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England Riots


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''Copycat'' basically it seems people are doing it just because they now feel they can.


What does the "Copycat" mean? Do you mean that the other parts of the country are just copying London for no reason? If so, I agree with you.


Yeah, there's no reason behind any of this. As I said, it's unclear of the motives to riot.


There is no reason to riot. The law is the law. If the shooting was illegal then it will be dealt with.


What is wrong with peaceful demonstration? If there had been peaceful demonstration the last 2 days the police would be under alot of presure. Now people are against the rioters and the shooting is taking a back seat and will be swept under the carpet.


I agree but I suppose it would give the police more hassle and more work now that they have to deal with the riots and whatnot. Apparently, a few police stations have been burned down in Birmingham, I don't know if that's true or not but if it is true, that would add more pressure for the police, surely?


They're doing it because of the crowds effect Yvonne posted but didn't bother to explain. Ever see the place being taped off and people being kept out of shouting distance when someone is on a ledge threatening suicide? That is because police/firemen are well aware that if a crowd gathers there is a good chance they will tell him to jump. With a crowd people feel anonymous and lose their sense of self. As long as you are anonymous, in a large group and get annoyed or disturbed by something it doesn't take much to set them off. It won't happen to everyone, but it is possible it could happen to anyone here.


That said this still needs to be stopped, and seeing that kid being beaten and robbed makes me very angry...


That's another thing with these crowd control techniques, people are going to get very claustrophobic and might make situations worse. I'm sure that nobody else would like being boxed in with angry, violent people even if they're that themselves.

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They're doing it because of the crowds effect Yvonne posted but didn't bother to explain. Ever see the place being taped off and people being kept out of shouting distance when someone is on a ledge threatening suicide? That is because police/firemen are well aware that if a crowd gathers there is a good chance they will tell him to jump. With a crowd people feel anonymous and lose their sense of self. As long as you are anonymous, in a large group and get annoyed or disturbed by something it doesn't take much to set them off. It won't happen to everyone, but it is possible it could happen to anyone here.


That said this still needs to be stopped, and seeing that kid being beaten and robbed makes me very angry...


Aye I should have elaborated. You seem to have a good knowledge of crowd behaviour though - have you read it/something similar? I'm interested in crowd psychology so if there are any recommendations you got I would greatly appreciate it.


Oh also another link, don't know if anyone else has posted it yet:



riot map

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I always thought we were above this sort of mentality...but I always forget that just under half the population have below average IQs.


Seriously though, I'm a bit disappointed at how the police appear to be afraid of the full on measures which could end this.


One of the users on my forums got stopped by some of the rioters and they demanded their clothes. They eventually left the user alone. Apparently, they've also broken into pet shops and killed animals, according to the same user (she's a vetinary nurse)...I'm enraged that people are doing this

Edited by Serebii
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This is getting way out of hand and the people doing it I can garauntee do not care anymore or likely even remember about what the intial protest was about. Especially the ones that have now happened outside London


It's obviously gangs of jackasses just thinking this is their chance to cause some trouble and grab some free merch at the expense of everyone eleses wellbeing. It's got nothing to do anymore more with what happened last Thursday.


The UK government better figure out a way to crack down on it soon, whether that be giving police more powers in how they can approach this or calling in the army to crack some heads measures should be taken. My biggest worry, and it should be the UK governments too is that with all this chaos who knows what any terroist group watching might be thinking of planning. With all the money spent on security to prevent attacks from teh outside they can't, it seems even deal with an attack from the inside. And that is a huge cause for concern if they can't sort this out soon.


Just seen that video of the guy bleeding on the ground being helpped up and then fucking mugged by the same people that helped him up. Fucking scum of the Earth :mad:

It looks like a bit of human decency at first followed by sickening behaviour.


I just can't understand the mentality of such people.

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Apparently a riot has been scheduled for where I live (Milton Keynes) gonna be sleeping with a knife tonight. Although I've come to realise the true purpose of the riots. It's not because an innocent man was shot by police. No, it's because people always like an excuse to get free stuff!


It seems one blogger agrees with me: Rioters? No, these are looters, thieves and vandals

Edited by Ten10
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I'm praying you're being sarcastic. If you genuinely believe the only people rioting are immigrants then you're completely deluded.


