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Monster Hunter 3G


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I'm going to play the waiting game and wait for the Triple Analogue version to come out. One analogue for each dimension that we play our games in.


Until then, I'll swipe Ine's, then paint her DS Lite blue and pour some glitter over it. She won't be able to tell the difference.


You do know I can read this post, right?

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I will not be surprised if Nintendo put advertisement over here for this game. Since Nintendo successfully made Monster Hunter 3 Tri the best selling Monster Hunter game in the western region. If anything, I am now seeing more of a different trend to this series, Nintendo and capcom still want the supporters for the series to continue buying it and waste 500 hours on it, but I think the one market they are trying to get into is the Nintendo fans market, as you can see with Tri, many people on this board are now lovin the series and want more :D

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Man do Capcom know how to pump out great visuals on the 3DS.
















they put other publishers to shame. Capcom actually get the best from the 3DS hardware. All the others just seem to be happy putting out rush job projects!


Wish other third parties would start using the graphical abilities of the 3DS.


Are Capcom even ahead of Nintendo when it comes to pushing the 3DS hardware?

Edited by khilafah
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Those screens look like they could be playing on the Wii, awesome.


Online thing that I'm waiting to find out about is if there'll be an online mode, that will be the thing that decides for me if this is a buy or not. No Online no buy, Yes Online.... HELLS YES I'll be queuing outside the shop for months in advance.


I wonder if they'll be an option to play without the 2nd Circle Pad attachment?


I play MH3 on the Wii with the Wiimote and have no problems nor any need for a 2nd stick.

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Are Capcom even ahead of Nintendo when it comes to pushing the 3DS hardware?
They certainly appear to have the edge when it comes to creating 'realistic' looking visuals, but obviously that has never been Nintendo's style anyway. I'm sure if they wanted to outdo Capcom in that area though it wouldn't be a problem for them. ;)


There have already been many examples of great visuals by Nintendo on 3DS:



The last screen on that set is taken from a YouTube vid, but anyone that has seen it running on the 3DS itself will be aware of just how spectacular it looks. :cool:




Anyway, back to MH3G...

I was thinking, does the fact this is the first cartridge based MH title mean it will finally see an end to this:




Not that it's a huge issue (I really got used to the loading screens on Tri after a while) but it would definitely be nice without them. :smile:

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The last screen on that set is taken from a YouTube vid, but anyone that has seen it running on the 3DS itself will be aware of just how spectacular it looks. :cool:


I'm one puzzle piece away from completing that one. Time to fritter some play coins :grin: The Kirby scene looks amazing too.


Those Monster Hunter screens are very nice indeed. Thank god that Capcom *get* the concept of anti-aliasing - Konami take note!

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Just to give you guys a notice on the screen, it has something even the Wii didn't have...proper SHADOWS!!!! Game is going to be awesome, and yeah why wouldn't they want to release the game over here? It's got a fanbase on the Nintendo systems now plus selling a million copies in the Eng version is fantastic.

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There have already been many examples of great visuals by Nintendo on 3DS:


Whilst they do look good (except Animal Crossing/AR game), it's more down to nice designs than actual hardware clout. None of them games are pushing polygons on the scale of MH here or employ the lighting effects.


Anyway, back to MH3G...

I was thinking, does the fact this is the first cartridge based MH title mean it will finally see an end to this:




Not that it's a huge issue (I really got used to the loading screens on Tri after a while) but it would definitely be nice without them. :smile:


I'm not so sure to be honest. Even from carts stuff needs to be loaded and 3DS games suffer from it already. It just tends to be masked by unskippable screens which is something they would struggle with here unless they added little videos to play between areas.


I personally think the loading screens between areas help to make it feel less jarring. There is supposed to be big gaps between a lot of the areas so walking from one into the other without anything in the middle would look odd. Plus it's nice to get a quick breather and refresh yourself of where everyone is/where you are trying to go.


So for me, I'd prefer they left them in even if they could remove them.

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One thing I am thinking of about the loading screens, is if it would be possible to create the maps like the areas of Xenoblade are made? Maybe not on the 3DS but maybe for MH4 if it comes to Wii U.


Since getting Xenoblade I'm finding a little hard to understand how that has such HUGE maps with tons of animals running around while the "huge" maps of Monster Hunter are more of an Illusion

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Prepare for the 3DS to start printing money.



Exactly. What happens if you aren't ready for something like Jho? There would be nowhere to run. :D


Lol, so true. I thought the divided sections of the world map was a cop out (moreso after playing Xenoblade) but now you say that, I guess being able to flee to a different area to get away from a boss type monster had its uses!

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So the statue alone costs more than the game?


It's a nice figure (there are some shots on the main page such as this), but you'd have to be a bit nuts to buy it on it's own.




No online = boo!


Yet that does help to further support the idea of it not coming over here. Oh well, guess we'll just have to "make do" with Monster Hunter 4.



And here is the trailer too.

Edited by Captain Falcon
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