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Can't beat a lovely cup of tea....


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You could just have less milk.


Assuming you have any.



I enjoy the daily cup of tea. All I ever have before I go to work because I'm too lazy to make myself anything. Usually end up having a Pop Tart at work.


I could, but I found it's more effective just to use two and you get a really strong tea, the teabags for example at work need to be left for at least ten minutes and by then you may as well not drink the tea at all.


I really enjoy mint tea but it has to be really hot.

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I take my coffee like Ashley takes his men: Black, bittter and overpowering.


It's true.


Not a tea or coffee person (although I love the smell of coffee). I'll have it if its made for me but don't go out of my way for it.


However, at work we have a machine that you put a sachet in and press a button so I'll probably be drinking more green tea.

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Oh everything's pretty much bad for you anyway, I never bother thinking about it anymore.


After a bad day a nice meal and drink after work is always good, it's been a bit of a weird week at work with training and a new office and it was nice to go the pub, sit on a comfy sofa and just chill.

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Where you're psyched and ready to beat the shit out of General Scales, and then... nope, just go against Andross again.


Helped by an ugly looking Falco.


Someone should yell at you for spoilers, but seeing as Rare basically SPOILED THE ENTIRE GAME BY MAKING IT, we can let it go.

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So much caffeine information! Had no idea chocolate had caffeine, though it's not much. I knew tea had more caffeine pound for pound (from QI ;) ) but I didn't know a cup contained more than a bottle of coke... Sigh. I thought I had mostly gotten rid of caffeine(still have cups of tea every now and then) and here I am eating chocolate like a sucker.

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To be honest, every game Rare made after the Super Nintendo died, absolutely sucked, with the exception of Viva Pinata. Like, none of that shit is playable now, even though you might have liked it back in the day.

Aw, Perfect Dark wasn't that bad.


And I'll fight to protect the awesomeness of Banjo Kazooie.

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I played Banjo Kazooie recently, it was still pretty good. I mean not amazing or anything like it was back in the day, but still fairly enjoyable. Perfect Dark/Goldeneye were awesome back in the day, but they have aged terribly. Still fun to play for nostalgia though.

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So much caffeine information! Had no idea chocolate had caffeine, though it's not much. I knew tea had more caffeine pound for pound (from QI ;) ) but I didn't know a cup contained more than a bottle of coke... Sigh. I thought I had mostly gotten rid of caffeine(still have cups of tea every now and then) and here I am eating chocolate like a sucker.


Be careful with big(ger than normal) bars of dark chocolate...that's all I'm sayin'. :(

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Have you played it recently? It plays like shit. Same with all of Rare's N64 bloated collectathons. To be honest though, I think it's just an artefact of first generation 3D games. They were all a bit shit.


I have played it recently, the remake on the 360. Plays as good as i remember it did on the N64.


Havn't played the N64 version for years, but last i played it on the original console it still played well. Compared to Perfect Dark, which plays bad on the 64.

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I played Banjo-Kazooie all the way through within the past six months, and it was still absolutely amazing.


Here we are, recruits: as you can see, the truly insane may have moments of startling lucidity.


But don't let them pull the wool over your eyes: they are at their most dangerous when they appear their calmest.

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