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DIY Video Game Mafia


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Night 9 is over!


The last armoured man mourned his friends death, he missed his friend greatly. The engineer put him out of his misery.


Esequiel is dead. He was Marcus Fenix.


He was neutral.




Player List (7)










Majority is 4, and has been reached by the mafia!


The Mafia have won! (Cube, Dannyboy-the-Dane, Sméagol, Yvonne)




Full Player List


Cube - Kameo (Kameo: Elements of Power) - MAFIA

Dannyboy-the-Dane - Samus Aran (Metroid) - MAFIA

Dazz - Augustus Cole (Gears of War) - NEUTRAL

Diageo - Seto Kaiba (Yu-Gi-Oh!) - MAFIA DON

Dyson - Steve? (Minecraft) - GOOD

EddieColeslaw - Cactuar (Final Fantasy) - GOOD

Eenuh - Okami Amaterasu (Okami) - GOOD

Esequiel - Marcus Fenix (Gears of War) - NEUTRAL

heroicjanitor - Kratos (God of War) - MAFIA

jayseven - Francis York Morgan (Deadly Premonition) - GOOD

Jonnas - Elite Beat Agents - GOOD

mr-paul - Midna (The Legend of Zelda) - GOOD

Nintendohnut - Ezio Auditore (Assassins Creed) - GOOD

ReZourceman - Henry Hatsworth - GOOD

Rummy - Little Jacob (GTAIV) - GOOD

Shorty - Sonic the Hedgehog - GOOD

Sméagol - GLaDOS (Portal) - MAFIA

Tales - Lightning (Final Fantasy) - GOOD

Tellyn now Rummy - John Marston (Red Dead Redemption) - GOOD

The_Arbitor - Dhalsim (Street Fighter IV) - GOOD

The Peeps - Falco Lombardi (Star Fox) - GOOD

Yvonne - Otacon (Metal Gear Solid) - MAFIA




Mafia Roles




Cube - Kameo




Dannyboy-the-Dane - Samus Aran




Diageo - Seto Kaiba (The Don)




heroicjanitor - Kratos




Sméagol - GLaDOS




Yvonne - Otacon






Cube - Kameo

You are the shapeshifter, Kameo. If you are selected to take out the kill, you can choose to appear as anything you wish in the writeup. You can easily confuse people, if anyone investigates you, you will appear good. Each night you can choose one person to roleblock.



Dannyboy-the-Dane - Samus Aran

You are Samus Aran, the female bounty hunter. Using your gunship, you can distract people. You can select one target to distract, and one person whom you wish for them to be redirected to. Your target will be unaware that they have the wrong target.


If you are lynched, you will drop a lynch bomb in the pocket of whoever puts on the 2nd to last vote.



Diageo - Seto Kaiba

You are Seto Kaiba, CEO of KaibaCorp. You are the mafia don, you have the final say on all targets selected. You possess different cards that can be used at your leisure.


Ring of Destruction

At any time during the game, you can lay this trap. To use this card, you must select 3 people. Those 3 people will be knocked out for 1 day phase, and 1 night phase. They will be silenced during the next day, and will fail to do anything during the next night. This can only be used once.


X-Head Cannon

This is a normal night power which can be used again. Whoever you target with this, will be dazed for the night, this will affect their results. They will be randomly directed to anyone, and will yield random results.


Blue-Eyes White Dragon

Whoever you target with this will be killed, if anyone targets who you choose, they will also be killed. This can be used only at night, and only once.



heroicjanitor - Kratos

You are Kratos. You possess superhuman strength, and impressive agility. You can use this to beat up whoever you choose. Your target will then be unable to tell the truth for the next day, if they tell the truth, they will be killed.


You are very tough, this means for you to be lynched, you must have 1 vote more than majority.



Sméagol - GLaDOS

You are GLaDOS, you are one crazy bitch. Each night you can write up to a 50 word paragraph, this will be put at the bottom of the write up, and seem like a normal part of the writeup. You can write whatever you wish.



Yvonne - Otacon

You are Otacon. You’re an engineer, you can supply your teammates with gadgets. You can assign your gadgets to different people each night.


Stealth Camouflage

This person will not appear in the writeup, and will be untargetable.



The person who wears this will appear good under investigation.


Metal Gear Mk.II

If your target is targeted themselves, this will stun them and silence them until the last hour of the day phase.



You must select one person each night to carry out the mafia kill, they will sacrifice any active powers that night. You win when you have majority vote.






Dazz - Augustus Cole




Esequiel - Marcus Fenix




You are Augustus Cole and Marcus Fenix. Your partnership allows you to speak to each other outside the game thread. If one of you casts a vote, the other must also do so for the same person. Together, you can choose a target to kill. If you choose to target nobody, you will defend each other during the night and enter defence mode. If one of you is targeted to be killed in defence mode, your attacker will be killed by the other person. You are neutral, and to win you must survive until the end of the game.









Dyson - Steve?



You are the Minecraft player Steve?. Each night you can use your mining skills to trap any player, they will be roleblocked, but also protected.


You can use your building techniques to make it harder for people to target you, if you are targeted to be killed, you have a 50% chance of surviving it.


