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Love? Relationships? Boy girl stuff? Complaints and appraisals! Gifs be welcome.

Kurtle Squad

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Yeah I'm not going to follow anyone's advice that uses the expression "smash girls".

Don't you use the term "Smash Brothers"?


:p I'll get my coat


Seriously though, that term is a bit iffy, however it has, unfortunately, become a colloquialism with young people.

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So you think we should try to be a "generic" guy with no interesting traits, whome these "normal" people will no doubt run away from a few weeks downt he line anyway when you invite them back and they discover your brony collection?


You should see my collection of Bronies.


Everyone has something that could turn out to be a "date killer", I agree with Zechs that you shouldn't be bringing out the "date killer" too soon.


'They call me the "date killer"...and now I'm doing time :('


Yeah I'm not going to follow anyone's advice that uses the expression "smash girls".


What if they're like Smash bros? Damn, pipped by Serebii!

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Was called into action this weekend to 'save' the lady I'm seeing from the horrors of having to sit with her sister, the sister's GF and a friend at drinks. If only I'd been saved as it was one of the strangest nights I've had in a long time. 3 middle aged woman all passing out, having to clean up after one of them because she was sick, and putting the other 2 to bed with the girl. And that was all after I was groped by the sister's 45 year old GF who was creepy all night long, repeatedly staring at me and saying "Oh, he's dead cute isn't he!", calling me Elvis for some reason, going on about how I have pretty eyes (although admittedly that was because the girl had said I have really nice eyes which was surprising and also rather lovely) and groping me on several occasions :weep:


Not quite sure how I'm going to scrub all that from my mind. Still, despite all of that, I did actually have a good time with Sammy (can't keep calling her the lady as it's just that little bit rude). Spent a lot of time talking again before heading to bed at about 7 in the morning and just generally getting on/connecting. So yeah, was kind of worth going through the earlier trauma for that and TBH, if I'm willing to sit through all that then there's clearly something there. Did hate having to go home yesterday evening. She didn't want me to go and I def didn't want to but had to.


So yeah, things seem to be going well. We were talking about how we were out last weekend and how she was a bit anxious meeting one of my friends and was a little socially awkward in not playing pool or dancing but was saying how she is normally like that with meeting new people and generally needs a lot of drink before she can relax and she was saying how she's different around/with me and has never felt that so it appears I'm having a good effect on her and that she clearly likes me :grin:


Still have concerns about where the relationship will go in the long term as the differences are clearly there and noticeable (and plus, she did say Fred Durst was hot so, you know :shakehead) but I'm not going dwell on it too much as we're getting on and having a lot of fun being together and really at the moment, that's all that matters :awesome:

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On point of the thread, I've apparently turned into a bit of a teenage schoolgirl and become a minor wreck of a man, which frankly is rather annoying.


Long story short - I've fallen for a good friend, and whilst it isn't actually new at all(I've liked her for ages) I've never explicitly said anything but a few of us were out at the weekend and I just so...urgh...I just love being around her, and something about the weekend really hit that home with me.

I need to say something, but whenever I've thought I would I just haven't - and part of me is deftly worried that no matter what happens there is just no going back from this. Regardless of what happens, everything's going to change, and I think I'm only just now realising that so much.


It's a classic cliche and I'm sure it's quite common - I would ask folks here if they've been in the same situation and what, if anything, they did? Or more importantly how it went?

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It's a classic cliche and I'm sure it's quite common - I would ask folks here if they've been in the same situation and what, if anything, they did? Or more importantly how it went?


I'm in a similar situation with that lady (in case you don't know: she's a good friend of mine and a mate's ex).


We had lunch a couple of weeks ago and it was awesome. To quote you:


I just love being around her


To quote you again:


Regardless of what happens, everything's going to change


That's the main problem (duh, you know that, of course) and I hate that. No matter what you do/say, everything will change. Either it works out or not, in which case the friendship is at risk.



I can't tell you much about my situation, though. We've only been alone once (lunch) and I don't know how she feels about me.

We'll visit a zoo, soon (date not set, but as soon as we're done with exams it should happen) and I don't know how I could let her know that I'd like this to be a date.


Or more importantly how it went?


Maybe I'll have something to say in one or two weeks. Maybe not ::shrug:



Great, I haven't been of any help to you and I've started rambling about my own problems. Sorry 'bout that :D

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Where at?


Your house. I hope you don't mind.


It's actually at a bar/resturaunt. They have a quiz night on that night, which she liked the idea of.


Now go re-read Zechs' post and for the love of god don't wear your My Little Pony t-shirt.


Bah. I'm wearing my Mass Effect hoodie. That's who I am, and that's who she'll see.

