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Love? Relationships? Boy girl stuff? Complaints and appraisals! Gifs be welcome.

Kurtle Squad

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We (well, I) found out about three weeks or a month ago when he posted on the thread about it, I think.




I hate my brain so much though because now I've started to kind of like someone at work and apparently, we're not allowed to have a relationship at work because if we do, one of us will be moved to another store and, to be honest, we both get along with everybody in this store. I do like her but I can live with it if she doesn't, she's just a genuinely nice girl.


The other girl I've been talking to has spoken to me a little bit but I'm getting the vibe off of her that she isn't as interested as I am. Like at first, it was total interest and it was just so easy to spot but now, I don't know. She's Muslim but I'm not entirely sure on how serious her or her family are about it. I know she did Ramadan but that's about it. I've always said I wouldn't get involved with anybody who is seriously religious because I think it might cause complications if they asked me to convert or if we ever did have kids that they would automatically be religious (to which I would say that my kids would have the right to make up their own mind about their beliefs) but I do like her. What to do...

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We (well, I) found out about three weeks or a month ago when he posted on the thread about it, I think.




I hate my brain so much though because now I've started to kind of like someone at work and apparently, we're not allowed to have a relationship at work because if we do, one of us will be moved to another store and, to be honest, we both get along with everybody in this store. I do like her but I can live with it if she doesn't, she's just a genuinely nice girl.


The other girl I've been talking to has spoken to me a little bit but I'm getting the vibe off of her that she isn't as interested as I am. Like at first, it was total interest and it was just so easy to spot but now, I don't know. She's Muslim but I'm not entirely sure on how serious her or her family are about it. I know she did Ramadan but that's about it. I've always said I wouldn't get involved with anybody who is seriously religious because I think it might cause complications if they asked me to convert or if we ever did have kids that they would automatically be religious (to which I would say that my kids would have the right to make up their own mind about their beliefs) but I do like her. What to do...


What work don't know...

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What work don't know...


I had the same thought but then one of my managers was having a relationship with a worker and pretty much everyone knew (I was one of the first to spot it but never said a word). You can't fart without everybody knowing it was you in there, which is the problem. I don't think she likes me anyway which, as I said and I'm being totally honest, I'm okay with. I just thought she was quite a cool girl.


On the other hand, the other girl seems to be good again. I walked past her yesterday and she beamed at me. I would have stopped by but she had a bunch of customers and I couldn't be late for work. I might see her today, hopefully.


You'd have to move to different places?! That's madness! And if you like her then don't let something like religion hold you back (unless of course it can't be helped, like an unaccepting family or something)


Yeah, it's the most stupid of rules. I spoke to my manager about it (the one who had a relationship) but wouldn't admit it until afterwards but I told him I already knew because I heard them both cuddling and smooching. He denies it, of course, but I know what I heard. I told him it's a ridiculous rule to have but he reckons it's there to prevent any kind of awkwardness after a break-up but the thing they seem to forget is that we're all adults...it doesn't bother me so much but I do think it's a bit crap to have.




Proper cute as hell guy, muscle bound, squats at least 100kg for a working set (wow) came over and said hi to me TWICE over the past few weeks. And he admired my cleans and other weightlifting ;D



I will find out your name and I will stalk you on the internetttttttttt~


Or I could be normal for a change?


Do both. It's a good thing to check him out on the internet if you know his name...


You should show him your squat...


...on his penor.


...or his face! Oh yes, I went there!

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Yeah, it's the most stupid of rules. I spoke to my manager about it (the one who had a relationship) but wouldn't admit it until afterwards but I told him I already knew because I heard them both cuddling and smooching. He denies it, of course, but I know what I heard. I told him it's a ridiculous rule to have but he reckons it's there to prevent any kind of awkwardness after a break-up but the thing they seem to forget is that we're all adults...it doesn't bother me so much but I do think it's a bit crap to have.


Not really... relationships in the work place can be highly disruptive. If they go right, then you have two people who are always looking for excuses to 'sneak off' and do very little. If they go wrong then you have two people who possibly won't work with one another and may infect the whole shop floor with their break up forcing other workers to 'choose sides' and gossip and rumours to spread making working life difficult.


It doesn't matter whether people are adults or not, relationships can bring out the best and the worst in people!

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Not really... relationships in the work place can be highly disruptive. If they go right, then you have two people who are always looking for excuses to 'sneak off' and do very little. If they go wrong then you have two people who possibly won't work with one another and may infect the whole shop floor with their break up forcing other workers to 'choose sides' and gossip and rumours to spread making working life difficult.


It doesn't matter whether people are adults or not, relationships can bring out the best and the worst in people!


