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Love? Relationships? Boy girl stuff? Complaints and appraisals! Gifs be welcome.

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A little context:

(talking about what the lady and I sometimes enjoy during sex.

For the mods: if it's too much, feel free to delete/edit my post.

For others: Don't read :p)


I recently bought some silk cloths (for blindfolding, gagging the partner) and a ball gag (for obvious reasons) because both my girlfriend and I have certain fantasies that we would like to explore. I put the things into my backpack (into its front pocket which is not that big) this morning because I'm going to my girlfriend's place tomorrow and am currently not at home/won't be home before. So much for context.


This happened today:


A couple of hours ago I met with some fellow students who are good friends. Had to open the pocket of my backpack because I needed my wallet. However, I forgot that I had certain items there...:D


Sooooo 3 out of 5 people saw the ball gag. And their faces said it all...it was basically disgust that I could read in their eyes. I asked them: "What's the deal?"

General reaction: "Dude, that's gross, you really like that stuff? Disgusting..."


I get that these preferences I have are not for everyone and that you don't have to approve, but do you have to be rude?


It annoyed me so much.


Similar situation I always have when my arms and neck show scratches and bruises. My girlfriend likes to scratch and bite and I like to get scratched and bitten. I enjoy a little pain during sex.

People just get weirded out and think I'm - for a lack of better term - not normal...


I don't really care that much - which I realize doesn't sound like it :laughing: - but it still bugs me, it annoys me...especially when it's my friends who are rude to me...

Am I overreacting?

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A little context:

(talking about what the lady and I sometimes enjoy during sex.

For the mods: if it's too much, feel free to delete/edit my post.

For others: Don't read :p)


I recently bought some silk cloths (for blindfolding, gagging the partner) and a ball gag (for obvious reasons) because both my girlfriend and I have certain fantasies that we would like to explore. I put the things into my backpack (into its front pocket which is not that big) this morning because I'm going to my girlfriend's place tomorrow and am currently not at home/won't be home before. So much for context.


This happened today:


A couple of hours ago I met with some fellow students who are good friends. Had to open the pocket of my backpack because I needed my wallet. However, I forgot that I had certain items there...:D


Sooooo 3 out of 5 people saw the ball gag. And their faces said it all...it was basically disgust that I could read in their eyes. I asked them: "What's the deal?"

General reaction: "Dude, that's gross, you really like that stuff? Disgusting..."


I get that these preferences I have are not for everyone and that you don't have to approve, but do you have to be rude?


It annoyed me so much.


Similar situation I always have when my arms and neck show scratches and bruises. My girlfriend likes to scratch and bite and I like to get scratched and bitten. I enjoy a little pain during sex.

People just get weirded out and think I'm - for a lack of better term - not normal...


I don't really care that much - which I realize doesn't sound like it :laughing: - but it still bugs me, it annoys me...especially when it's my friends who are rude to me...

Am I overreacting?


Tell them, "Stop crying and fist yourself."

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Imagine how embarrassed he would have been if his friends had spotted a strap-on instead of a ball gag.


Maybe @drahkon should see how far he can push this and place a variety of sex objects in his backpack. This time, it's a ball gag, next time it can be a strap-on, after that it could be the instructions to an *IKEA sex swing.


*Assuming IKEA do those, I dunno, I'M NOT A FREAK LIKE YOU, DRAHKON.

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Maybe @drahkon should see how far he can push this and place a variety of sex objects in his backpack. This time, it's a ball gag, next time it can be a strap-on, after that it could be the instructions to an *IKEA sex swing.


*Assuming IKEA do those, I dunno, I'M NOT A FREAK LIKE YOU, DRAHKON.


First of all, that's a pretty sweet idea :D However, I wouldn't buy a strap-on just for that.

And before you say something, I wouldn't use a strap-on for anything else butt fucking with my frie...damn...


Secondly, IKEA should make sex swings. I should look up on sex swings. Sex swings sound like something I would enjoy. SEX SWINGS.


Thirdly, you wish you'd be a freak like me.


Edit: Just realized the - possibly unintended - double entendre of "should see how far he can push this"

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Maybe @drahkon should see how far he can push this and place a variety of sex objects in his backpack. This time, it's a ball gag, next time it can be a strap-on, after that it could be the instructions to an *IKEA sex swing.


*Assuming IKEA do those, I dunno, I'M NOT A FREAK LIKE YOU, DRAHKON.


They don't say it, but we all know full well it's intended for sex. The dirty Swedish bastards.

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Sounds like her ex has done something to make her wary of new relationships. I feel sorry for her really, feelings of that nature don't always make sense.


He cheated on her once. I asked if she'd feel more comfortable if I told her about my past relationships and she said she would so I told her about my ex that tried to 'trap' me, my ex that cheated on me and my ex that pretty much stalked me. I just got told I shouldn't tell her how to feel. Everything was going great right up until the last week or so so obviously either someone has said something or the ex has sprung back up.


I feel sorry for her too, she's depriving herself of some Animal lovin'.


Broadcast Yourself



A little context:

(talking about what the lady and I sometimes enjoy during sex.

For the mods: if it's too much, feel free to delete/edit my post.

For others: Don't read :p)


I recently bought some silk cloths (for blindfolding, gagging the partner) and a ball gag (for obvious reasons) because both my girlfriend and I have certain fantasies that we would like to explore. I put the things into my backpack (into its front pocket which is not that big) this morning because I'm going to my girlfriend's place tomorrow and am currently not at home/won't be home before. So much for context.