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Actually, regardless of what you think of me I'm someone that never has a problem getting a date. I've been pretty successful over the years with online dating sites and I have pretty high standards.


See, to me, saying you have lots of success on dating sites actually generates totally the opposite image of a good dater. Call me old fashioned, but if you're going through a fair number of dates then it suggests you might not be relationship material, or picking the wrong girls (or maybe the right ones for you). Perhaps you're getting a shag, but then you seem to be outwardly gearing yourself to that (particularly with somewhat derogatory chauvinistic terms like 'bird'). Which, if that's what you want, is totally fine. But to try to give relationship advice when your primary objective seems to be 'to lie in bed with an attractive bird' just seems a bit silly.


We're a sensitive lot and I'm sure most people here are looking for a nice relationship as opposed to just a lay. Also, I disagree with not posting your quirks (aside from super embarassing ones). There has been a dramatic rise in people proud of their alternate interests. Embrace them.

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Bah. I'm wearing my Mass Effect hoodie. That's who I am, and that's who she'll see.


Why not make a bit of an effort? Go all out, take her for a nice meal and make her feel special.


If you value her and want to impress her you should. If a girl is worth taking out then she is worth impressing.


I would never turn up on a date in a hoody as if I cared that little about what a bird thought of me I probably wouldn't be interested in the first place. If someone comes to meet me and looks lovely and has done their hair and make up and chosen a nice outfit I respect that as I can see she has made an effort. If she turned up like a tramp I'd be binning it off as soon as possible.


Making an effort goes both ways. And if you don't try to impress her, there's a good chance in the future if some guy does, you might lose out.


See, to me, saying you have lots of success on dating sites actually generates totally the opposite image of a good dater. Call me old fashioned, but if you're going through a fair number of dates then it suggests you might not be relationship material, or picking the wrong girls (or maybe the right ones for you). Perhaps you're getting a shag, but then you seem to be outwardly gearing yourself to that (particularly with somewhat derogatory chauvinistic terms like 'bird'). Which, if that's what you want, is totally fine. But to try to give relationship advice when your primary objective seems to be 'to lie in bed with an attractive bird' just seems a bit silly.


We're a sensitive lot and I'm sure most people here are looking for a nice relationship as opposed to just a lay. Also, I disagree with not posting your quirks (aside from super embarassing ones). There has been a dramatic rise in people proud of their alternate interests. Embrace them.


Your post made me chuckle. I showed this thread to my secretary. At first she didn't believe me when I said grown men collect My Little Pony dolls, she laughed at the suggestion of ever dating one.

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I'd rather show effort through character than a generic shirt. She's interested me because we share interests, and I feel like my choice of clothing should reflect that.


Why not show effort through both?

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I showed this thread to my secretary. At first she didn't believe me when I said grown men collect My Little Pony dolls, she laughed at the suggestion of ever dating one.


I get what you're saying about effort, I'd dress to impress as well. I definitely won't be digging you out for using the term bird. But one thing I really can not work out, where's this My Little Pony shite come from? Who's the secret collector in here?

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Your post made me chuckle. I showed this thread to my secretary. At first she didn't believe me when I said grown men collect My Little Pony dolls, she laughed at the suggestion of ever dating one.


I don't understand...how did showing her this thread convince her? No one has confessed to wearing/wanting to wear a MLP T-shirt to a date?

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I get what you're saying about effort, I'd dress to impress as well. I definitely won't be digging you out for using the term bird. But one thing I really can not work out, where's this My Little Pony shite come from? Who's the secret collector in here?


Hahaha, it's a piss take - some guys collect My Little Pony dolls, they call themselves 'Bronies' and are utter freaks. But it's just an example (an extreme one) of a hobby or interest that would put off a decent girl and potentially cause someone to run a mile on a first date.


A more realistic thing is that you collect games or gaming memorabilia. I collect retro games, but I realise that mentioning that could well be the 'date killer', so I don't mention it. The last thing I would do is take a girl out for dinner and start explaining the best way to get your hands on a mint version of Castlevania 3 for the NES.


I'm sure there are plenty of people on here who have 'geeky' hobbies - all I'm saying is that people should keep them in the background at first. Talk about things you would have common ground over. When I tell a girl about my games collection it's usually when she's been to mine a couple of times, we have a connection and sees it as quirky or cute, rather than odd.


Once someone has feelings for you, they often view things in a kinder light than they would before they developed feelings for you.


Obviously, if you're into Pokemon and you meet a girl at a Pokemon gathering then you're in the clear, but meeting a regular girl and then starting to tell her all about your Pokemon stuffed toy collection on your first date might well seal the deal that you're not going on a second one!

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