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What 'teaching thing' exactly? Because if you're talking about something like JET I'm pretty sure they won't let you study/work alongside it. I applied for that myself this year. Needless to say I didn't get it :p

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Oh cool thanks for that. Yeah I think you're right on JET not allowing you to do anything else. I was looking at doing it with a private adult school outside of the education system, AEON is one I've looked at and seems to have decent write-ups. They don't allow you to work anywhere else but are ok with education.


If I can get on an MBA I'd be tempted not to bother though and just do something more casual to give me a bit of spending money.

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Well you'll always find some Japanese people willing to pay to be taught English. In fact with your background you might be able to also specialise in business English (providing you can get your Japanese to a decent level). Could you maybe see if you can find an in with Sega in some capacity or are you completely abandoning that ship?

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That's true, maybe tutoring hot undergrads would yield many good things.


I would like to be able to do something through Sega but I would definitely need to be functional in Japanese. This way I can go over with very basic knowledge and learn as I go along.


I won't apply for a while though, so who knows how much I can improve before then. I know I need a change though, and should things not go my way job wise going back to school seems like a fun/rewarding/useful thing to do.

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Well there's always night classes for Japanese and stuff and you could try and meet native speakers through something like Gumtree/Craigslist to practice. And again I imagine you might come across native Japanese speakers at work too.

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Yeah for sure, I was saying in the love thread I already have three girls lined up for "language exchange" when I'm back in SF. Work is definitely paying off on it, lots of Japanese people who are always very happy to chat with me. All in all it should come along nicely. Then I'll go and live the Japanese dream.

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Sounds cool dude. I tried the language exchange with a native once through Gumtree. One of those awkward sitcom moments my life is peppered with as he seemed to think it was a date. Severely crossed wires, I just wanted to learn a language!


Anyway good luck with it all :)

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Not true. You can sign on immediately after losing a job.


NI contributions is hazy in my mind, but essentially you need to have x amount of years worth of contributions before being 'eligable' for your pension. It's nothing to really worry about right now, nightwolf, but I find it a joke that there are so many people I know who are unemployed and job-seeking that aren't signed on. The system is there to help you get from job to job. Not signing on now is no excuse to whine about having a hard time further down the line.


Plus the job centre are actually a great resource for help finding more jobs- if you treat them with respect.


In before 'lol you don't have a job' because fuck you. I'm giving unsolicited advice!


It's because the system is broken by the many who sign on with either no or a half assed intention of finding a job that has led to it having a bad rep. Some people therefore see it as in some way shameful.


Of course, it shouldn't be. And for some the amount of money you get isn't worth the hassle when there's the bank of mum and dad.

Edited by Sheikah
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My own personal job hunting is not going well... still hunting.


Got fed up seeing adverts for jobs I don't meet requirements for decided to try get on a course and reskill. Found an IT training course certified by CompTIA, gonna start middle of next month and it only lasts for 20 weeks, so we'll see how it goes :heh:

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That's true' date=' maybe tutoring hot undergrads would yield many good things.[/quote']


A quick word of warning with the English teaching in Japan: for the visa you need a degree (which is a bastard for me) and 500 classroom hours experience teaching, along with a Cert.TESOL or CELTA qualification.

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I've been applying for stuff all over the place recently and hadn't had a reply (well, I had a couple of rejections) until a few days ago when one of them rang to arrange for an interview.


At the time I was very happy but right now I'm worried I will screw it up :p It's happening tomorrow, I'm just trying to prepare and have all bases covered, I haven't had an interview in a few years and can be shy meeting new people so I just have to keep telling myself to be confident and try not to freeze up/stammer/blush (I always blush when I say something stupid or mess up, it only gets worse when I realize It's happening)


Have you guys got any specific tips regarding interviews?

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Interviews are all about cockiness (which I think is why I feel better in them :heh: ) I know it sounds stupid/"easier said than done" but tell yourself how awesome you are. Look at the job description and look at each key point and think "does that match me, what experience have I got to prove it, why is my particularly example the best?" Do this for all the skills/experiences etc they mention and just remember it all, have it all firmly lodged into your brain and be able to say it fairly succinctly but with some fluidity so it doesn't seem so rehearsed.


