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Made out with my hot 18 year old friend again last night. While I don't mind that the couple of times we've hooked up have been completely casual, it's kind of frustrating in a way that we're at completely different stages of life/live miles and miles apart, if things were a bit different maybe there could be something there because we're really great friends and have really good chemistry with each other, but as it is, I don't think there is any way either of us would consider a relationship, it wouldn't work at all.


I'll just enjoy it for what it was, never thought I'd be in this kind of situation, or was that kind of to have someone who is turning out to be a sort of friend with benefits! Who knows, nothing may ever happen between us again but it's a nice feeling to know there's the potential there!


Things might change, though I'm quite acutely aware of age gaps right now. I say just enjoy it for whatever it is and see how it goes. If it works, it works. If it turns into something more at some point, it turns into something more.

Ofc, it's much easier for me to say that than put it into practise. I'm trying my damned hardest not to get besotted right now.


Apparently a friend of a friend is interested in me. Although she doesn't want a boyfriend.


And the problem is....? ;)

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Met an absolute stunner of a girl on sunday night and arranged to meet up yesterday... Didn't happen though. This stuff happens to me quite a lot, guess I just have to keep plugging away. Just feel like I've lost something awesome at the prime of my life. Guess I have time to come back from this though

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Things might change, though I'm quite acutely aware of age gaps right now. I say just enjoy it for whatever it is and see how it goes. If it works, it works. If it turns into something more at some point, it turns into something more.

Ofc, it's much easier for me to say that than put it into practise. I'm trying my damned hardest not to get besotted right now.


And the problem is....? ;)


Yeah, that's exactly how I'm treating it. Its an interesting situation because I've known her for quite a long time (her mum is a ex-work colleague that I'm really good friends with) but we'd kind of been out of contact for a couple of years but since we've re-connected (and she's been an adult) it's turned into a closer friendship, with a flirty edge to it that's ended up going further on a couple of occasions. The seven year age gap really doesn't feel that big in terms of maturity/etc. its literally just logistics and timing that are keeping me from getting much hope of it becoming any more.


But yeah, I'm not getting hung up on it because we're good friends anyway, and I value that moreso than any potential romantic relationship that I know wouldn't work right now, I just wouldn't ever rule it out, as who knows if that little spark will still be there. We joked that "in x years if we're both single we'll get married,"

but yeah, for now I'll just happily take anything that happens related to this, because I've been single for ages and she's really hot :grin: But equally, I won't let it stop anything that may happen with anyone else - not getting attached because that'd be really silly with the situation as it is.


How is the situation with your age-gap thing? IIRC there was that kind of family/friend situation with you too. For me, the age gap is just a number and it really depends on the individual person/life situation, it's not like in America where they seem to think liking someone younger is putting you on the verge of paedophilia.

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How old is this girl @Serebii? Y'know some people do just change their mind on the kids thing. Frequently in their mid to late twenties. Also, not every relationship has to be started with the intention of lasting forever, why not just have some fun?

She's mid-20s and is dead-set against it.


Ideally I would throw caution to the wind and go with it just for fun, but this has a ridiculous chance of going the distance if I did and it's just doomed from the get-go. We click on every level except this big one.

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She's mid-20s and is dead-set against it.


I've been against having kids all my life. Until recently. I'm 26 now and while I don't want kids in the immediate future (i.e. next 2-3 years) I've opened up to the idea.


People change.


You may regret not giving this a chance/not having some fun. You never know how things will turn out.

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I'm telling you. This is literally How I Met Your Mother all over again!


That's life. You have your Blue French Horns and your Yellow Umbrella.


Your Blue French Horn is the love of your life for like ten years until you stumble upon a Yellow Umbrella (FINALLY), who is killed off five minutes later, and you end up with Blue French Horn anyway.


The lesson here is SCREW YOU HIMYM ENDING.

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It's all about the kids. I want them, she's vehemently against them. Doomed to failure. That's like the one difference that can break any relationship


I know two couples who were in the same position when they started dating. In both cases, once they had been going out for a year or so, they realised how perfect they were for each other and in both cases the girls have change their mind (on the condition that it is the guy that takes maternity leave and not them).


Things changed once you're in a long term relationship. It's just how it is.


On another note, today marks the 4 year anniversary of me and @MoogleViper becoming friends on Facebook. :love:

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