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Love? Relationships? Boy girl stuff? Complaints and appraisals! Gifs be welcome.

Kurtle Squad

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I think I've just realised that I'm not a relationship person. There's something I really hate about being beholden to someone else's schedule when what you really want is to hole up in your cave for a whole week and do nothing but read and listen to music and indulge yourself without the intrusion of having to come up with something interesting to say to another person. I'm definitely a sex person though, so there are mitigating factors. The problem comes when you realise you're with someone pretty much entirely for who they are as a personality rather than how they strike the tuning fork in your loins.

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There's something I really hate about being beholden to someone else's schedule when what you really want is to hole up in your cave for a whole week and do nothing but read and listen to music and indulge yourself without the intrusion of having to come up with something interesting to say to another person.


While I wouldn't use the word hate in that context, I can agree with you to a point.

That's why I'm holding off on asking the lady I've been talking about (or any lady, for that matter) out (no, not because I'm a coward :p ) even though I've kept saying I would.


In the last couple of days I've come to the realization that I currently don't want to be in a relationship.

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While I wouldn't use the word hate in that context, I can agree with you to a point.

That's why I'm holding off on asking the lady I've been talking about (or any lady, for that matter) out (no, not because I'm a coward :p ) even though I've kept saying I would.


In the last couple of days I've come to the realization that I currently don't want to be in a relationship.


Don't get me wrong, the initial excitement of a relationship is like the best experience ever, but like most awful nerds, I sometimes feel like I have a more meaningful relationship with things rather than people. Occasionally I feel like I need the validation of another human being, being a biologically social creature, but I have a hard time dealing with someone who needs to be around me all the fucking time. I'm also too much of a pussy to break up with people without extreme provocation.

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Lately I've been thinking something similar, but rather than saying I "hate" relationships, my notion of what I want from a relationship is incongruous to what seems to be everyone else's expectations. I just want a friend on my demand essentially :heh:

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Don't get me wrong, the initial excitement of a relationship is like the best experience ever, but like most awful nerds, I sometimes feel like I have a more meaningful relationship with things rather than people.


Well, again you put it a bit more drastically than I would :p

I'm not like you - you know with the 'relationship with things rather than people', it's just that right now, I'm rather alone or just with my good friends than being in a relationship with all the obligations that come with it.


But I can understand how you feel, at least to a degree.


@Daft Can I come look at him? I need some pretty men in my life.


Girl, we have a thread for pretty men. :p

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Isn't your girlfriend out being far more successful than you anyway? She never seems to be around whenever I speak to you :heh:


Surely the start of uni will help as she'll make friends and do awesome things and you can go back to your dank pit.


And by dank pit I of course mean the thing that lurks in your underwear.

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Success is a matter of perspective as you obvs know, seeing as your career aspirations consist of dicking around with paper mache. An ambition tragically thwarted by your rainman-like proficiency at punching numbers into Excel :heh:


Definite quarter life crisis happening right now doe.

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No it's all objective and she's better than you #oxigenwaste


Don't mock my Excel skills. I'm this close to freelancing with that rather than animation right now.


Anyway, as I said you'll both be in a different place in a few weeks time. Unless you really feel the need to end it now, see if the UCL-enforced distance helps.

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No it's all objective and she's better than you #oxigenwaste


Don't mock my Excel skills. I'm this close to freelancing with that rather than animation right now.


Anyway, as I said you'll both be in a different place in a few weeks time. Unless you really feel the need to end it now, see if the UCL-enforced distance helps.


Yeah, I'm mostly tempted to freelance with my penis when I get to UCL.

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Holy fuck. I was in the gym as usual. That guy, who is literally the most beautiful thing in and out of existence, is there - standard. He waves at me. I nod and wave back. We've been on waving terms for a few days now; my life is complete. Anyway, we're in the changing room. We both happen to finish our workouts at the same time. I'm casual, whatever, rushing to get back to work on time. I'm heading to the door and he asks me if I come to the gym during my lunch breaks (I'm basically there every day at exactly the same time, so yeah). I'm like, yeah, it's a little tricky but it's the easiest time to come BLAH BLAH BLAH. He asks me what I focus on in the gym. He says I seem to appreciate body weight training type exercises. I'm like, yeah, I started super-setting them more. I used to do parkour, that's when I started incorporating them. I'm amazed, kind of perversely overjoyed that someone who has his shit together when it comes to fitness, appreciates/whatever my routine. Conversation continues. The dude is changing his top in front of me and did I mention just how crushingly hot he is? But I kind of don't care about that at the moment, partly because I'm pretty blasé and partly because he's just really friendly. Got a smile warm enough to thaw the icy surface of Europa. But he's hot. Whatever. Champion. He has this heroic stature. He's exuding confidence. He's glowing...probably because he's just been working out. It's probably the sweat. Anyway, he's finished changing, we leave the changing room together, we're onto the subject of cycling to work. About playing 'the game'; you must cycle faster than everyone on the road. We get to the gym's reception, he's starting work, a personal trainer shift or something. I'm like, it was nice to talk to you. Biggest understatement of the century; if I could marry that moment, I would. We exchange names. We might have shaken hands, I don't remember. I'm just unworthy. He's slightly taller than me so I'm looking up at him, but it's not obvious. I actually make a mental note not to jump him by mistake, instead of saying goodbye. He says he'll see me around the gym. Yeah, he will. I leave, happy that I composed myself in a way befitting of someone who's not insane - which is rare when it comes to godly encounters.




I want this story in its own thread. Chapters of this story. Maybe some photos, or perhaps we can illustrate scenes from it as the story unfolds. Goodness me.


There better be a part two.

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