Also prepare yourself for particular stock questions. What is the role you're interviewing for? If its private sector stuff you'll usually get "give us an example of a time when you went above and beyond the call of duty", "prove how you have shown initiative" "what would you do in the face of a difficult customer" etc and of course "why do you want to work for this company" "why do you want this position" "what do you think you can bring to this position" Also they may ask you if you've done some research for the interview (depends on the role, I've only been asked twice but both times I had and I think it helped (will see during the week if I hear back :heh: )) and I would advise doing some anyway if possible. Even just little things like store policies, brand image, products they offer etc. Prove not only an eagerness to learn more but an aptitude to do so.


And try and be relaxingly charming. This is more of a personal tip and depends on the role you're interviewing for so be warned but if its private sector there's a chance you'll have to fit in with a large diverse team so if you can instantly show yourself to be affable then I believe it can help. Gauge the interviewers at the start - if they seem miserable then just be nice but not over the top.


Practice practice practice! Get all the material in your head and then practice with people around you. Or go out tonight (no drinking too much of course) and just try and talk to strangers - or friends of friends you don't know may be better :heh:


But to my original point its about confidence. If you don't have it, fake it.

Edited by Ashley
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It's because the system is broken by the many who sign on with either no or a half assed intention of finding a job that has led to it having a bad rep. Some people therefore see it as in some way shameful.


Of course, it shouldn't be. And for some the amount of money you get isn't worth the hassle when there's the bank of mum and dad.


That's pretty harsh.


Thanks :hmm:

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My own personal job hunting is not going well... still hunting.


Got fed up seeing adverts for jobs I don't meet requirements for decided to try get on a course and reskill. Found an IT training course certified by CompTIA, gonna start middle of next month and it only lasts for 20 weeks, so we'll see how it goes :heh:


is that the A+ course? It's a very good course if you want to get into fixing computers and working in IT in any way - looked on very highly by employers :)

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Interviews are all about cockiness (which I think is why I feel better in them :heh: ) I know it sounds stupid/"easier said than done" but tell yourself how awesome you are. Look at the job description and look at each key point and think "does that match me, what experience have I got to prove it, why is my particularly example the best?" Do this for all the skills/experiences etc they mention and just remember it all, have it all firmly lodged into your brain and be able to say it fairly succinctly but with some fluidity so it doesn't seem so rehearsed.


Also prepare yourself for particular stock questions. What is the role you're interviewing for? If its private sector stuff you'll usually get "give us an example of a time when you went above and beyond the call of duty", "prove how you have shown initiative" "what would you do in the face of a difficult customer" etc and of course "why do you want to work for this company" "why do you want this position" "what do you think you can bring to this position" Also they may ask you if you've done some research for the interview (depends on the role, I've only been asked twice but both times I had and I think it helped (will see during the week if I hear back :heh: )) and I would advise doing some anyway if possible. Even just little things like store policies, brand image, products they offer etc. Prove not only an eagerness to learn more but an aptitude to do so.


And try and be relaxingly charming. This is more of a personal tip and depends on the role you're interviewing for so be warned but if its private sector there's a chance you'll have to fit in with a large diverse team so if you can instantly show yourself to be affable then I believe it can help. Gauge the interviewers at the start - if they seem miserable then just be nice but not over the top.


Practice practice practice! Get all the material in your head and then practice with people around you. Or go out tonight (no drinking too much of course) and just try and talk to strangers - or friends of friends you don't know may be better :heh:


But to my original point its about confidence. If you don't have it, fake it.


Thanks for your advice, Ashley! I did a fairly good job at faking confidence too :laughing: Luckily, I delved into the knowledge of the company yesterday after reading your post and answered all of their probing questions quite well.


There's about 8 people going for the job so I'll wait and see but the interview went better than expected. I usually can't stand 3 people sat facing me let alone in an interview situation but I was spurting answers out left, right and center.


The only off putting thing was the man in the corner, writing down every word I said and frowning/smiling at some of my responses. :p


I also completely screwed up in one of the hypothetical situations. It took me off guard and I was kinda unsure what to say and then started stuttering/spurting nonsensical rubbish but I'll have to hope they let that one slip :p


THEY'LL GET BACK TO ME FRIDAY (anticipation, worry and self loathing ensues until then)

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is that the A+ course? It's a very good course if you want to get into fixing computers and working in IT in any way - looked on very highly by employers :)



Yeah the A+, cheers for that info, that is awesome to know.


