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Literally insane?


Not to the point of being in a straight jacket, but pretty damn messed up when I actually got to know her.


Anyway, my date got double booked and ended up showing up half an hour late (she did let me know though and was very apologetic when she did get there). We talked in the coffee shop for a couple of hours and then departed after briefly discussing the possibility of a second date. I have a feeling she wasn't really interested and just didn't want to say it to my face, but I've been wrong about that before, so I'll see what happens when I text her in a few days.

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Sounds like you'll be in a relationship again soon drahkon :p


Well, you were right.


We had "the talk" tonight. She just asked me: "So...what exactly is this between us?".

I told her that I still wouldn't say no to a relationship (which I told her a month ago already).


She said that she's a bit scared to fall back into some kind of weird behaviour, but she wants to work on it. I didn't ask how exactly this behaviour would manifest itself (I didn't want to ruin the moment, as I knew it has something to do with her ex) and simply said: "I'd be happy to help you with that."

Her response: "Me too." :)

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I just spent hours getting ready to see the guy i've been dating (romantic flu kiss guy). We've not seen eachother for 2 weeks, as he's been away working.


I got out the bath earlier and started to feel like a bit of a fool, cos i was getting ready to see him and he hadn't even texted me to confirm. I assumed he'd have the decency to tell me early on if he was going to cancel though, so i just kept getting ready.


It never crossed my mind he'd actually cancel, cos we've not seen eachother for ages, and this was our only chance to see eachother before we both go back to work for another week. And he told me he "couldn't wait to see me" earlier in the week.


But yeah, you guessed... he cancelled. He didn't even text me to let me know. I had to eventually text him when it got to 4pm and he still hadn't been in touch, to ask if we were still seeing eachother. He said sorry but no, as he has a bitching hangover. And "wouldn't be good company tonight, sorry".


Well don't i feel like a complete twat. I've been looking forward to this all week, and spent ages getting ready, choosing an outfit, dyeing my hair, etc. Feel like such an idiot for caring so much.


I kind of gave him a tough time about it, and he basically told me to fuck off as he'd had a rough night, and "can't be doing with this shit", and just wants some peace and quiet today.


Wow. :sad: I've been single for 2 years, and i finally thought i'd found someone i really liked and who seemed to like me just as much. But i'm not standing for this, he spoke to me like shit. And generally, has made me feel like some insignificant little pest in his busy life lately.


Back to the god awful dating sites for me, i guess... :nono:

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I just spent hours getting ready to see the guy i've been dating (romantic flu kiss guy). We've not seen eachother for 2 weeks, as he's been away working.


I got out the bath earlier and started to feel like a bit of a fool, cos i was getting ready to see him and he hadn't even texted me to confirm. I assumed he'd have the decency to tell me early on if he was going to cancel though, so i just kept getting ready.


It never crossed my mind he'd actually cancel, cos we've not seen eachother for ages, and this was our only chance to see eachother before we both go back to work for another week. And he told me he "couldn't wait to see me" earlier in the week.


But yeah, you guessed... he cancelled. He didn't even text me to let me know. I had to eventually text him when it got to 4pm and he still hadn't been in touch, to ask if we were still seeing eachother. He said sorry but no, as he has a bitching hangover. And "wouldn't be good company tonight, sorry".


Well don't i feel like a complete twat. I've been looking forward to this all week, and spent ages getting ready, choosing an outfit, dyeing my hair, etc. Feel like such an idiot for caring so much.


I kind of gave him a tough time about it, and he basically told me to fuck off as he'd had a rough night, and "can't be doing with this shit", and just wants some peace and quiet today.


Wow. :sad: I've been single for 2 years, and i finally thought i'd found someone i really liked and who seemed to like me just as much. But i'm not standing for this, he spoke to me like shit. And generally, has made me feel like some insignificant little pest in his busy life lately.


Back to the god awful dating sites for me, i guess... :nono:


Guy sounds like a twat. I think you'll be fine. Better to find out early on than to invest moar time and for his twattishness to surface.

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I just had a friend date, that I think may have been a bit more than that.


So last night I went out with three friends from work: A couple who I'm really close to (lived with the guy for a year, play football with him, often go on nights out with the two of them, but also close to the girl in our own right and would go on nights out without the guy) and a girl from work who I'm less close to. We've been on a few nights out before and we'll chat in the office if we cross paths, but that's mostly it.


I spent most of the night chatting to her. Then this morning she asked if we wanted to meet her in town for a coffee (to the facebook group message with all four of us on). I said yes, and the couple were busy. So it's just the two of us, but obviously just a friend date. Although we went for a coffee, then she asked if I wanted to go for a walk, so we went souvenir shopping, then she said she'd had enough of souvenirs, and asked if I wanted to do anything else. So I suggested the museum, and then after that she suggested food, so we went for a thai. After food I asked if she wanted to get a drink, she said yes but would prefer a coffee. Then after the coffee we parted ways.


So I think it was just a friend date, but I also think it could have the potential to be something more. The trouble is she's quite hard to read, and I'm terrible at reading people anyway (I've previously erroneously thought there was something between me and other girls). Also she's going back to Egypt in April (she's Egyptian), so any development would be a short fling. I dunno. We (i.e. the four of us) did discuss a weekend away in Cardiff, so that might be a good opportunity. Will have to see.

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I have a feeling she wasn't really interested and just didn't want to say it to my face, but I've been wrong about that before, so I'll see what happens when I text her in a few days.


Looks like I was right. I texted her over a day and a half ago with a friendly "Hey. How's your week been going. :)" (or something like that), and got no response. You would think after a fairly long coffee date a courtesy rejection wouldn't be too much to ask for. Maybe the women I've been dating recently have just been cowards.