You are good, you win when all threats have been eliminated.



EddieColeslaw - Cactuar



You are Cactuar. You are very fast, this gives you a 50% chance of dodging someone trying to kill you. If you successfully dodge, you will counter with 1000 needles. This will roleblock them during the next night.


Each night you can target someone to track. You will be told who they target.


You are good, you win when all threats have been eliminated.



Eenuh - Okami Amaterasu



You are Okami Amaterasu. You have different attributes which give you different powers.


Solar Energy

If you survive past night 5, you will have filled your Astral Pouch. This enables you to revive yourself once. If you are nightkilled, you will be revived at the end of the next day. If you are lynched, you will be revived during the following night.


Ink Pots

You start off with 1, you will gain 1 every night you survive. Each of your powers use up a certain number of Ink Pots. You do not have to use a power each night.


To track someone, this will cost you 1 Ink Pot.

To roleblock someone, this costs you 1 Ink Pot.

To protect someone, this costs you 1 Ink Pot.

To gain a double vote for the next day phase, this costs you 1 Ink Pot.

To kill someone. this costs 3 Ink Pots.


You are good, you win when all threats have been eliminated.



jayseven - Francis York Morgan



You are FBI Special Agent Francis York Morgan. You’re an expert at profiling, this allows you to target someone at night and come up with a detailed description of what they look like.


You are good, you win when all threats have been eliminated.



Jonnas - Elite Beat Agents



You are the Elite Beat Agents. You have the ability to cheer people on. Each night you can target someone to enhance. Your target will gain something beneficial.


You are liked by everyone, this gives you a double vote.


You are good, you win when all threats have been eliminated.



mr-paul - Midna



You are Midna. You accompany people while they go about their tasks. This allows you to follow them through the night, you will learn their alignment.


Because of your small size, you’re more resistant to negative powers. You have a 50% chance of dodging a negative power.


You are good, you win when all threats have been eliminated.



Nintendohnut - Ezio Auditore/Desmond Miles




You are Ezio Auditore. You’re very athletic, this makes you immune to being roleblocked. Each night you can target someone to pickpocket, you might steal something of value to them, this could affect their actions that night. You’re an expert at blending, this makes you invisible in the writeup.


You are good, you win when all threats have been eliminated.



Desmond Miles

You were exploring the memory of your ancestor Ezio, you must continue on as Desmond.


Each night you can target one person, you will look through their memories and learn who they targeted the night before.


Because you're returning, the town will not allow you to be killed for two nights in a row. You are immune to being killed for the next night.


You are good still. You win when all threats are gone.



ReZourceman - Henry Hatsworth



You are Henry Hatsworth. You have a charming British accent, people like to have you around. Each night you can target one person to follow. You will find out who they target, and who targets them.


After targeting someone successfully on 3 occasions, you will activate Tea Time. This gives you a robot suit for the next night. You will be invincible while wearing the robot suit. The robot suit will also let you target 2 people that night.


You are good, you win when all threats have been eliminated.



Rummy - Little Jacob



You are Little Jacob. You’re an arms and drug dealer, this makes you intimidating. You can use that to your advantage. Each night you can target someone to redirect. Your target will randomly select a different target.


You are good, you win when all threats have been eliminated.



Shorty - Sonic the Hedgehog



You are Sonic the Hedgehog. You have incredible speed. Each night you can target one person. Your target will be so confused, they will target you instead of their intended target. You will gain information from this.


You are good, you win when all threats have been eliminated.



Tales - Lightning



You are Lightning. You are a pretty young woman, this means men will not be able to successfully target you with a negative power. Each night you can target one person to protect from being killed.


You are good, you win when all threats have been eliminated.



Tellyn now Rummy - John Marston



You are John Marston. Each night you can target 2 people. They will be made to target each other, and will be untargetable by other people.


You’re brilliant at horse riding, this gives you a 50% chance of fleeing a killer.


You are good, you win when all threats have been eliminated.



The_Arbitor - Dhalsim



You are Dhalsim. You’re a yoga master, and very flexible. You can target someone each night, you will receive a copy of their PM for that night.


You are good, you win when all threats have been eliminated.



The Peeps - Falco Lombardi



You are Falco Lombardi. You’re a respected and skilled pilot. Each night you can target someone to watch over. You will find out who targeted them.


You have incredible nerves, and you can keep cool in all situations. If you are over half way to being lynched, your Star Fox team will work hard to get you some accurate information on a random player.


You are good, you win when all threats have been eliminated.




I have to admit the mafia were way too powerful, then again the town had a few inactives which could of made a big difference. The investigator getting killed on the first night made it tough.

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I have lost all respect for dannyboy. He goes nuts because I suspect when he is busy in real life and he was mafia all the time. And I made it clear it was never relevant for me and was never a point in my arguments, and he still brought it up and went nuts when I didn't leave him alone. Wow, just wow. If he's going to act like that he shouldn't be allowed to play mafia games anymore.


I was spot on with my suspicions. Yvonne, Cube, danny, I called them all.


Great game though. Well done.

