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Love? Relationships? Boy girl stuff? Complaints and appraisals! Gifs be welcome.

Kurtle Squad

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Neither is Moogle, to be fair.


If you're so worried about getting murdered, maybe you could arrange a meet and then show up in disguise. And be like, "man, that Serebii sure is terrible, huh?" and then you'll know that any girl who says nice things about you doesn't just like you for your money.


Or maybe rent a pope mobile and drive past every now and then and wave at your loyal community.


I second the pope mobile idea.

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I don't really put myself in a bubble though. I go out as much as possible, socialise as much as possible. It's much easier to do so because of my flexible timings, too. If a friend wants to meet on a random day, I can most likely make it.


I'm not talking about socialising with your friends, I was talking about the opportunity of working with and meeting new people with diverse personalities, which your website/GAF etc doesn't give you. You mentioned that you spoke to a stranger the other day and it was 'progress' but if you had a job that involved working with people on a regularly basis, you'd find that easy as pie.


Oh. And it's all about Squirtle! My girlfriend is playing through Pokemon Fire Red for the first time and she chose Charmander...


She's out the door.

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I'm not talking about socialising with your friends, I was talking about the opportunity of working with and meeting new people with diverse personalities, which your website/GAF etc doesn't give you. You mentioned that you spoke to a stranger the other day and it was 'progress' but if you had a job that involved working with people on a regularly basis, you'd find that easy as pie.


Oh. And it's all about Squirtle! My girlfriend is playing through Pokemon Fire Red for the first time and she chose Charmander...


She's out the door.

Not necessarily. I did used to have a job, and I struggled...

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It does but it takes time. Have you asked your doctor about anti-anxiety medication and/or a referral to psychological services? It's helped me no end. This time last year I couldn't open an email.

I won't allow anything to alter my brain chemistry on a semi-permanent basis. Alcohol is bad enough, but thankfully my mental fortitude is exactly the same when inebriated as sober, I just get a bit more physically active.

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Therapy solves nothing


There's just so much evidence pointing to the contrary of this. The bottom line is, you don't want help.


You don't want to change, you want the world to change around you. Maybe you're a narcissist, who knows. What is your reasoning for avoiding anti-anxiety medication? I use to have them, in fact I only ever used them a couple times but knowing I had them helped to no end.


You need help, the sooner you believe that, the sooner you can get better - feel better.


Why do you think therapy solves nothing? We live in a society where the level of mental health issues have continued to rise. Therapy exists for a reason, a good reason.


What exactly do you want to happen? Do you just want pity?


You're just incredibly frustrating. Utterly self-defeating. Always evasive. You need a wake up call, and I really hope you get one sooner rather than later for your own sake.

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I won't allow anything to alter my brain chemistry on a semi-permanent basis. Alcohol is bad enough, but thankfully my mental fortitude is exactly the same when inebriated as sober, I just get a bit more physically active.


Anti anxiety & anti depression medication is exactly nothing like getting drunk, or high, or anything else of that nature. It is a compound prescribed in small regular doses designed to affect the physiological causes of those conditions. The effect is not immediate but gradual. The therapy is for building a mind set and good mental habits so that you won't have to rely on the medication forever (though you may have to for some time). If you suffer from social anxiety (as you claim) I have literally no idea why you wouldn't want to try to find a solution for that.

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@Serebii. Absolute lol at the idea that therapy doesn't help, I know from first hand evidence that it really fucking does. It creates an environment in which you can challenge your established patterns of thought, something that there is no way, no matter how powerful your mind or will, that you can do by yourself without the help of someone who understands, professionally, the effect of thought on emotion.


Also, apparently knowing nothing about the way SSRIs work you're going to make a clueless judgment call on their worth. All they do is increase post synaptic serotonin, which by itself does precisely nothing. So does a turkey sandwich. The effect it has over time is to actually start hippocampal neurogenesis (a process that's inhibited in depressive/anxious people) - ie. create new brain cells in the part of your brain that deals with storing long term memories. That helps you stop ruminating on anxiogenic and depressive thoughts that've become recurrent and entrenched over time. Which by the way is the exact effect doing thirty minutes of moderate to intense aerobic exercise every day for a few weeks has.


But of course, if you prize your genuinely shit way of thinking, by all means refuse the help medicine can afford you. You haven't gotten as far as admitting that there's a problem.

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Therapy solves nothing


I'm in two minds about this post. I'm unsure whether to feel sorry for you that you feel there is no way to help, or pissed off that you've written off a whole profession at the stroke of some keys and suggested anyone that uses it is wasting their time.


"It wouldn't help me" would be better (but still foolish) but instead you've declared a service that thousands (millions?) use as pointless.


What about the soldier with PTSD? Or the families suffering loss following last week? Or the victims of sexual abuse? Or the increasingly lonely young population? Or someone that has a speech impediment that affects how they perceive themselves? Do you want to go and tell them all that therapy solves nothing?


Even ignoring your strange assumption that anti depressants would damage your brain while you're fine on alcohol (I'm sure someone consuming depressants while down isn't likely to get away without impact as you believe, but if you wish to fine), what about counseling? Having someone to talk to about your problems, having a regular appointment outside of the house, feeling like someone cares about your feelings and wants to help you get better without drugs... why wouldn't you want that? Do you want to keep coming back to this every three years without improvement?


I for one have found counseling to be helpful and I've improved greatly over the last six months. I'm a bit offended by your narrow minded post.

Edited by Ashley
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