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Kurtle Squad

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Serebii im not just talking about your site. You tend to come in this thread and complain about your friends not wanting to go out, asking for advice and then giving excuses for not to want to follow it. At some point you need to just forget all that and decide what you want. You are obviously a nice guy which is why people are happy to try and help when you post it in here but it just seems to be going round in circles and I dont see anything changing for you until you change something yourself.

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Serebii im not just talking about your site. You tend to come in this thread and complain about your friends not wanting to go out, asking for advice and then giving excuses for not to want to follow it. At some point you need to just forget all that and decide what you want. You are obviously a nice guy which is why people are happy to try and help when you post it in here but it just seems to be going round in circles and I dont see anything changing for you until you change something yourself.


I'm going to come across as brown nosing here, but to be fair, Serebii has said within the past few weeks that it has improved recently, and he has been doing what people have advised. He seemed to insinuate he pulled someone too, although I might have read too much into that.

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I'm going to come across as brown nosing here, but to be fair, Serebii has said within the past few weeks that it has improved recently, and he has been doing what people have advised. He seemed to insinuate he pulled someone too, although I might have read too much into that.


Not quite, but getting there, as I've said. Things are just getting a bit more depressing since as of earlier this week I'm the only single person left that I know of in real life.

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What if science is busy creating someone with the mad skills of Elijah Wood, the charm of Ellen Paige and the facial expressions of Amy Poehler just for you?


Indeed, if I could clone myself I would run across a beach into my own arms.

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You asked the question.


Full disclosure: it's late, I'm tired and I think a drink I had earlier has dislodged my brain. I'm just chatting shit.


... naked woman at money?


... or money at naked woman?


... Ah who cares, there's naked woman [and money] there!!


Random Better Off Ted quote merged with a random Veronica Mars quote.

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There was a really hot girl in the group I went to my mates gig with that I would have loved to get talking to, but being totally out of practice with, you know, making conversation with other human beings, I just stood there and stared while cultivating a massive boner and drinking far too much vodka. Eff emm ell.

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Not quite, but getting there, as I've said. Things are just getting a bit more depressing since as of earlier this week I'm the only single person left that I know of in real life.


You said that your friends never go out and do anything. Where did the recently single guy find his new girlfriend?




And in terms of not wanting to ruin everything you have with your website. I dont understand this either. Unless you've told everyone you have Brad Pitts face on Arnie's body I don't think you've got anything to lose.

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You said that your friends never go out and do anything. Where did the recently single guy find his new girlfriend?




And in terms of not wanting to ruin everything you have with your website. I dont understand this either. Unless you've told everyone you have Brad Pitts face on Arnie's body I don't think you've got anything to lose.

The last man down is one of my friends who lives in another town. I go clubbing with them every month or so

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Hmmm. Serebii might it not be worth maybe offloading your site one day and using that time to do new things/travel/meet people/take up a hobby? It'll build up a lot of confidence and you'll be able to use your time productively. I'm not saying your website isn't productive (hell, i use it loads!) but that, combined with your friends all not majorly wanting to go clubbing (which is understandable past the age of 21/22) then maybe it's the best way to free up time?

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Hmmm. Serebii might it not be worth maybe offloading your site one day and using that time to do new things/travel/meet people/take up a hobby? It'll build up a lot of confidence and you'll be able to use your time productively. I'm not saying your website isn't productive (hell, i use it loads!) but that, combined with your friends all not majorly wanting to go clubbing (which is understandable past the age of 21/22) then maybe it's the best way to free up time?

I have plenty of time between news and away from game releases, that's the thing. I'm free nearly every evening and most days which is how I do my freelance work. It's not just clubbing my friends don't do anymore, it's near about anything. We seldom meet up due to everything "costing money" and "not being worth it". Problem with it is just that I don't know in advance of more than a few days which is why I can't get a part-time job etc.


I may unload the site one day, when it stops being fun for me. However, it's fun, it's the most popular, it's not just going to go until I've run it into the ground.

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I had no idea whether to post this in the good stuff thread, Android thread, or what, so it goes here.


I managed to catch the postman before he gave up on delivering a box from my boyfriend this morning (it was early). Inside...



His shirt that I wanted, the most hilarious earphones ever, something that will surely give me Invisible Woman powers, and...



He gave me his phone charm ;_____;


He got me a Samsung Galaxy Player 4.0 :o I've never owned a smartphone, smartphone-like device, or even an iPod before this (my MP3 player holds exactly 1GB...), so this is awesome. We can now Skype all over the place (provided there's a usable wireless network) without worrying about Skype/phone credit. And I can take pictures! And actually download all of the cool apps I find using my mum's iPhone! It's nice so far, the typing is so much better than the iPhone - every time I try to write on one, I feel like throwing it out of the window :| Even iPads.

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