At any rate, I've fortunately learned by now that it's not worth getting invested in someone after only a single date, so not a huge loss. Time to start over again I guess.

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Wow. :sad: I've been single for 2 years, and i finally thought i'd found someone i really liked and who seemed to like me just as much. But i'm not standing for this, he spoke to me like shit. And generally, has made me feel like some insignificant little pest in his busy life lately.


Back to the god awful dating sites for me, i guess... :nono:


That really sucks Pancake :( you deserve far better than to be treated like that.


I've been single for almost the same amount of time so I have an idea of what it's like.


Anyway at least you stood up for yourself so good on you, it's his loss that he'll be missing out on your awesomeness. : peace:


Best of luck on those dating sites as I know first-hand how awful they can be, I've given up on them myself lately as they've only lead me to massive disappointment so far. :indeed:

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Thank you.


Have still ended up on a date tonight doe... with a bottle of whiskey!


Kudos on the whiskey ;) Unless it's bourbon, in which case booo!


I agree with Flink though, it's much better you find out he's a twat now than much further down the line. Not even having the courtesy to cancel is bad enough from friends, let alone someone you're supposed to be seeing. I'd definitely be sacking off someone like that pretty pronto.


I never bothered with that nurse from work(kinda hoped I'd bump into her but haven't) but also found myself rather busy lately that I've kinda gone back to being kinda cool with being young free and single. Probs changed my mind again next week, of course.


Looks like I was right. I texted her over a day and a half ago with a friendly "Hey. How's your week been going. :)" (or something like that), and got no response. You would think after a fairly long coffee date a courtesy rejection wouldn't be too much to ask for. Maybe the women I've been dating recently have just been cowards.


At any rate, I've fortunately learned by now that it's not worth getting invested in someone after only a single date, so not a huge loss. Time to start over again I guess.


So you literally got...nothing from her? Still don't entirely get that, though I guess for some it's just easier having to not then bother. How was it you met her?

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I've got my date in around an hour. Oddly, I'm not nervous about it at all.


It went pretty well. We had a meal when went to a bar after (she thought the bar I picked was awesome). We talked for about three hours with no awkward silences, so the conversation flowed quite nicely. We hugged as she left and she's interested in meeting again.


And on top of that, I bought some LEGO on the way home.

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Things are going well with the Greek Italian. Went to visit last Sunday for the day and had a good time and came up last night and going back to London later.


I'm mostly posting this because we've returned from a big meal and he's napping on the sofa and is on top of my feet so I can't move. Europeans and their siestas eh?

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I've got my date in around an hour. Oddly, I'm not nervous about it at all.


It went pretty well. We had a meal when went to a bar after (she thought the bar I picked was awesome). We talked for about three hours with no awkward silences, so the conversation flowed quite nicely. We hugged as she left and she's interested in meeting again.


And on top of that, I bought some LEGO on the way home.


Glad to hear it went well.


Age Of Ultron?

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Age Of Ultron?


Nah, a Star Wars Rebels set as I needed one character to complete the crew. Oddly, she doesn't come with her signature helmet (which doesn't need a new mould, just a new paint job).

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Nice one, Cube. What's she like?


Quite nerdy, and into a lot of the same stuff as me. Although she's also very arty/musical, so there are some differences (which is good). She also prefers quiet bars to clubs and stuff.


Of course, this isn't something that will last for a while due to me moving in a few months.

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So you literally got...nothing from her? Still don't entirely get that, though I guess for some it's just easier having to not then bother. How was it you met her?


Yeah, no response at all. Not the first time it's happened, and others I know have similar stories. I can understand it before actually meeting with someone, but once you've put in that time going on a date, you kind of expect at least a quick message saying "No thanks". I met her on a dating site, as I have most of the women I've dated.

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Yeah, no response at all. Not the first time it's happened, and others I know have similar stories. I can understand it before actually meeting with someone, but once you've put in that time going on a date, you kind of expect at least a quick message saying "No thanks". I met her on a dating site, as I have most of the women I've dated.


Ahh, I kinda thought that but when I looked back I couldn't see the post saying it. Bit more understandable, send some folks a courtesy text and they'll try to keep you reeled in. Still think it's a bit pants but meh, onwards and upwards?

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Things are going well with the Greek Italian. Went to visit last Sunday for the day and had a good time and came up last night and going back to London later.


I'm mostly posting this because we've returned from a big meal and he's napping on the sofa and is on top of my feet so I can't move. Europeans and their siestas eh?


I think the meal went so well because of the Bieber lyrics I sent you. It gave you the courage to be yourself and wow him with your sass.

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I think the meal went so well because of the Bieber lyrics I sent you. It gave you the courage to be yourself and wow him with your sass.


I did not read your text until way after we finished. And the meal was the following day :heh:

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Gah, now I'm having serious doubts about this girl. I kind of feel like I'll just be stringing her along until I move, and I doubt that I'll be properly invested in a relationship with her. I already feel guilty that I'm carrying on with it. Still having very strong feelings for someone else doesn't help, either, not to mention my depression.


Edit: And on top of that, I've realised her coming to my house is just too personal for me at the moment. Why did I suggest it?

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Gah, now I'm having serious doubts about this girl. I kind of feel like I'll just be stringing her along until I move, and I doubt that I'll be properly invested in a relationship with her. I already feel guilty that I'm carrying on with it. Still having very strong feelings for someone else doesn't help, either, not to mention my depression.


Edit: And on top of that, I've realised her coming to my house is just too personal for me at the moment. Why did I suggest it?


I completely understand, but I don't think you have anything to feel guilty about. And I think this is something that you really need, to take your mind off of things and set things straight.

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Perhaps I should just delay it to give me more time to think it through before ending or continuing it. She's away next week, so it would give me time to decide. I can also make different plans to something I'd be more comfortable with.

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