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Kurtle Squad

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Yeah I guess it's pretty straightforward, I just kinda regret it being bigger now(though I haven't helped that). I'll see how tomorrow goes!


I wouldn't worry about it, just have a great time and that will rub off on her (LOL! ReZ!)


Literally, just be yourself. Even if you become a bit of a tit, she might think you're funny and cute or something. Just don't tell her she has a fat arse or something and you're good to go! ;)


I hope you have fun anyway, dude! :D

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Nah literally my concern was kinda ignoring her for half the night. I'd have taken her out already if I had time and whilst this was smaller it would have been a cool and easy space - I'm gonna be dashed all round the pub at this rate though! I might still try and rock the #MissionSerebii on her down the line too!

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Personally with people like that I just let them piss off into their couple world and leave them there when it all goes tits up and they try to come back.

There's a few minor exceptions to the rule; but if you're gonna be that person then no, no thank you ever.


Well that's the thing, its always that way. Although this time it won't be because a) we don't live together any more and/or b) she'll end up marrying him because she seems desperate to get married and he lacks a spine.


I've just hidden all her updates on Facebook. I chose to befriend her, not her curly-moustachioed hipster lover.

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All guys are :p



From now on, I will follow the advice the legendary Vincent Masuka gave someone in Dexter:


When it comes to matters of the heart, always follow your dick.


After quite a few years, I'm well aware of how men, no, people are. ;)


This guy is the man I would like to drop kick into a moving lorry. So let's leave it at that. :nono:

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Ugh, kicking myself for not talking to a girl this morning. Had loads of chances but my legs wouldn't move, ahaha. Been telling myself to do it all week as well and I still couldn't do it. ~_-

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I disabled my account on an online dating site a couple of months ago, I decided to re-start it again tonight after talking with a friend about how I felt it was time to meet someone.


It's probably kinda bad that I don't know how to meet people in real life, right? I'm not really one for going out, apart from to the cinema or out for meals which aren't typically the best places to meet people!

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I disabled my account on an online dating site a couple of months ago, I decided to re-start it again tonight after talking with a friend about how I felt it was time to meet someone.


It's probably kinda bad that I don't know how to meet people in real life, right? I'm not really one for going out, apart from to the cinema or out for meals which aren't typically the best places to meet people!


I feel the same way. I used to be able to talk to women so easily but I took a real bad hit with my last relationship as it ended horribly because of her lies and her mind-playing games and it affected my trust in women a lot! So much so that it took me a couple of years to even remotely trust a woman again. It was a short relationship but it was seriously intense. It felt like I was in it for years and I've never felt that way before. It was extremely odd.


I know how to meet people in real life and I don't exactly find it that hard but it's just the fact that everywhere I seem to go, girls are always coupled up with a guy or I'm just not into them. Meeting girls online is different somehow. It's like you see them and you KNOW they're single, it just saves you from making yourself look like a twat if you approached a girl at the bar to find they're with someone or they're engaged or married or they're a lesbian...yeah...


But don't feel bad about that, I think it's better to meet people online so long as you're not being catfished but even if you meet people in real life, sometimes they're not always what they seem.

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I feel the same way. I used to be able to talk to women so easily but I took a real bad hit with my last relationship as it ended horribly because of her lies and her mind-playing games and it affected my trust in women a lot! So much so that it took me a couple of years to even remotely trust a woman again. It was a short relationship but it was seriously intense. It felt like I was in it for years and I've never felt that way before. It was extremely odd.


I know how to meet people in real life and I don't exactly find it that hard but it's just the fact that everywhere I seem to go, girls are always coupled up with a guy or I'm just not into them. Meeting girls online is different somehow. It's like you see them and you KNOW they're single, it just saves you from making yourself look like a twat if you approached a girl at the bar to find they're with someone or they're engaged or married or they're a lesbian...yeah...


But don't feel bad about that, I think it's better to meet people online so long as you're not being catfished but even if you meet people in real life, sometimes they're not always what they seem.


I think I phrased that wrong, I guess it's not so much not knowing how to meet people but not being confident enough to approach them. If I was out at a bar or something there's no way I'd have the courage to go up to a guy as I'm no where near attractive enough . I think that's why I prefer online dating as although you have pictures up you can read a bit about a person and message them to get to know them.

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If I was out at a bar or something there's no way I'd have the courage to go up to a guy as I'm no where near attractive enough .


Don't think you're unattractive.

There are always people who find you attractive :)

And I don't like going up to a lady who I don't know, too. I do have the courage/confidence to do it but I just don't like it.



Yesterday I got rejected (I think :D) by a girl a friend of mine knows. Wanted to buy her a drink in the club, but she declined and got one herself.

Somehow I still got mixed signals from her, we danced a lot, talked a bit and in the next moment she turns away.

The problem was that I got very drunk very fast so I just let it be, since I didn't want to make a fool out of myself :D


I actually hope I'll see her again sometime, she's cute. Asked my mate to make sure she'll be coming when we go partying in two weeks.

Edited by drahkon
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I think I phrased that wrong, I guess it's not so much not knowing how to meet people but not being confident enough to approach them. If I was out at a bar or something there's no way I'd have the courage to go up to a guy as I'm no where near attractive enough . I think that's why I prefer online dating as although you have pictures up you can read a bit about a person and message them to get to know them.


I'm the same as you. I prefer online dating but never think you're unattractive. That can mess with your confidence something rotten! I'm not exactly a chocolate Leonardo DiCaprio but hell, when I am in my black and silver pin-striped shirt and my blue jeans, bitches know I'm the hottest bastard on the planet! ;)


What dating sites do you guys use? I've used OKCupid but I'm wondering if there's any other good ones out there that'd be cool to use.

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I know I shouldn't, but it's kind of hard not to when you're pretty much rejected every time :p


Don't really know anyone on here so I'm just going to go ahead and share this- I've never been in a relationship. Not one. This may be a large part of the confidence issue!


I've only used OKCupid so far so I can't help much I'm afraid!

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Don't really know anyone on here so I'm just going to go ahead and share this- I've never been in a relationship. Not one. This may be a large part of the confidence issue!


This is actually a lot more common than you think. A large proportion of people I know have never been in a relationship. Although it won't seem that common because, like you, everyone else doesn't want to admit it.


Don't let it bother you. As a guy, it wouldn't bother me in the slightest if a girl had never been in a relationship. And I bet a lot of guys will like the fact.

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I'm 25 and I've never been in a serious relationship. Too much pressure and I wouldn't wish myself on my worst enemies, so I plan to keep it that way.


Also, I find most people kind of boring when you start to dig. It's like no one likes finding new hobbies or learning stuff anymore. Man, I love learning shit.

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Lol, I was thinking about that. I'd agree with dr4khon that 'attractive' is terribly subjective anyway. As for confidence, it's that sort of thing you can't teach or tell someone, it just comes with time and pushing the boundaries bit by bit. Amusingly I was catching up with one of my favourite webcomics this morning, good ol' buttersafe - and came across this one.




I quite like it.

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