Not 1st-generation immigrants, no, but probably 3rd-generation. Certainly new enough to this country that we can easily trace them back to somewhere else. I'm sorry if this offends, I really am, but most of them were black. Where do you think they came from, the Isle of Wight?


We have lovely black people in this country (including on this forum) who are 100% welcome, but uncontrolled immigration over the past decades has created vast communities with very different values to our own and nothing to contribute. London is like a different country now - a hellhole for anyone unfortunate enough to be left there. It doesn't feel like England at all.


Today, we see the evidence of this lawlessness, but it has been going on for decades - rape, muggings - and yet it's always been a taboo to say the vast majority of the perpetrators are black!


So, if you can't see the link between this and immigration, I'm afraid you're the one who's deluded.

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Has anyone from here had a riot near them already.... anyone affected? All ok?


Nearest to me was about 10 miles, I'm all fine, as are my friends, family and work colleagues.


a few of my work colleagues were late to work this morning as there was tidying processes in place near Cabbot Circus which is near the motorway that gets them to work.




I personally am still in shock reading what Serebii posted that animals were being killed in pet shops.


It's fucking hideous to even think of it, With Dannyboy on that one, really hate to hear that people can do that sort of thing.

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Apparently a riot has been scheduled for where I live (Milton Keynes) gonna be sleeping with a knife tonight. Although I've come to realise the true purpose of the riots. It's not because an innocent man was shot by police. No, it's because people always like an excuse to get free stuff!


It seems one blogger agrees with me: Rioters? No, these are looters, thieves and vandals


A riot in Milton Keynes.. Is there a queue for a round-a-about or something? Nothing will happen.



Not 1st-generation immigrants, no, but probably 3rd-generation. Certainly new enough to this country that we can easily trace them back to somewhere else. I'm sorry if this offends, I really am, but most of them were black. Where do you think they came from, the Isle of Wight?


We have lovely black people in this country (including on this forum) who are 100% welcome, but uncontrolled immigration over the past decades has created vast communities with very different values to our own and nothing to contribute. London is like a different country now - a hellhole for anyone unfortunate enough to be left there. It doesn't feel like England at all.


Today, we see the evidence of this lawlessness, but it has been going on for decades - rape, muggings - and yet it's always been a taboo to say the vast majority of the perpetrators are black!


So, if you can't see the link between this and immigration, I'm afraid you're the one who's deluded.


Awww fuck here we go..

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Has anyone from here had a riot near them already.... anyone affected? All ok?


My Dad's fine, pretty sure where he's working hasn't been smashed up, though the team he's working with are a little concerned about the hotel they are staying at after last night.


Given there were reports of people going towards the Birmingham children's hospital last night, it doesn't surprise me that there would be reports about pet shops. :(

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He keeps saying "complete and utter chaos" no it isn't, it's 20 or less youths on the thief..


Yeah its pretty tame. YOOVES!


Odd to see in Orpington though, fairly peaceful arse end of nowhere. I'm glad they didn't fuck up the hobbycraft or the bookstore. But then what are the chances of that eh :P


My god.... and not a single copper anywhere... or are they all dealing with a full scale riot at the other side of town?


Wonder if the cops will be able to find anyone by fingerprints?


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IS the pet store actually real though? Easy to exaggerate.


Also Ten10 how did you find out about a supposed planned riot?


Eh someone at work said there were people posting on facebook. As a self respecting person I don't FB, so I can neither confirm nor deny.


Plus someone else in my office stumbled on this yahoo answers thread.



Although I've seen people queueing outside debs at 5am during January sales so it might not be anything to worry about.

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I have no reason to doubt the user on my forums


I'm know, but unless that saw it with their own eyes it may just be people saying things and passing it on. There have been a lot of rumours spread which don't help so I was merely questioning rather than attacking.

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White, black, chinese, asian it really doesnt matter. They all live in England, weather they came from Brighton, Hong Kong, Pakistan or Jamica originally they all live here now.


Alot of these thugs are young, like 14-15 and under rediculously lax uk law will be tried as minors and get 20 hours community service and a slap on the wrist. These people show no respect for the community, the local businesses and the country as a whole. If i were in charge there would be a 8pm curfew, if your out after that you will be shot. Harsh but effective.

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