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007 Mafia Game


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A man crept into an office looking for something useful, but didn’t find much.


A sophisticated man slipped silently into another office and opened a filing cabinet. He didn’t know it at the time, but what he did would have extreme effects tonight. He stepped out again and silently closed the door


Minutes later, a colourful individual crept into the office and opened up the draws again. He read a file, slid it back in and left, smiling but a little puzzled.


Three more people let themselves into the same office that night. The last was a large, blonde man, who stepped out of the office with a smirk on his face as he reached for his watch…


In the middle of the night, all the agents stopped for a second and turned towards what sounded like screaming…


An elderly man put on some glasses and peered at another man. Nodding to himself he took them off and headed back for a nice cup of tea.


A secretary was on the phone all night, organising agents. She got it wrong tonight, though. This would mean a severe telling off tomorrow.


A large man looked for his target all night, accompanied by a smaller man, but just couldn’t find him anywhere. Eventually he gave up and headed home, frustrated and angry at his failure.


Another man stayed in his office all night, smoking, ready for an attack which never came.


A woman managed to escape something terrible tonight through sheer good fortune.




The large, blonde man silently opened the door to the office. It was dark in there, with only a little moonlight scraping through the gap in the curtains. He saw a dark shape standing directly opposite him, and he extended the garrotting wire that was hidden in his watch. Pulling it taught and raising it to eye-level, he took three silent steps forward, watching the silhouette of his target grow larger as he approached. On his right he was approaching an ornate fireplace with a few small mementoes placed in an orderly fashion on the mantelpiece. Distracted for a moment he turned to look at one.


Stepping forward again, he failed to see the slightly raised area at the bottom of the fireplace. Clipping it with his foot sent him off balance, and as he began to topple he let go of the garrotting wire in his hand, flailing for a handhold. He couldn’t stop himself falling, but as he fell he realised the dark shape had disappeared. As if in slow motion he saw the mirror he had been approaching, but as soon as he realised how stupid he had been, his head met the mantelpiece with a crunch and he was unconscious.


The end of the wire sailed through the air, and the watch dial which was attached to its end caught on a metal cherub at the corner of the fireplace. The man’s arm twisted as he fell, and the wire wrapped itself around his neck. He was helpless, unconscious, and without oxygen.


When Loelia Ponsonby arrived at work the next day she found the man, sprawled at an uncomfortable angle, and clearly dead. When the officers came to remove and ID the body they discovered that


Rez is dead. He was Donald ‘Red’ Grant, the ruthless killer who could put on a convincing British accent. He was a member of SMERSH.




ADDED (Sorry I forgot):


I can protect you from what may seem dreadful to others but beautiful to some.

Not only can I help you through the light; I can also help you through the night.

You can walk, you can run and you can dance with me, but I may not always be such a good partner.

Wherever you are, no matter how far, I can be your friend and if you look after me, I’ll look after you.

What am I?




Players: 21




















The Peeps




Majority is 11



I have sent most of the PMs but have to go out now for a little while. Sorry! I will send the rest when I get in later on.

Edited by Nintendohnut
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I didn't think anyone would kill Rez tonight for pity's sake, but he killed himself? Poor run of luck he is on.


Three more people let themselves into the same office that night. The last was a large, blonde man, who stepped out of the office with a smirk on his face as he reached for his watch…


He did not step out of the office!

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So, wtf happened? He...killed himself?


I think he killed himself. I predict roleswitcher as it would fit with:


A woman managed to escape something terrible tonight through sheer good fortune.


This woman was likely the original target.

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I think he killed himself. I predict roleswitcher as it would fit with:




This woman was likely the original target.


Ah, thanks for clearing that up. I was thinking there was a link between those two, but wasn't entirely sure.


There's a lot more reading through the write-up involved in this than in the other mafia I played in. Will have to be observant.

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I may have not made things entirely clear in the write-up. Sorry. There are lots of offices in this game, not just one - instead of 'houses', players have offices. Just so y'all know; I don't want things to get too confusing. I'll try to show when the offices are separate/different from now on. And Loelia Ponsonby was just flavour text.


Sorry, I will try to be a little clearer next time, didn't mean to confuse things!

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