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Kurtle Squad

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We should just rename this thread to Time since Serebii last had sex: 1802 days and update it accordingly.


It's not since when I had sex, it's since I did anything at all (didn't even have sex that night...she wanted to but it didnt' happen)


And it's 1790 days :p

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Gizmo, it looked like a fun way of saying "I can't stop thinking about you." So ask her out.


Its not an "ask her out" situation. We were together, but only for a month or so before she moved to Reading for a job (I'm in Glasgow). So, given that we were so busy and would never be able to see each other, we decided to call it an "open relationship" thing. She now has a new boyfriend down in Reading, but clearly still has feelings for me. But we still will never see each other, so it's still pointless...

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Also kind of relevant, I have really gappy teeth and I'm considering getting braces in (at my own cost being an adult)....so gappy teeth, yay or nay?


Depends on the girl and the "gappyness". A few times I've talked with my friend about how a slightly (and I do mean slightly) odd set of teeth has actually made a girl quite pretty.


The general rule is straight teeth are better though.

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Tokyo Dental Salon Specializes in Giving Girls Crooked Teeth


Yaeba means double tooth in Japanese, but it doesn’t describe major dental deformities, but rather the vampire-like look obtained when the two molars crowd the canines pushing them forward to create a fang effect. According to some sources, yaeba gives girls a feline look which is apparently makes them even more attractive, while others say it’s this little imperfection that makes pretty girls look more approachable as opposed to the flawless magazine cover models of the western world. There are many Japanese celebrities with yaeba, but instead of having it fixed with braces, they just show it off to the camera, and that only makes them more popular.


Oh, Japan.

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I look weird with glasses...got prescribed them to protect my eyes after excessive monitor usage but no longer need them due to the monitors no longer being CRT, so it's all good (though I do think my eyesight is getting worse, I just can't be bothered to get it checked and have to spend cash on glasses).


COming up to the 5 year mark on my dry spell...hope to god it doesn't hit it, I keep trying to get my confidence and self esteem back, but I seem to lack it in this department...in others, I'm down-right arrogant, but this has me stumped


Funnily enough it's been 2 years for my housemate and he was telling me yesterday about how he's actually shit scared about having to do it again as it's been so long! It's of those things though..when you aren't getting it for a while you don't miss it but when you are getting it you can't get enough.

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Don't question what I'm best at. As I said, I'm arrogant in all other matters, and with good reason.


Don't make me challenge you to a battle! :p


It's great that you have this confidence. But, sometimes, a little humility goes a long way.


A little arrogance can be good. Sometimes. It depends on the person. It suited Eric Cantona, for example. In your case, 5 years is a long time...I'd go with the humble/humilty route, personally. Work from there.

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It's great that you have this confidence. But, sometimes, a little humility goes a long way.


A little arrogance can be good. Sometimes. It depends on the person. It suited Eric Cantona, for example. In your case, 5 years is a long time...I'd go with the humble/humilty route, personally. Work from there.

My arrogance isn't that bad, seriously.

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It was an ironic statement on Serebii's lack of game. :blank:

Now now, be fair. If there was a Pokémon tournament/event, I could go up to most over 17s and say "I own Serebii.net" and bam...it's super effective. If I go to American ones, it's even more effective because of the English accent

Edited by Serebii
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