we do and don't like about it, but ways and means of stopping spam (and I mean genuine GTFO-levels of spam) from rising the rate it did. Meerly ways of ensuring the crap is kept out in the first place.


The basic gist of it will main the same, it can be a place to come in and go "hot damn work sucked tonight....." or "I can't decide what to have for lunch today...." Just not a place for "lols 1010101010"

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The basic gist of it will main the same, it can be a place to come in and go "hot damn work sucked tonight....." or "I can't decide what to have for lunch today...." Just not a place for "lols 1010101010"


In my opinion there was very little of the lols 1010101010 in the mpt. There was an element but only from certain members.


Ant and Harribo and Hobbzinio were by no means the biggest culprits.


(...not that i'm defening anything or anyone...)

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The basic gist of it will main the same, it can be a place to come in and go "hot damn work sucked tonight....." or "I can't decide what to have for lunch today...." Just not a place for "lols 1010101010"


What's wrong with 'lolzzz 101010101110' ;) nah but seriously, fair enough, sounds good.

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