Edited by Tales
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Mafia definitely were quite powerful. Though I don't think they were broken or anything.


And there were plenty of creative powers out there, it's a shame there were so many delays.


Dannyboy being evil was incredibly obvious, I think. I kept wondering why nobody would lynch him, but now I see: Yvonne was in cahoots with the mafia all along, and since he gained quite some influence during day discussions, Yvonne ignoring Danny turned out to be a huge plus.


Surely tricked me, that was a great performance by Yvonne.

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Ever since the first day I wasn't sure about Yvonne, hence my questions. Sadly, I've never played MGS so I didn't know who anyone was. Still, the whole 'some characters who are evil in games are evil in mafia, but there are only two and the rest are characters who are good in games' thing made things a little confusing - once we caught one or two actual evil characters, there didn't seem to be any others left so we were just left trying to work out why that was and who was lying about their character rather than who was telling the truth about their character but were just evil. Obviously that was down to nobody choosing evil characters though, so there wasn't much you could have done.


Still, the mafia played a good game, and I have to say apart from a vaguest suspicion about Yvonne and Smeagol I had no idea who the maff were. I thought we were actually quite close to winning at one point! Really enjoyed it though, Maddog, it was really well written and I spent SO LONG trying to work out who was lying. Very... intriguingly written :)

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Good game everyone! Loads of really interesting powers available but in the end we didn't get to see too many fire off. Nintendohnut's resurrection was awesome. I alllmost suggested we go for him after that outrageous taunt but by then we had a safer target. Good moves!


The mass slaughter on night 5? was just awesome.


Of the possible characters I could have been I think Maddog picked the best, MGS series has so much leeway for bullshit.

Playing as mafia is HARD!

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I have lost all respect for dannyboy. He goes nuts because I suspect when he is busy in real life and he was mafia all the time. And I made it clear it was never relevant for me and was never a point in my arguments, and he still brought it up and went nuts when I didn't leave him alone. Wow, just wow. If he's going to act like that he shouldn't be allowed to play mafia games anymore.


I was spot on with my suspicions. Yvonne, Cube, danny, I called them all.


Great game though. Well done.


I knew this would be an issue once it came up, and I want to clarify that for me it was completely irrelevant to the case at hand whether I was mafia or not. Again, it was NEVER about you suspecting me or my behaviour. I fully respect that you suspected me and called out my behaviour, since you were obviously right.


It was the fact that I felt you were writing off my explanation that I was busy as unacceptable that really pissed me off. Because I was genuinely busy (and I still am, hence me not signing up for mafias currently), and I felt like my real-life choice wasn't being respected.


Picture that you're busy in real-life and have been neglecting a mafia game. Somebody calls you out on your inactivity and suspects you because of it (which is completely fair and square), and you truthfully explain that you're busy in real-life. This person then basically says "That's not good enough." and keeps demanding explanations that you can't give. What more could I say?


I know now that it wasn't your intention, that you didn't disrespect my choice, and I have apologised for overreacting. If my busyness had only been a lie, if it had only been an excuse to lie low, I probably wouldn't have overreacted at all, because I'd've known you'd simply called out my bluff. But since I really was busy, not to mention stressed at the time, it just made me see red that I felt it wasn't being respected - that it was somehow an unacceptable excuse.


I'm not trying to excuse my actions. I did overreact, and for that I am truly sorry. I just hope I can make you understand what it was that made me snap, and I hope we can eventually put this behind us.

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But I never called you on your inactivity danny, that's why I didn't like it being brought up all the time. So I don't understand why you write that third paragraph, If I had called you out on your inactivity, you had every right to explain why you weren't active, and I would be ok with whatever explainatioin(?) and left you alone. But you can't answer "I think your actions are suspicious" with "but I was busy".

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Shout out to @Eenuh aswell, she was unbelievably unlucky but stuck at it. I think she went about 5 nights without gaining any information.


I know, some of the worst luck I've had in a game, ever. =(


5 nights with absolutely no information. Then if I survived the 5th night, I would have a one time revive power for myself...


Of course I get killed that exact same night. =(

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But I never called you on your inactivity danny, that's why I didn't like it being brought up all the time. So I don't understand why you write that third paragraph, If I had called you out on your inactivity, you had every right to explain why you weren't active, and I would be ok with whatever explainatioin(?) and left you alone. But you can't answer "I think your actions are suspicious" with "but I was busy".


Then I believe I misunderstood what you were accusing me of. Perhaps because I expected my inactivity to be the target of suspicion, I subconsciously read your accusations as being directed at or grounded in my inactivity.


And technically I can answer like that, but then you just have to say "Bullshit!" and vote for me if you find my explanation insatisfactory. That's just part of the game. I know it seemed like I was objecting to being suspected because I was inactive, but I was actually objecting to the impression I got that it wasn't an acceptable explanation. I don't expect people to necessarily believe an explanation, but I expect them to accept it as the explanation I've given, whether they believe it or not. Otherwise it feels like they're saying: "That explanation cannot be used, you have to give another one." And that just seems silly, doesn't it? If you think my explanation is weak and bullshit, then just off with my scumnag head!

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