Wasn't sure how good a course it would be it was just the only one I could get on. haha


Looked at the local college courses, missed the application deadline for fulltime courses, they had part-time stuff availble but thought as I'm unemployed what's the point in doing a part-time course that is only two days a week and gonna last 2 years... plus it costed a fortune :heh:


Found this one through the Irish National Training and Employment Authority,

FÃS, whats even handier is as I'm on sociual welfare, Fás pay for the course for me so it's costing me nothing (so long as I pass.... don't know what happens if I don't :heh:)

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Thanks for your advice, Ashley! I did a fairly good job at faking confidence too :laughing: Luckily, I delved into the knowledge of the company yesterday after reading your post and answered all of their probing questions quite well.


There's about 8 people going for the job so I'll wait and see but the interview went better than expected. I usually can't stand 3 people sat facing me let alone in an interview situation but I was spurting answers out left, right and center.


The only off putting thing was the man in the corner, writing down every word I said and frowning/smiling at some of my responses. :p


I also completely screwed up in one of the hypothetical situations. It took me off guard and I was kinda unsure what to say and then started stuttering/spurting nonsensical rubbish but I'll have to hope they let that one slip :p


THEY'LL GET BACK TO ME FRIDAY (anticipation, worry and self loathing ensues until then)


Good luck!


The interview I had last week said they'd get back to me "next week". So this week is going to be hell. Already wanted to scratch the walls down today. I need to keep myself busy but having no money doesn't help :heh:

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So hopefully, I end up with this Spotify job.


It's a 90 minute interview on Thursday, honestly, I'm not really sure what to expect, it looks like a relaxed atmosphere - people wearing what they want etc, but I'm having to wear business type dress to go. Which doesn't bother me in the slightest, I'm just wondering how it'll be.


But crap on a stick I'm excited, Spotify isn't gaming, thats for sure, but it'd be sweet to work for them, to get some stability even for a little while.

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Good luck!


The interview I had last week said they'd get back to me "next week". So this week is going to be hell. Already wanted to scratch the walls down today. I need to keep myself busy but having no money doesn't help :heh:


Oh no, having to wait to find out is terrible but when its as vague as "next week" I bet it's even worse! Good luck though! :bouncy:

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I (kind of) got it! They're putting me on a four month temporary contract with a "good chance" of a permanent position but we shall see how it goes. Some good news at least :)


Although awkwardly it starts on Friday 2nd September. Got a wedding in the Midlands the next day, would have been preferable to start the following Monday but beggars can't be choosers :p


Good luck Wolf!

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Web customer service assistant at UNIQLO.


Based in their head office (over the shop on OS opposite John Lewis). They have a Gundam robot! And umm I'll be answering emails, helping with some finance stuff and other bits from what I can tell.

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Web customer service assistant at UNIQLO.


Based in their head office (over the shop on OS opposite John Lewis). They have a Gundam robot! And umm I'll be answering emails, helping with some finance stuff and other bits from what I can tell.


Take a picture of the gundammmmmmm! plzthnxbai

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Yeah the A+, cheers for that info, that is awesome to know.


Wasn't sure how good a course it would be it was just the only one I could get on. haha


Looked at the local college courses, missed the application deadline for fulltime courses, they had part-time stuff availble but thought as I'm unemployed what's the point in doing a part-time course that is only two days a week and gonna last 2 years... plus it costed a fortune :heh:


Found this one through the Irish National Training and Employment Authority,

FÃS, whats even handier is as I'm on sociual welfare, Fás pay for the course for me so it's costing me nothing (so long as I pass.... don't know what happens if I don't :heh:)



My father works in IT and he says its a very good course. The more courses you do the better tbh.. as i'm sure you know, its not a case of... do a course and thats you set for life.. you have to keep learning for the remainder of your career as the technology changes.


And yeah, you might as well get it over and done with while you've got time to use! Makes sense :) You better get and pass it! Good luck :)

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