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Tales of Xillia

Emerald Emblem

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What with Abyss 3DS and Graces F coming out in Europe, I figure we should also think about Tales of Xillia's possible release, which Namdai has stated would and could be released on fan demand rather than sales of Abyss 3DS and Graces F.


Here is the latest Trailer for the Japanese version to hit Japan's shelves this September:


We take a look at what Namco Bandai revealed about the latest Tales game, straight out of last week's Tales of Festival event.


After much waiting, Namco Bandai not only revealed the release date of its latest role-playing game in the Tales series--Tales of Xillia--at a recent Tales of Festival event that was held in Yokohama, Japan last Saturday and Sunday, but also showed off new in-game and combat footage.


The game's story is set in a world called Liese Maxia, where humans and spirits coexist. Unlike in past games, there will be two main protagonists sharing the spotlight: Jude Mathis and Milla Maxwell. The former is a 15-year-old medical school student who fights enemies with his fists, while the latter is a female spellcaster who can summon elemental spirits and defends herself with a sword. Story-wise, Jude ends up crossing paths with Milla when he's looking into a spirit artes (the Tales term for magic) failure at a military laboratory in the middle of the night. They both uncover an army conspiracy, which eventually leads to their becoming fugitives.


Milla's elemental powers mysteriously vanish within that period, which makes the trek to clear their names a little harder. It also turns out that Milla is a fish out of water since she originates from ToX's spirit world. As a result, she comes off as airheaded and tactless when dealing with human affairs. The Tales series had always handled outcast protagonists with some dose of believability with Luke von Fabre (Tales of the Abyss) and Yuri (Tales of Vesperia), so it will be interesting to see how the chemistry between Milla's brashness and Jude's earnest behavior work out as the story progresses.


More on the preview here


The trailer above blew me away, it really is a gorgeous game to look at and it just looks so...Appealing. I hope we as fans can convince Namco Bandai to release this as well.

Edited by Emerald Emblem
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About damn time!


Feel sorry for that poor girl who tried to get her game signed and got rejected :(


So I guess that means that we'll be getting TOX2 in 2014 here in Europe? Ahh well, maybe the US will get it before PS4 come out :laughing:

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*falls off seat* Abyss last year, Graces this year and Xillia. Been good to Tales fans recently :)


Just checked out the opening, game looks good (yes I did base that on the opening :)). Abyss still has the best song though, Xillia's is good once it kicks off though.


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Between any number of kingdoms! :)


Then prepare to be pessimistic:


The game is set in Liese Maxia, a world where humans and monsters coexist with spirits. The spirits support human civilisation by granting wishes, such as the ability to channel mana as Spirit Power, and in turn are protected by those wishes. The most powerful of these spirits is a being called Maxwell, though its true nature is unknown. In Liese Maxia, there are two main countries vying for supremacy. La Shugall is an empire with a long history whose free use of Spirit Power has granted it incredible majesty and prosperity. A Jule is a developing country whose power is derived from the control of monsters and the might of its military.[7]

Jude Mathis is a young medical student studying in Il Fan, the capital of La Shugall. After a large number of patients are admitted to his hospital following a failed Spirit Arte at a military base, he decides to investigate the cause and meets Milla Maxwell, a mysterious girl who is investigating the recent deaths of a number of spirits. Inside the base they discover a terrible secret and are forced to flee, pursued by La Shugall's military. Milla discovers that she has lost the ability to summon spirits, and the two are only saved thanks to the intervention of Alvin, a wandering mercenary.


Safe for now, the three of them decide to travel to the shrine Milla claims she originated from in order to redo a ritual that will help Milla regain her lost powers.[8] On their way they meet Elise Lutus and Rowen J. llbert who join their party. Stopping by Jude's hometown of Lu Rondo, they meet Jude's childhood friend Leia Rolando, an apprentice nurse. She joins them to search for a valuable ore that is needed to cure a particular sickness within the town.



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Jesus... I know RPG series' tend to have certain repeating themes, but it's just getting stupid now.


Meh. You don't play a Tales game for its story, you play it for its fuck awesome gameplay, its hilarious skits and fabulous (often literally!) characters!

Edited by Dcubed
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I like Tales but geez they're really not trying anymore. I get the feeling they use a drop down box plot generator for their games, the story is always so bad.


I like the gameplay but don't feel it's ever been as good as the one in Symphonia.

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Meh. You don't play a Tales game for its story, you play it for its fuck awesome gameplay, its hilarious skits and fabulous (often literally!) characters!

I'm starting to lose faith. After playing Tales of Graces F, the battle system was horrible and whilst yes, the characters were great the story was piss poor. There's only so much faith you can have in a game to make it worth playing.


A good story can make all the difference.

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The Tales series has never really delivered anything solid in terms of story. It's standard anime end of the world stuff really. However, the gameplay, characters and presentation keep me coming back for more. I love the skit interactions and even if the story doesn't really surprise, it's fun to see where it takes the (usually) immensely likeable cast.


Gonna skip Graces F, but definitely interested in Xillia.

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