This happened today:


A couple of hours ago I met with some fellow students who are good friends. Had to open the pocket of my backpack because I needed my wallet. However, I forgot that I had certain items there...:D


Sooooo 3 out of 5 people saw the ball gag. And their faces said it all...it was basically disgust that I could read in their eyes. I asked them: "What's the deal?"

General reaction: "Dude, that's gross, you really like that stuff? Disgusting..."


I get that these preferences I have are not for everyone and that you don't have to approve, but do you have to be rude?


It annoyed me so much.


Similar situation I always have when my arms and neck show scratches and bruises. My girlfriend likes to scratch and bite and I like to get scratched and bitten. I enjoy a little pain during sex.

People just get weirded out and think I'm - for a lack of better term - not normal...


I don't really care that much - which I realize doesn't sound like it :laughing: - but it still bugs me, it annoys me...especially when it's my friends who are rude to me...

Am I overreacting?


I don't think you are. To be honest, if I was the one to catch you, we'd genuinely be talking all this shit. I don't really care.


Silk cloths and ball gags aren't even a big deal. Tell your friends to stop being pussies. I'll talk to them about shit that would turn them into monks or nuns.


Also, getting bitten during sex is such a rush. I like to be scratched too. I like pulling on her hair as well. I've had my hair pulled on once when she was on top of me but it hurt my neck because she did it too sudden.


Tell me, @drahkon, have you tried...


eating Fisherman's friend or XXX Strong Mints and then licking her out. Trust me, she will be satisfied. Also, if you into freaky shit, get ice cream and put a spoonful on her and then go down. Ice cubes work too depending on whether you have sensitive teeth or not.


However, if she's not shy of going down on you, tell her to suck an ice cube for five minutes and then going down on you. Believe me, the sensation is UNREAL! Especially when she swirls her tongue around.


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I don't think you are. To be honest, if I was the one to catch you, we'd genuinely be talking all this shit. I don't really care.


We should have a talk someday :D


I like pulling on her hair as well. I've had my hair pulled on once when she was on top of me but it hurt my neck because she did it too sudden.


Pulling on her hair is awesome. And her pulling on my hair is even better. Especially when she's kissing my neck.


Tell me, @drahkon, have you tried...


eating Fisherman's friend or XXX Strong Mints and then licking her out. Trust me, she will be satisfied. Also, if you into freaky shit, get ice cream and put a spoonful on her and then go down. Ice cubes work too depending on whether you have sensitive teeth or not.


However, if she's not shy of going down on you, tell her to suck an ice cube for five minutes and then going down on you. Believe me, the sensation is UNREAL! Especially when she swirls her tongue around.


You've recommend that to me a year ago if I remember correctly :laughing:


The friend-with-benefits I had during that time went down on me while eating Fisherman's friend. It's amazing.


I already tried the ice cube stuff on my girlfriend. However, she is really sensitive. Not sure if she'd enjoy the Fisherman's approach then. Will give it a go, though.


And that ice cube stuff on me...I'll tell her to do that :D

Now that we're in the NSFW-area, I'll be a bit more NSFW:


I have "trouble" finnishing while the lady is going down on me, either orally or with her hand. Basically: I don't come. No idea why because when we have "regular" sex I can come.


I've always had a bit of a problem with orgasms. It takes quite some time for me to reach that point, and sometimes it's annoying #humblebrag


Of course, my girlfriend thinks it's her fault no matter how much I tell her it's not. I mean, she's amazing. Seriously. The sex with her is the best I've ever had and all the things she does...awesome...


Still, my problem remains. :blank:


Weird question: Any advice? :laughing:


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Your friends probably gave into peer pressure, they looked around, gauged their friends' reactions and played it safe.


That said, it's kinda weird you had them with you and "forgot" they were there and "accidentally" showed them off as you retrieved your wallet. I can't think of a time anyone has ever seen into my bag whilst I was getting my wallet, regardless of the contents. Perhaps you keep shoving your sex life in their face and they're just trying to mute it a bit.

Edited by Shorty
this is yours? this is mine.
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Have you tried thinking about The Witcher 3?


I hear it works for @Fierce_LiNk.


Will try that.


Erectile dysfunction, from the sounds of it.


Wrong assumption :p


scared to click those NSFW links, i'm at work but curious what depravity Drahkon is getting up to!


Hm, it's probably not that interesting.


That said, it's kinda weird you had them with you and "forgot" they were there and "accidentally" showed them off as you retrieved my wallet.


Woah woah, I never retrieved your wallet :p


Well, I did forget that I had them with me, because I had other things on my mind (exam coming up) and I also didn't fully realize/remember that I put them in the pocket where my wallet is.


And that pocket is the frontpocket so it's relatively small, meaning its contents were easy to spot. I don't really know why my friends watched me getting out the wallet.


Perhaps you keep shoving your sex life in their face and they're just trying to mute it a bit.


Trust me, I don't. I only talk about my sex life with my best two best friends. And I can't really do anything about it when I wear a shirt and my arms show scratches and bruises. And since I am a straightforward guy I always tell the truth when people ask about that.


It's not like I go out and yell: "LOOK AT MY ARMS. I HAD SEX." or "LOOK AT THIS BALL GAG. I'M INTO THAT." :indeed:

Edited by drahkon
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There was a bag search at Waitrose once when I had lube in there. My area manager was there (super hot). I was young and it was all very embarrassing.



Ball gags ain't no thang, don't worry G. People can be incredibly rude about fetishes, and it's pretty ignorant actually. It's all sexual preferences so really, your friends looking down on you for that is the pretty much the same as going "You're gay? Ewww, gross".

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