I guess so in that way but in another, we're all part-time except for the managers so surely the better thing to do would be to swap shifts over with someone else since our contracts say we must be highly flexible anyway and most of the time, everybody says yes to whatever times there are. It's less hassle and less time. Like, to their credit, the manager who had a relationship didn't exactly doss around, they got on with their work and had the odd time when they were together on their break. To me, it's still like you're at school or something because I could easily still keep it professional and have a relationship in there because all it is is four hours and then after work, it's how much time we want. But I guess not everybody would think the same way as me.

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Not really... relationships in the work place can be highly disruptive. If they go right, then you have two people who are always looking for excuses to 'sneak off' and do very little. If they go wrong then you have two people who possibly won't work with one another and may infect the whole shop floor with their break up forcing other workers to 'choose sides' and gossip and rumours to spread making working life difficult.


It doesn't matter whether people are adults or not, relationships can bring out the best and the worst in people!


My mother met her husband at work and they barely see each other during the day (because they're working).


Granted there's a 20-30 year age difference between Animal and them, but some people can still remain professional.

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Holy fuck. I was in the gym as usual. That guy, who is literally the most beautiful thing in and out of existence, is there - standard. He waves at me. I nod and wave back. We've been on waving terms for a few days now; my life is complete. Anyway, we're in the changing room. We both happen to finish our workouts at the same time. I'm casual, whatever, rushing to get back to work on time. I'm heading to the door and he asks me if I come to the gym during my lunch breaks (I'm basically there every day at exactly the same time, so yeah). I'm like, yeah, it's a little tricky but it's the easiest time to come BLAH BLAH BLAH. He asks me what I focus on in the gym. He says I seem to appreciate body weight training type exercises. I'm like, yeah, I started super-setting them more. I used to do parkour, that's when I started incorporating them. I'm amazed, kind of perversely overjoyed that someone who has his shit together when it comes to fitness, appreciates/whatever my routine. Conversation continues. The dude is changing his top in front of me and did I mention just how crushingly hot he is? But I kind of don't care about that at the moment, partly because I'm pretty blasé and partly because he's just really friendly. Got a smile warm enough to thaw the icy surface of Europa. But he's hot. Whatever. Champion. He has this heroic stature. He's exuding confidence. He's glowing...probably because he's just been working out. It's probably the sweat. Anyway, he's finished changing, we leave the changing room together, we're onto the subject of cycling to work. About playing 'the game'; you must cycle faster than everyone on the road. We get to the gym's reception, he's starting work, a personal trainer shift or something. I'm like, it was nice to talk to you. Biggest understatement of the century; if I could marry that moment, I would. We exchange names. We might have shaken hands, I don't remember. I'm just unworthy. He's slightly taller than me so I'm looking up at him, but it's not obvious. I actually make a mental note not to jump him by mistake, instead of saying goodbye. He says he'll see me around the gym. Yeah, he will. I leave, happy that I composed myself in a way befitting of someone who's not insane - which is rare when it comes to godly encounters.

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See you around the gym... and continue trying to sign you up to personal training sessions?


Regardless, he seems like a great guy who was interested in what you had to say to him. Good luck to you and let's hope he is gay/bi (or is there a more appropriate term to use?)!

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I don't know which to believe but I like your interpretation of the situation.


I promised myself I wouldn't be an optimist. I'm sure I can manage it.


I know salespeople, I was one for a while, and even the most friendly and polite ones (for example my stepfather) would still mention the business side of thing in an initial conversation.




Seriously, what's the point of being cynical? Wouldn't it be better if we were all just enthusiastic?


So be enthusiastic :heh:

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I just want to know how big his beard is.



I think if he was planning to sign you up for pt sessions he would have said something then and there. They earn based on sign up so they wouldn't play 'hard to get' with that kind of thing.

Maybe he knows that Daft prefers it when people aren't too eager.

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I'm pretty certain wasn't trying to sign me up to a personal training session. He already clocked that I'm pretty tight on time. I guess there's always a chance. He didn't give me any work out advice. Hmmm...damn it.


I thought Charlie was talking about some training of the more personal nature tbh ;)

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He's facial hair free. Chest hair free too...if anyone was wondering. In fact...physically, apart from both of us obviously being regulars at the gym, he's kind of the opposite of me. He looks cute and friendly whereas I look like an intimidating hobo constantly on the verge of either a nervous breakdown or a mass murder.


Anyway, the odds of anything happening are sub-atomically-slim to none and in all likelihood he was just being friendly. /backdowntoearth

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He's facial hair free. Chest hair free too...if anyone was wondering. In fact...physically, apart from both of us obviously being regulars at the gym, he's kind of the opposite of me. He looks cute and friendly whereas I look like an intimidating hobo constantly on the verge of either a nervous breakdown or a mass murder.


I promise you you don't. You look like a mild-mannered ZZ Top fan that got lost trying to find the concessions stand.

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