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Love? Relationships? Boy girl stuff? Complaints and appraisals! Gifs be welcome.

Kurtle Squad

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While I understand your frustration perfectly, Serebii, I can't help thinking: "Screw those friends! Take shit into your own hands!" Obviously I don't know what options you have, but relying on others to get things happening is just a generally bad idea. Surely it'll be more productive in any case to take matters into your own hands than just sitting around moping about them? :)

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Serebii, where do you work? I know you run your website and stuff, but where do you do all of this from? Ever tried working in coffee shops (Starbucks etc.)? It works pretty well for me, keeping me out of the house and giving me the opportunity to meet people. It's quite a normal thing to do, and you won't be the only one doing it. I've gotten to know the staff simply by being in Starbucks or Café Nero 3 or 4 times a week, and I've gotten to know some of the regular customers. I've not dated any of them (my missus would kill me :p) but I've made friends. Try it :)


Meeting people sober > meeting people drunk. But then, I've always been awful at picking up ladies when I've had a few drinks. My ability to read people goes down the toilet and 9 times out of 10 I make a game-breaking mistake.

Edited by McPhee
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Serebii, where do you work? I know you run your website and stuff, but where do you do all of this from? Ever tried working in coffee shops (Starbucks etc.)? It works pretty well for me, keeping me out of the house and giving me the opportunity to meet people. It's quite a normal thing to do, and you won't be the only one doing it. I've gotten to know the staff simply by being in Starbucks or Café Nero 3 or 4 times a week, and I've gotten to know some of the regular customers. I've not dated any of them (my missus would kill me :p) but I've made friends. Try it :)


Meeting people sober > meeting people drunk. But then, I've always been awful at picking up ladies when I've had a few drinks. My ability to read people goes down the toilet and 9 times out of 10 I make a game-breaking mistake.




[in before Ashley]

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While I understand your frustration perfectly, Serebii, I can't help thinking: "Screw those friends! Take shit into your own hands!" Obviously I don't know what options you have, but relying on others to get things happening is just a generally bad idea. Surely it'll be more productive in any case to take matters into your own hands than just sitting around moping about them? :)


Have been trying, but it's easier said than done


Serebii, where do you work? I know you run your website and stuff, but where do you do all of this from? Ever tried working in coffee shops (Starbucks etc.)? It works pretty well for me, keeping me out of the house and giving me the opportunity to meet people. It's quite a normal thing to do, and you won't be the only one doing it. I've gotten to know the staff simply by being in Starbucks or Café Nero 3 or 4 times a week, and I've gotten to know some of the regular customers. I've not dated any of them (my missus would kill me :p) but I've made friends. Try it :)


Well my freelance stuff is all home. I don't really work anywhere else. I keep meaning to go get another for that experience, but whenever I do, a new game is announced for close release and site & freelance stuff are my priority

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I don't know about you, but trying to be with someone after being blind drunk the night before or whenever you meet up always seems a bit off, sure, meeting someone offline seems a bit tricky, finding somewhere to meet and that, but meeting someone after going to a club and being drunk can have just as many hazards!


Sorry I don't think I was clear. What you described there sounds even worse than a first 'normal' date. I was meaning that meeting random girls in clubs is far easier and less awkward than going on a date. If you do get lucky though the morning chat is occasionally awkward. Still don't think that's very clear but I'm hungover so wahey!








Serebii; I second whoever gave you the advice to work in Starbucks. You'll naturally have people start chatting to you about what you're doing etc. I've just started/starting to work for myself however I'm quite lucky because there's an office I'm welcome in whenever I want which means I'm interacting with people. It's something you don't get when you work from your bedroom.


What I suggest to you (business and personal related) is going to gaming related events whenever possible. Dyson went to an event the other week in London, you should try and go to these too. Your site is so popular it'll definitely be known by all the staff so just say you want to go and they'll probably let you in. It means you'll start talking to these people AND give you valuable contacts in the industry. This means you could also sell adverts directly to these companies who are essentially your target market.

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Sorry I don't think I was clear. What you described there sounds even worse than a first 'normal' date. I was meaning that meeting random girls in clubs is far easier and less awkward than going on a date. If you do get lucky though the morning chat is occasionally awkward. Still don't think that's very clear but I'm hungover so wahey!



Oh I see! Haha, yes that does indeed seem more clear.


Haha, my friend just admitted she's jealous of me, I suppose it's quite easy to not be bothered by being single, I'm quite content, but it's a bit odd to be envied, I mean, she has a lovely boyfriend, they get on really well..


...oh dear!

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What I suggest to you (business and personal related) is going to gaming related events whenever possible. Dyson went to an event the other week in London, you should try and go to these too. Your site is so popular it'll definitely be known by all the staff so just say you want to go and they'll probably let you in. It means you'll start talking to these people AND give you valuable contacts in the industry. This means you could also sell adverts directly to these companies who are essentially your target market.


Problem is those events don't feature Pokémon games so I wouldn't be surprised if they said his site isn't suitable (Dyson went on behalf of his job). But worth trying, definitely.


Although not a place to meet women though. The only ones there are paid to be :p And the wonderful Diane from Girl Gamers.

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I'll be your wingman.

Aha, the wingman role is already filled :P


I will be looking into a part-time job at some point soon, after the next game is out. However, whenever I try, I don't usually get anywhere :/ I shall try though


As for events, like Ashley said, very few will be relevant and so it'd be hard for me to get in.



I'm sure everything will turn around soon, it has to.

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Problem is those events don't feature Pokémon games so I wouldn't be surprised if they said his site isn't suitable (Dyson went on behalf of his job). But worth trying, definitely.

He could always start attending Pokémon competitions.


Though I suppose only ReZ would find the girls there attractive.

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Now now, I've met a few attractive female Pokémon fans in my time. Actually met a massive fan of the site at a party a couple of months back


I think it was a more a comment on the age of the attendees rather than their actual physical appearance... though I guess they go hand in hand to some extent.

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I think it was a more a comment on the age of the attendees rather than their actual physical appearance... though I guess they go hand in hand to some extent.

You'd be surprised, at the events I've gone to, while there were kids, there were more non-kids

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So I replied to the drummer girl taking her up on her offer to hang out with her and her friends. Never heard back. She's normally slow replying, but I'm fairly certain she isn't going to this time.


Strange thing was, she asked what I did for a living in the last message as if she wanted to start a conversation. I replied in my last message and asked what she did. Oh well.

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So I replied to the drummer girl taking her up on her offer to hang out with her and her friends. Never heard back. She's normally slow replying, but I'm fairly certain she isn't going to this time.


Strange thing was, she asked what I did for a living in the last message as if she wanted to start a conversation. I replied in my last message and asked what she did. Oh well.


That's what I've found so often... They seem really keen, asking loads of questions etc, then you just randomly don't get a reply for seemingly no reason.

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That's what I've found so often... They seem really keen, asking loads of questions etc, then you just randomly don't get a reply for seemingly no reason.

God I hate it when that happens.


Sort of texting a girl atm...an old friend, used to have a thing for her but don't really any more (first time, I guess I left it too long and she must have got bored and went with someone else) but still good to talk to.


My friends think I should do her though. They just don't get why I'm not interested

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